Home > Database > Scopus Indexed Journals > Scopus Indexed Business, Management and Accounting Journals List 2025
Are you looking for a list of Scopus Indexed Business, Management and Accounting Journals? Then you are in the right place.
Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed scopus indexed business, management and accounting journals.
In this post, we are providing a selection of top scopus-indexed business, management and accounting publications with high impact.
All of these journals are approved by scopus and are peer-reviewed scholarly journals.
Some of them are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor. Additionally, many of these journals are indexed in various databases like PubMed, Scopus, Embase, DOAJ, Google Scholar, and Web of Science (WOS).
In our list, you can find a collection of scopus indexed business, management and accounting journals without publication fees (APC).
This list includes the best national and international business, management and accounting academic journals. Some of them are top-ranking and highly scientific, with a high H-index and ranking.
For the most recent list of Scopus Indexed Business, Management and Accounting Journals, see the list below.
Journal title | Access Type | ISSN | Payment (APC) |
Academy of Management Annals | Subscription Journal | 1941-6067 | ❌ |
Journal of Finance | Subscription Journal | 1540-6261 | ❌ |
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management | Subscription Journal | 0974-0198 | ❌ |
Journal of Entrepreneurship | Subscription Journal | 0973-0745 | ❌ |
Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Science | Open Access | 2309-8619 | ✅ |
Global Business Review | Subscription Journal | 0973-0664 | ❌ |
Foreign Trade Review | Subscription Journal | 0971-7633 | ❌ |
Vikalpa | Open Access | 2395-3799 | ❌ |
Journal of Management Science and Engineering | Open Access | 2589-5532 | ❌ |
International Journal of Rural Management | Subscription Journal | 0973-0680 | ❌ |
International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management | Subscription Journal | 0976-4348 | ✅ |
FIIB Business Review | Subscription Journal | 2455-2658 | ❌ |
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences | Open Access | 2455-7749 | ✅ |
China Journal of Accounting Research | Open Access | 2214-1421 | ✅ |
Management and Labour Studies | Subscription Journal | 2321-0710 | ❌ |
International Journal of Innovation Studies | Open Access | 2096-2487 | ❌ |
Knowledge Management and E Learning | Open Access | 2073-7904 | ❌ |
Journal of Finance and Data Science | Open Access | 2405-9188 | ✅ |
Indian Journal of Marketing | Subscription Journal | 0973-8703 | ❌ |
Data Science and Management | Subscription Journal | 2666-7649 | ❌ |
Journal of South Asian Development | Subscription Journal | 0973-1733 | ❌ |
Journal of Human Values | Subscription Journal | 0973-0737 | ❌ |
International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems | Subscription Journal | 0974-6250 | ❌ |
Academy of Management Journal | Subscription Journal | 1948-0989 | ❌ |
Journal of Marketing | Subscription Journal | 1547-7185 | ❌ |
Academy of Management Review | Subscription Journal | 1930-3807 | ❌ |
Marketing Science | Subscription Journal | 1526-548X | ✅ |
Journal of Marketing Research | Subscription Journal | 1547-7193 | ❌ |
Journal of Management | Subscription Journal | 1557-1211 | ❌ |
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management | Subscription Journal | 1526-5498 | ✅ |
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior | Subscription Journal | 2327-0616 | ❌ |
Organization Science | Subscription Journal | 1526-5455 | ✅ |
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Subscription Journal | 1552-7824 | ✅ |
Journal of System and Management Sciences | Subscription Journal | 1818-0523 | ❌ |
Review of Corporate Finance Studies | Subscription Journal | 2046-9136 | ✅ |
Management Science | Open Access | 1526-5501 | ✅ |
Review of Financial Studies | Subscription Journal | 1465-7368 | ✅ |
