Academic Journals List 2025

Are you looking for a list of academic journals? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed academic journals.

Some of these are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor.

Additionally, some journals are indexed in various databases like PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science (WOS).

Before diving into the list, let’s talk about what academic journals are.

Academic journals are specialized publications that contain research articles written by experts in a particular field.

These articles are typically peer-reviewed, meaning they have been evaluated by one or more experts in the same field to ensure their quality and accuracy.

For an updated list of academic journals, see the list below.

Academic Journals List

ISSN Impact Factor SJR
2D Materials 2053-1583 5.5 1.631
3 Biotech 2190-5738 2.6 0.563
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 2329-7670 2.3 0.646
3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature 2550-2247 0.6 0.323
452°F 2013-3294 0.1 0.115
4OR 1614-2411 1.7 0.661
A e C - Revista de Direito Administrativo e Constitucional 1984-4182 0.2 0.402
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 2151-7290 0.176
AAA - Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 0171-5410 0.1 0.145
AAC: Augmentative and Alternative Communication 1477-3848 2.1 0.548
AAPG Bulletin 0149-1423 2.7 1.252
AAPPS Bulletin 2309-4710 1.233
AAPS Journal 1550-7416 5.0 0.970
AAPS PharmSciTech 1530-9932 3.4 0.561
AAS Open Research 2515-9321 0.330
Abdominal Radiology 2366-0058 2.3 0.780
aBIOTECH 2662-1738 4.6 1.328
Academic Medicine 1938-808X 5.3 1.560
Academic Pediatrics 1876-2867 3.0 1.241
Academic Radiology 1878-4046 3.8 1.062
Academy of Management Discoveries 2168-1007 4.3 3.803
Academy of Management Journal 1948-0989 16.178 10.910
Academy of Management Learning and Education 1944-9585 4.8 2.007
Academy of Management Perspectives 1943-4529 7.2 4.569
Academy of Management Review 1930-3807 19.3 10.486
Accident Analysis and Prevention 1879-2057 5.7 1.897
Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal 0951-3574 4.6 1.847
Accounting Education 1468-4489 2.5 0.905
Accounting Historians Journal 2327-4468 1.2 0.313
Accounting History Review 2155-286X 0.8 0.198
Accounting Horizons 1558-7975 2.2 1.178
Accounting Organizations and Society 0361-3682 3.6 2.208
Accounting Review 1558-7967 4.4 4.640
Accounts of Chemical Research 1520-4898 16.4 5.948
Accounts of Materials Research 2643-6728 14.0 4.403
ACM Computing Surveys 1557-7341 23.8 6.280
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 1549-6333 0.9 1.555
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 1556-4703 2.2 0.613
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory 1942-3462 0.8 0.997
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 1557-7325 4.8 1.842
ACM Transactions on Computing Education 1946-6226 3.2 1.083
ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare 2637-8051 1.490
ACM Transactions on Database Systems 1557-4644 2.2 1.730
ACM Transactions on Graphics 1557-7368 7.8 7.766
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction 2573-9522 4.2 1.342
ACM Transactions on Information Systems 1558-2868 5.6 1.864
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 2157-6912 7.2 1.882
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 1557-6051 3.9 1.449
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 1556-4681 4.0 1.303
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 1551-6865 5.2 1.399
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems 1936-7414 3.1 0.802
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 1550-4859 3.9 1.130
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 1557-7392 6.6 1.853
ACR Open Rheumatology 2578-5745 2.9 1.161
Across Languages and Cultures 1588-2519 1.0 0.671
ACS Applied Bio Materials 2576-6422 4.6 0.900
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2574-0962 5.4 1.467
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 1944-8252 8.3 2.058
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2574-0970 5.3 1.134
ACS Bio and Med Chem Au 2694-2437 3.8 1.036
ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 2373-9878 5.4 1.086
ACS Catalysis 2155-5435 11.3 3.847
ACS Central Science 2374-7951 12.7 3.722
ACS Chemical Biology 1554-8937 3.5 1.344
ACS Chemical Neuroscience 1948-7193 4.1 1.060
ACS Energy Letters 2380-8195 19.3 7.202
ACS Environmental Au 2694-2518 6.7 2.043
ACS ES and T Engineering 2690-0645 7.4 1.932
ACS Infectious Diseases 2373-8227 4.0 1.179
ACS Macro Letters 2161-1653 5.1 1.491
ACS Materials Au 2694-2461 5.7 1.505
ACS Materials Letters 2639-4979 9.6 3.003
ACS Measurement Science Au 2694-250X 4.6 0.849
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 1948-5875 3.5 0.883
ACS Nano 1936-086X 15.8 4.593
ACS Nanoscience Au 2694-2496 4.8 1.210
ACS Organic and Inorganic Au 2694-247X 3.3 0.851
ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science 2575-9108 4.9 1.286
ACS Photonics 2330-4022 6.5 2.089
ACS Physical Chemistry Au 2694-2445 3.7 0.951
ACS Sensors 2379-3694 8.2 1.701
ACS Synthetic Biology 2161-5063 3.7 1.289
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B Soil and Plant Science 1651-1913 1.7 0.403
Acta Analytica 1874-6349 0.3 0.357
Acta Astronautica 0094-5765 3.1 1.106
Acta Biologica Sibirica 2412-1908 0.433
Acta Biomaterialia 1878-7568 9.4 1.925
Acta Biotheoretica 1572-8358 1.4 0.321
Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology 2059-7983 2.6 1.568
Acta Dermato-Venereologica 1651-2057 3.5 1.015
Acta Diabetologica 1432-5233 3.1 0.980
Acta Ecologica Sinica 1872-2032 4.7 0.479
Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica 1001-1595 0.411
Acta Geologica Sinica 1755-6724 3.5 0.505
Acta Geotechnica 1861-1133 5.6 2.089
Acta Historiae Artis Slovenica 1408-0419 0.257
Acta Histriae 1318-0185 0.5 0.619
Acta Linguistica Academica 2559-8201 0.5 0.344
Acta Materialia 1359-6454 8.3 2.916
Acta Mathematica 0001-5962 4.9 4.814
Acta Mathematica Scientia 1572-9087 1.2 0.653
Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao 1614-3116 3.8 0.809
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 1860-2134 2.0 0.511
Acta Metallurgica Sinica 1006-7191 2.9 0.732
Acta Neophilologica 2350-417X 0.4 0.378
Acta Neurochirurgica 0942-0940 1.9 0.795
Acta Neuropathologica 1432-0533 9.3 4.720
Acta neuropathologica communications 2051-5960 6.2 2.580
Acta Numerica 1474-0508 16.3 8.913
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1600-0412 3.5 1.384
Acta Ophthalmologica 1755-3768 3.0 1.404
Acta Orientalia 1588-2667 0.1 0.302
Acta Orthopaedica 1745-3682 2.5 1.278
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 1017-995X 1.1 0.397
Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 1827-675X 2.1 0.606
Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics 1651-2227 2.4 0.847
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 1732-2421 1.8 0.604
ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem 1982-0194 1.1 0.323
Acta Pedologica Sinica 0564-3929 0.392
Acta Petrologica Sinica 2095-8927 1.7 0.626
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2211-3843 14.7 3.035
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 1745-7254 6.9 1.882
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 1861-1664 2.4 0.540
Acta Physiologica 1748-1716 5.6 1.433
Acta Politica 0001-6810 1.4 0.585
Acta Protozoologica 1689-0027 1.5 0.592
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 1600-0447 5.3 2.615
Acta Psychologica 1873-6297 2.1 0.700
Acta Sedimentologica Sinica 1000-0550 0.642