Journal of Business Venturing | Subscription Journal | 1873-2003 | ✅ |
Journal of Service Research | Subscription Journal | 1552-7379 | ✅ |
Academy of Management Perspectives | Subscription Journal | 1943-4529 | ❌ |
Journal of Labor Economics | Subscription Journal | 1537-5307 | ✅ |
Organizational Research Methods | Subscription Journal | 1552-7425 | ✅ |
Strategic Management Journal | Subscription Journal | 1097-0266 | ✅ |
Accounting Review | Subscription Journal | 1558-7967 | ✅ |
Journal of Consumer Research | Subscription Journal | 1537-5277 | ✅ |
Leadership Quarterly | Subscription Journal | 1873-3409 | ✅ |
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | Subscription Journal | 1540-6520 | ✅ |
Review of Finance | Subscription Journal | 1573-692X | ✅ |
Journal of Accounting Research | Open Access | 1475-679X | ✅ |
Journal of International Business Studies | Open Access | 1478-6990 | ✅ |
International Journal of Information Management | Open Access | 0268-4012 | ✅ |
International Organization | Open Access | 1531-5088 | ✅ |
Strategy Science | Subscription Journal | 2333-2077 | ✅ |
Organization Studies | Subscription Journal | 1741-3044 | ✅ |
Journal of Management Studies | Subscription Journal | 1467-6486 | ✅ |
Review of Accounting Studies | Subscription Journal | 1573-7136 | ✅ |
California Management Review | Subscription Journal | 2162-8564 | ✅ |
Strategic Organization | Subscription Journal | 1741-315X | ❌ |
Journal of Interactive Marketing | Subscription Journal | 1520-6653 | ✅ |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | Subscription Journal | 1533-4465 | ❌ |
Journal of Organizational Behavior | Subscription Journal | 1099-1379 | ✅ |
Journal of Supply Chain Management | Subscription Journal | 1745-493X | ✅ |
Journal of Retailing | Subscription Journal | 0022-4359 | ✅ |
IMF Economic Review | Open Access | 2041-417X | ✅ |
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | Subscription Journal | 1756-6916 | ✅ |
European Business Review | Open Access | 0955-534X | ✅ |
Tourism Management | Subscription Journal | 0261-5177 | ✅ |
Human Relations | Subscription Journal | 1741-282X | ✅ |
Annals of Tourism Research | Subscription Journal | 0160-7383 | ✅ |
Personnel Psychology | Subscription Journal | 1744-6570 | ✅ |
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory | Subscription Journal | 1477-9803 | ✅ |
Public Administration Review | Subscription Journal | 1540-6210 | ✅ |
Journal of Travel Research | Subscription Journal | 1552-6763 | ✅ |
Journal of Product Innovation Management | Subscription Journal | 1540-5885 | ✅ |
Human Resource Management Review | Subscription Journal | 1053-4822 | ✅ |
Transportation Research, Part E Logistics and Transportation Review | Subscription Journal | 1366-5545 | ✅ |
Global Strategy Journal | Subscription Journal | 2042-5805 | ✅ |
International Journal of Production Research | Subscription Journal | 1366-588X | ✅ |
Journal of Sustainable Tourism | Subscription Journal | 1747-7646 | ✅ |
Business and Society | Subscription Journal | 1552-4205 | ❌ |
International Journal of Hospitality Management | Subscription Journal | 0278-4319 | ✅ |
Supply Chain Management | Subscription Journal | 1359-8546 | ✅ |
Journal of Service Management | Subscription Journal | 1757-5818 | ✅ |
Business Strategy and the Environment | Subscription Journal | 1099-0836 | ✅ |
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | Subscription Journal | 1095-9920 | ✅ |
ILR Review | Subscription Journal | 2162-271X | ✅ |
International Journal of Management Reviews | Subscription Journal | 1468-2370 | ✅ |
Long Range Planning | Subscription Journal | 1873-1872 | ✅ |
Journal of Human Resources | Subscription Journal | 1548-8004 | ✅ |
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing | Subscription Journal | 2040-7122 | ✅ |
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing | Subscription Journal | 1547-7207 | ✅ |
Information Systems Research | Subscription Journal | 1526-5536 | ✅ |