Acta Sociologica 1502-3869 1.3 0.883
Acta Tropica 1873-6254 2.1 0.708
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1751-0147 1.9 0.510
Active Learning in Higher Education 1741-2625 3.8 1.494
Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art 2312-2129 0.189
Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine 2765-8619 0.678
Ad Hoc Networks 1570-8705 4.4 1.342
Adaptation 1755-0645 0.5 0.172
Adaptive Behavior 1741-2633 1.2 0.562
Addiction 1360-0443 6.0 2.177
Addiction Biology 1369-1600 3.1 1.154
Addiction science & clinical practice 1940-0640 3.7 1.307
Additive Manufacturing 2214-8604 10.3 2.837
Additive Manufacturing Letters 2772-3690 4.2 1.094
Adipocyte 2162-397X 3.5 0.960
ADMET and DMPK 1848-7718 3.4 0.533
Administratie si Management Public 2559-6489 0.363
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 1573-3289 2.0 0.942
Administration and Society 1552-3039 3.2 1.095
Administrative Science Quarterly 1930-3815 8.3 14.175
Adolescent Research Review 2363-8354 4.7 2.229
Advanced Agrochem 2773-2371 0.738
Advanced Biology 2701-0198 3.2 0.993
Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials 2522-0136 23.2 3.623
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 1872-8294 15.2 3.411
Advanced Electronic Materials 2199-160X 5.3 1.689
Advanced Energy Materials 1614-6840 24.4 8.748
Advanced Engineering Informatics 1873-5320 8.8 1.709
Advanced Fiber Materials 2524-793X 17.2 3.398
Advanced Functional Materials 1616-301X 18.5 5.496
Advanced healthcare materials 2192-2659 10.0 2.337
Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 2542-5048 9.9 2.234
Advanced Materials 1521-4095 27.4 9.191
Advanced Materials Interfaces 2196-7350 4.3 1.194
Advanced Materials Technologies 2365-709X 6.4 1.694
Advanced Membranes 2772-8234 1.346
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2213-7467 2.0 0.741
Advanced Nonlinear Studies 2169-0375 2.1 1.976
Advanced Optical Materials 2195-1071 8.0 2.216
Advanced Photonics 2577-5421 20.6 5.361
Advanced Powder Materials 2772-834X 28.6 6.197
Advanced Powder Technology 1568-5527 4.2 0.813
Advanced Quantum Technologies 2511-9044 4.4 1.609
Advanced Science 2198-3844 14.3 3.914
Advanced Steel Construction 1816-112X 1.7 0.512
Advanced Sustainable Systems 2366-7486 6.5 1.449
Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 1615-4169 4.4 1.020
Advanced Therapeutics 2366-3987 3.7 1.063
Advances in Aerodynamics 2524-6992 2.9 0.773
Advances in Anatomic Pathology 1533-4031 5.1 1.600
Advances in Anatomy Embryology and Cell Biology 0301-5556 2.660
Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6761 1.3 0.342
Advances in Applied Energy 2666-7924 13.0 3.788
Advances in Applied Mathematics 1090-2074 1.0 0.733
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2075-1354 1.5 0.531
Advances in Archaeological Practice 2326-3768 1.9 0.810
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 1861-9533 6.5 1.846
Advances in Calculus of Variations 1864-8266 1.3 1.618
Advances in Climate Change Research 2524-1761 6.4 1.551
Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2451-2680 2.1 0.535
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 0001-8686 15.9 2.656
Advances in Combinatorics 2517-5599 1.857
Advances in Complex Systems 1793-6802 0.7 0.224
Advances in Computational Mathematics 1572-9044 1.7 0.995
Advances in Concrete Construction 2287-531X 2.2 0.452
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2208-598X 9.0 1.565
Advances in Health Sciences Education 1573-1677 3.0 1.452
Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 2666-9129 3.9 0.826
Advances in Manufacturing 2195-3597 4.2 1.065
Advances in Mathematics 1090-2082 1.5 2.022
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2515-2467 15.6 6.269
Advances in neurobiology 2190-5215 1.159
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 2191-950X 3.2 1.860
Advances in Nursing Science 1550-5014 1.6 0.462
Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 8.0 2.249
Advances in Optics and Photonics 1943-8206 25.2 8.735
Advances in Physics 1460-6976 12.034
Advances in Physics X 2374-6149 7.7 2.023
Advances in Rheumatology 2523-3106 2.0 0.704
Advances in Simulation 2059-0628 2.8 0.759
Advances in Social Work 2331-4125 0.468
Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography 2364-3587 1.129
Advances in Therapy 1865-8652 3.4 1.089
Advances in Water Resources 0309-1708 4.0 1.194
Advances in Wound Care 2162-1934 5.8 1.316
Adversity and Resilience Science 2662-2416 1.476
AEM Education and Training 2472-5390 1.7 0.603
Aeolian Research 1875-9637 3.1 0.769
AERA Open 2332-8584 3.5 1.584
Aerospace Science and Technology 1270-9638 5.0 1.490
AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 1549-4950 1.1 0.434
Aesthetic Surgery Journal 1527-330X 3.0 1.274
Affective Science 2662-205X 2.1 1.377
Affilia - Feminist Inquiry in Social Work 1552-3020 2.3 0.839
African Affairs 1468-2621 1.9 0.686
African Archaeological Review 1572-9842 2.0 0.834
African Development Review 1467-8268 3.1 0.829
African Identities 1472-5851 0.245
African Studies Review 0002-0206 0.8 0.365
Age and Ageing 1468-2834 6.0 1.696
Ageing and Society 1469-1779 2.3 1.026
Ageing Research Reviews 1872-9649 12.5 3.376
Aggregate 2692-4560 13.9 3.994
Aggressive Behavior 1098-2337 2.7 1.021
Aging and Disease 2152-5250 7.4 1.682
Aging and Mental Health 1364-6915 2.8 1.403
Aging Cell 1474-9726 8.0 2.904
Agrekon 2078-0400 1.6 0.355
Agribusiness 1520-6297 2.1 0.843
Agricultural and Food Economics 2193-7532 4.0 0.780
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 0168-1923 5.6 1.677
Agricultural Economics (United Kingdom) 1574-0862 4.5 1.601
Agricultural History 0002-1482 0.4 0.276
Agricultural Systems 1873-2267 6.1 1.585
Agricultural Water Management 1873-2283 5.9 1.579
Agriculture and Food Security 2048-7010 0.836
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 0167-8809 6.0 1.744
AgriEngineering 2624-7402 3.0 0.506
Agroforestry Systems 1572-9680 2.0 0.508
Agua y Territorio 2340-7743 0.8 0.250
Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah 2407-8646 0.680
AI and Society 1435-5655 2.9 0.976
AI Open 2666-6510 8.119
AIAA Journal 1533-385X 2.1 1.023
AIDS Patient Care and STDs 1557-7449 4.9 1.638
AJOB Empirical Bioethics 2329-4523 0.463
Al-Qantara 1988-2955 0.4 0.180
Alcohol Research Current Reviews 2169-4796 9.4 2.617
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1365-2036 6.6 2.794
All Azimuth 2146-7757 0.7 0.734
Allergology International 1440-1592 6.2 1.658
Allergy European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1398-9995 12.6 3.073
Alpine Botany 1664-221X 2.6 0.794
AlterNative 1174-1740 1.6 0.594
Alzheimers and Dementia 1552-5279 14.0 3.488
Alzheimers and Dementia Diagnosis Assessment and Disease Monitoring 2352-8729 5.3 1.847
Alzheimers and Dementia Translational Research and Clinical Interventions 2352-8737 4.8 1.800
Alzheimers Research and Therapy 1758-9193 9.2 2.650
Ambio 1654-7209 5.8 1.786
American Economic Journal Economic Policy 1945-774X 8.175
American Economic Journal Macroeconomics 1945-7715 10.871
American Economic Journal Microeconomics 1945-7685 5.156
American Educational Research Journal 1935-1011 3.6 2.234
American Heart Journal 1097-6744 4.8 2.155
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 1467-8276 4.2 2.075
American Journal of Clinical Dermatology 1175-0561 7.4 2.072
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1938-3207 7.1 1.960
American Journal of Criminal Justice 1936-1351 5.6 1.589
American Journal of Epidemiology 1476-6256 5.8 1.808