Journal of World Business | Subscription Journal | 1878-5573 | ✅ |
International Journal of Production Research | Subscription Journal | 1366-588X | ✅ |
Omega | Subscription Journal | 0305-0483 | ✅ |
International Journal of Operations and Production Management | Subscription Journal | 1758-6593 | ✅ |
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal | Subscription Journal | 1932-443X | ✅ |
Journal of Business Logistics | Subscription Journal | 2158-1592 | ✅ |
Tourism Geographies | Subscription Journal | 1470-1340 | ✅ |
Production and Operations Management | Subscription Journal | 1937-5956 | ✅ |
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | Subscription Journal | 0969-6989 | ✅ |
Journal of Interactive Advertising | Subscription Journal | 1525-2019 | ✅ |
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management | Subscription Journal | 0959-6119 | ✅ |
European Journal of Information Systems | Subscription Journal | 1476-9344 | ✅ |
Journal of Management Information Systems | Subscription Journal | 1557-928X | ✅ |
Business Horizons | Subscription Journal | 0007-6813 | ✅ |
International Business Review | Subscription Journal | 1873-6149 | ✅ |
Contemporary Accounting Research | Subscription Journal | 1911-3846 | ✅ |
Accounting Organizations and Society | Subscription Journal | 0361-3682 | ✅ |
Journal of Consumer Psychology | Subscription Journal | 1532-7663 | ✅ |
Technovation | Subscription Journal | 1879-2383 | ✅ |
Organizational Psychology Review | Subscription Journal | 2041-3874 | ✅ |
Journal of Vocational Behavior | Subscription Journal | 1095-9084 | ✅ |
Journal of Business Research | Subscription Journal | 1873-7978 | ✅ |
Journal of Sustainable Tourism | Subscription Journal | 1747-7646 | ✅ |
International Journal of Project Management | Subscription Journal | 0263-7863 | ✅ |
International Small Business Journal | Subscription Journal | 0266-2426 | ✅ |
Gender Work and Organization | Subscription Journal | 1468-0432 | ✅ |
Journal of Knowledge Management | Subscription Journal | 1367-3270 | ✅ |
Industrial Marketing Management | Subscription Journal | 1873-2062 | ✅ |
British Journal of Management | Subscription Journal | 1467-8551 | ✅ |
Technological Forecasting and Social Change | Subscription Journal | 1873-5509 | ✅ |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management | Subscription Journal | 1535-3966 | ✅ |
Journal of Advertising | Subscription Journal | 1557-7805 | ❌ |
Decision Sciences | Subscription Journal | 1540-5915 | ✅ |
Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management | Subscription Journal | 1936-8631 | ✅ |
Journal of Business and Psychology | Subscription Journal | 1573-353X | ✅ |
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management | Subscription Journal | 1478-4092 | ❌ |
Human Resource Management | Subscription Journal | 1099-050X | ✅ |
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management | Subscription Journal | 1741-038X | ✅ |
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management | Subscription Journal | 1741-038X | ✅ |
International Journal of Advertising | Subscription Journal | 1759-3948 | ✅ |
Human Resource Management Journal | Subscription Journal | 1748-8583 | ✅ |
Current Issues in Tourism | Subscription Journal | 1747-7603 | ✅ |
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine | Subscription Journal | 2471-2833 | ✅ |
Review of Public Personnel Administration | Subscription Journal | 1552-759X | ✅ |
Transportation Research Part A Policy and Practice | Subscription Journal | 0965-8564 | ✅ |
Information and Organization | Subscription Journal | 1471-7727 | ✅ |
Service Industries Journal | Subscription Journal | 1743-9507 | ✅ |
Journal of Family Business Strategy | Subscription Journal | 1877-8585 | ✅ |
Work Employment and Society | Subscription Journal | 1469-8722 | ✅ |
Journal of Cleaner Production | Open Access | 1879-1786 | ✅ |
Oeconomia Copernicana | Open Access | 2353-1827 | ✅ |
Journal of Conflict Resolution | Subscription Journal | 3250 | ✅ |