American Journal of Gastroenterology 1572-0241 9.8 2.423
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 1545-7214 7.2 2.021
American Journal of Hematology 1096-8652 12.8 2.901
American Journal of Human Genetics 1537-6605 9.8 4.943
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 1523-6838 13.2 2.969
American Journal of Mathematics 1080-6377 1.7 2.105
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1097-6868 9.8 3.068
American Journal of Ophthalmology 1879-1891 4.2 1.895
American Journal of Pathology 1525-2191 6 1.600
American Journal of Political Science 1540-5907 4.2 4.963
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 1873-2607 5.5 2.181
American Journal of Psychiatry 1535-7228 17.7 4.231
American Journal of Public Health 1541-0048 12.7 2.645
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1535-4970 24.7 6.237
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 1535-4989 6.4 1.805
American Journal of Sociology 1537-5390 4.4 2.884
American Journal of Sports Medicine 1552-3365 4.8 2.477
American Journal of Surgical Pathology 1532-0979 5.6 2.064
American Journal of Transplantation 1600-6143 8.039 2.776
American Political Science Review 0003-0554 8.5 7.734
American Psychologist 1935-990X 16.4 3.363
American Sociological Review 1939-8271 9.1 7.412
American Statistician 1537-2731 6.4 2.373
AMS Review 1869-8182 1.687
Anaesthesia 1365-2044 10.7 2.473
Analysis and PDE 1948-206X 2.818
Analytic Methods in Accident Research 2213-6665 12.9 5.170
Analytical Chemistry 1520-6882 7.4 1.733
Anesthesiology 1528-1175 8.8 1.706
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 1521-3773 16.6 5.573
Animal Nutrition 2405-6383 6.3 1.120
Annals of Applied Probability 2168-8737 1.703 1.971
Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 0974-5181 0.9 0.399
Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2304-1021 0.512
Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 2328-9503 5.3 1.885
Annals of Epidemiology 1873-2585 5.6 1.833
Annals of Internal Medicine 1539-3704 39.2 3.845
Annals of Mathematics 1939-8980 4.795 6.760
Annals of Neurology 1531-8249 11.2 3.977
Annals of Oncology 1569-8041 50.5 11.945
Annals of Palliative Medicine 2224-5839 0.375
Annals of Probability 2168-894X 2.3 3.099
Annals of Statistics 2168-8966 5.219
Annals of Surgery 1528-1140 9.0 2.951
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 2469-4460 4.7 1.654
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2325-6621 8.3 2.300
Annals of the International Communication Association 2380-8977 2.499
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1749-6632 5.2 1.626
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 1468-2060 27.4 6.489
Annals of Thoracic Medicine 1998-3557 2.3 0.476
Annals of Tourism Research 0160-7383 13.2 3.426
Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 1936-1335 8 2.263
Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 2165-8110 12 3.696
Annual Review of Biochemistry 1545-4509 16.6 11.154
Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 1545-4274 9.7 2.927
Annual Review of Biophysics 1936-1238 12.4 6.926
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 1530-8995 11.3 6.627
Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 1947-5446 8.4 2.294
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 1548-5951 18.4 6.744
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 1947-5462 22.6 10.687
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 2573-5144 13.4 3.891
Annual Review of Criminology 2572-4568 6.9 2.580
Annual Review of Economics 1941-1391 5.6 10.247
Annual Review of Entomology 1545-4487 23.8 5.655
Annual Review of Financial Economics 1941-1375 3.2 2.053
Annual Review of Food Science and Technology 1941-1421 12.4 2.061
Annual Review of Genetics 1545-2948 11.1 7.340
Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 1545-293X 8.7 5.196
Annual Review of Immunology 1545-3278 29.7 15.262
Annual Review of Marine Science 1941-0611 17.3 5.097
Annual Review of Medicine 1545-326X 10.5 4.233
Annual Review of Microbiology 1545-3251 10.5 5.436
Annual Review of Neuroscience 1545-4126 13.9 8.389
Annual Review of Nutrition 1545-4312 8.9 2.643
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 2327-0616 13.7 7.036
Annual Review of Pathology Mechanisms of Disease 1553-4014 36.2 8.628
Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 1545-4304 12.5 3.902
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 1545-1593 14.7 4.232
Annual Review of Physiology 1545-1585 18.2 6.429
Annual Review of Phytopathology 1545-2107 10.2 3.379
Annual Review of Plant Biology 1545-2123 23.9 8.131
Annual Review of Psychology 1545-2085 24.8 9.226
Annual Review of Public Health 1545-2093 20.8 9.963
Annual Review of Resource Economics 1941-1359 5.8 2.602
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 2326-831X 7.9 3.896
Annual Review of Virology 2327-0578 11.3 4.654
Annual Review of Vision Science 2374-4650 6 2.727
Annual Reviews in Control 1367-5788 9.4 3.343
Antibody Therapeutics 2516-4236 1.648
Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 1557-7716 6.6 1.706
Antipode 1467-8330 5.0 2.504
APL Materials 2166-532X 6.1 1.662
APL Photonics 2378-0967 5.6 1.949
Applied Developmental Science 1532-480X 3.8 1.818
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 2040-5804 5.8 2.051
Applied Energy 0306-2619 11.2 2.907
Applied Linguistics 1477-450X 5.6 1.710
Applied Physics Reviews 1931-9401 15 4.143
Applied Psychology 1464-0597 7.2 2.279
Applied Psychology Health and Well Being 1758-0854 6.9 2.053
Applied Thermal Engineering 1873-5606 6.4 1.559
Aquaculture and Fisheries 2468-550X 3.60 0.647
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1432-0673 2.5 3.041
Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal Edition 1468-2052 4.4 1.861
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 1524-4636 8.7 2.798
Arthritis and Rheumatology 2326-5205 13.3 3.788
Arthritis Care and Research 2151-4658 4.7 1.718
Arthritis Research and Therapy 1478-6362 5.7 1.592
Arthroscopy Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 1526-3231 4.6 2.006
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 2589-7217 10.26 1.202
Asian Herpetological Research 2095-0357 1.58 0.609
Asian Journal of Andrology 1008-682X 3.054 0.617
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2221-285X 10.2 1.283
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 1469-297X 4.8 2.079
Astronomical Journal 1538-3881 5.3 2.025
Astrophysical Journal 1538-4357 4.9 1.925
Astrophysical Journal Letters 2041-8213 7.9 2.726
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 1538-4365 8.7 3.086
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1440-1614 5.2 1.821
Autism 1461-7005 6.2 1.767
Autism in Adulthood 2573-959X 6.8 3.057
Automatica 0005-1098 6.4 3.657
Autophagy 1554-8635 13.3 3.456
AVS Quantum Science 2639-0213 3.413
Bayesian Analysis 1931-6690 3.728 1.990
Behavior Research Methods 1554-3528 5.4 2.753
Behaviour Research and Therapy 1873-622X 4.1 1.787
Big Data and Society 2053-9517 9.2 2.389
Big Data Mining and Analytics 2096-0654 13.6 2.533
BioDrugs 1179-190X 6.4 1.646
Biofabrication 1758-5090 9 1.534
Bioinformatics 1367-4811 5.8 2.940
Biological Psychiatry 1873-2402 10.6 3.768
Biological Psychiatry Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 2451-9030 5.9 1.997
Biological Reviews 1469-185X 10.0 4.388
Biology of Sex Differences 2042-6410 7.9 1.961
Biomarker Research 2050-7771 9.6 2.379
Biomaterials 1878-5905 14 2.716
Biomaterials Research 2055-7124 11.3 1.796
Biometrika 1464-3510 3.2 3.566
Bioresource Technology 1873-2976 11.4 2.473