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology | Subscription Journal | 1464-0643 | ✅ |
Organization | Subscription Journal | 1461-7323 | ✅ |
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing | Subscription Journal | 1540-7306 | ✅ |
Business Ethics Quarterly | Subscription Journal | 2153-3326 | ❌ |
Journal of Destination Marketing and Management | Subscription Journal | 2212-5752 | ✅ |
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management | Subscription Journal | 1520-6688 | ✅ |
Fiscal Studies | Subscription Journal | 1475-5890 | ✅ |
Journal of International Marketing | Subscription Journal | 1547-7215 | ✅ |
Psychology and Marketing | Subscription Journal | 1520-6793 | ✅ |
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | Subscription Journal | 2044-8325 | ✅ |
Family Business Review | Subscription Journal | 1741-6248 | ✅ |
Tourism Review | Subscription Journal | 1759-8451 | ✅ |
Journal of Management Inquiry | Subscription Journal | 1552-6542 | ✅ |
Review of International Organizations | Subscription Journal | 1559-744X | ✅ |
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management | Subscription Journal | 0960-0035 | ✅ |
Academy of Management Learning and Education | Subscription Journal | 1944-9585 | ❌ |
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | Subscription Journal | 1464-5114 | ✅ |
Tourism Management Perspectives | Subscription Journal | 2211-9744 | ✅ |
Organization and Environment | Subscription Journal | 1552-7417 | ✅ |
ACM Transactions on Information Systems | Subscription Journal | 1558-2868 | ✅ |
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management | Subscription Journal | 1839-5260 | ❌ |
Journal of International Business Policy | Subscription Journal | 2522-0705 | ❌ |
International Journal of Consumer Studies | Subscription Journal | 1470-6431 | ✅ |
Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal | Open Access | 0951-3574 | ✅ |
Production Planning and Control | Subscription Journal | 1366-5871 | ✅ |
Cities | Subscription Journal | 1873-6084 | ✅ |
Marketing Theory | Subscription Journal | 1741-301X | ✅ |
Human Resource Development Review | Subscription Journal | 1552-6712 | ✅ |
Economy and Society | Subscription Journal | 1469-5766 | ✅ |
Financial Management | Subscription Journal | 1755-053X | ✅ |
New Technology Work and Employment | Subscription Journal | 1468-005X | ✅ |
Journal of Marketing Management | Subscription Journal | 1472-1376 | ✅ |
Real Estate Economics | Subscription Journal | 1540-6229 | ✅ |
European Journal of Marketing | Subscription Journal | 0309-0566 | ✅ |
Journal of Technology Transfer | Subscription Journal | 0892-9912 | ✅ |
European Management Journal | Subscription Journal | 1873-5681 | ✅ |
Work Aging and Retirement | Subscription Journal | 2054-4650 | ✅ |
AMS Review | Subscription Journal | 1869-8182 | ✅ |
Marketing Letters | Subscription Journal | 1573-059X | ✅ |
Journal of Intellectual Capital | Subscription Journal | 1469-1930 | ✅ |
Journal of Services Marketing | Subscription Journal | 0887-6045 | ✅ |
Management Learning | Subscription Journal | 1461-7307 | ✅ |
International Journal of Human Resource Management | Subscription Journal | 1466-4399 | ✅ |
Journal of Small Business Management | Subscription Journal | 1540-627X | ✅ |
Feminist Economics | Subscription Journal | 1466-4372 | ✅ |
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE | Subscription Journal | 1943-5479 | ✅ |
Sport Management Review | Subscription Journal | 1441-3523 | ✅ |
4OR | Subscription Journal | 1614-2411 | ❌ |
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion | Subscription Journal | 2056-5127 | ✅ |
4OR | Subscription Journal | 1614-2411 | ❌ |
Accounting Education | Subscription Journal | 1468-4489 | ✅ |
Accounting Education | Subscription Journal | 1468-4489 | ✅ |
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion | Subscription Journal | 2056-5127 | ✅ |
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion | Subscription Journal | 2056-5127 | ✅ |