BioScience 1525-3244 10.1 2.420
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 1873-4235 12.6 2.194
Biostatistics 1468-4357 3.8 2.248
Biotechnology Advances 1873-1899 16 2.629
BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1471-0528 5.8 2.203
BJPsych Open 2056-4724 4.6 1.622
Blockchain Research and Applications 2666-9536 8.42 1.461
Blood 1528-0020 20.3 4.927
Blood Advances 2473-9537 7.5 3.070
Blood Cancer Journal 2044-5385 12.8 3.699
Blood Reviews 1532-1681 7.4 2.803
BMC Biology 1741-7007 7.1 2.324
BMC Medical Research Methodology 1471-2288 7.0 1.778
BMC Medicine 1741-7015 10.4 3.447
BMJ Open Respiratory Research 2052-4439 4.1 1.594
BMJ Quality and Safety 2044-5423 5.7 1.795
Bone and Joint Journal 2049-4408 4.6 2.149
Bone and Joint Research 2046-3758 4.6 1.607
Brain 1460-2156 14.6 4.437
Brain Behavior and Immunity 1090-2139 15.1 3.033
Brain Hemorrhages 2589-238X 0.427
Brain Pathology 1750-3639 6.4 2.058
Brain Stimulation 1876-4754 7.7 2.184
Breast Cancer Research 1465-542X 7.4 2.408
Briefings in Bioinformatics 1477-4054 9.5 2.163
British Journal of Anaesthesia 1471-6771 9.8 2.487
British Journal of Cancer 1532-1827 8.4 2.867
British Journal of Dermatology 1365-2133 11.11 2.254
British Journal of Educational Technology 1467-8535 6.6 2.116
British Journal of Haematology 1365-2141 6.5 1.628
British Journal of Health Psychology 2044-8287 7.9 2.371
British Journal of Management 1467-8551 5.6 2.153
British Journal of Ophthalmology 1468-2079 4.1 1.733
British Journal of Pharmacology 1476-5381 7.3 2.019
British Journal of Political Science 1469-2112 5 3.893
British Journal of Psychiatry 1472-1465 10.5 2.597
British Journal of Psychology 2044-8295 4 1.633
British Journal of Social Psychology 2044-8309 5.4 2.117
British Journal of Sports Medicine 1473-0480 18.4 4.764
British Journal of Surgery 1365-2168 6.939 2.108
British Medical Bulletin 1471-8391 6.5 1.593
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1533-4465 4.021
Building and Environment 1873-684X 7.4 1.584
Building Simulation 1996-8744 6.19 1.171
Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 1664-3615 0.97 0.646
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 1520-0477 8.0 2.418
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 1943-2674 4.9 2.170
Business and Society 1552-4205 7.7 2.965
Business Ethics Quarterly 2153-3326 4.5 1.947
Business Horizons 0007-6813 7.4 2.475
Business Strategy and the Environment 1099-0836 13.4 2.870
Ca A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 1542-4863 254.7 86.091
California Management Review 2162-8564 10.0 4.170
Canadian Journal of Political Science 1744-9324 2.4 1.621
Cancer 1097-0142 6.2 2.736
Cancer Biology and Medicine 2095-3941 6.35 1.466
Cancer Communications 2523-3548 16.2 2.677
Cancer Discovery 2159-8290 28.2 7.268
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 1538-7755 3.8 1.923
Cancer Immunology Research 2326-6074 10.1 3.552
Cancer Research 1538-7445 11.2 2.984
Cancer Research Statistics and Treatment 2590-3225 0.286
Cancer Treatment Reviews 0305-7372 11.8 3.589
Carbohydrate Polymers 1879-1344 11.2 1.726
Carbon 0008-6223 10.9 2.100
Carbon Energy 2637-9368 20.5 4.571
Carbon Resources Conversion 2588-9133 6 1.051
Cardiovascular Diabetology 1475-2840 9.6 2.361
Cardiovascular Research 1755-3245 10.8 2.481
CCS Chemistry 2096-5745 11.2 3.030
Cell and Bioscience 2045-3701 7.9 1.751
Cell Chemical Biology 2451-9456 8.6 2.541
Cell Communication and Signaling 1478-811X 8.0 1.868
Cell Death and Differentiation 1476-5403 13.3 3.558
Cell Death and Disease 2041-4889 9.2 2.188
Cell Death Discovery 2058-7716 6.6 1.545
Cell Discovery 2056-5968 21.9 4.179
Cell Genomics 2666-979X 4.863
Cell Host and Microbe 1934-6069 30.1 10.227
Cell Metabolism 1932-7420 31.3 10.037
Cell Proliferation 1365-2184 8.5 1.681