Academic Journals List 2025

Are you looking for a list of academic journals? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed academic journals.

Some of these are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor.

Additionally, some journals are indexed in various databases like PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science (WOS).

Before diving into the list, let’s talk about what academic journals are.

Academic journals are specialized publications that contain research articles written by experts in a particular field.

These articles are typically peer-reviewed, meaning they have been evaluated by one or more experts in the same field to ensure their quality and accuracy.

For an updated list of academic journals, see the list below.

Academic Journals List

ISSN Impact Factor SJR
International Journal of Cancer 1097-0215 6.4 2.259
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 2666-3074 8.35 1.015
International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 1556-1615 4.3 2.158
International Journal of Consumer Studies 1470-6431 9.9 1.753
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 0959-6119 2.500
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 1879-3517 5.2 1.533
International Journal of Engineering Science 0020-7225 6.6 2.082
International Journal of Epidemiology 1464-3685 9.7 2.815
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing 2631-7990 14.7 2.304
International Journal of Fatigue 1879-3452 6 1.504
International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks 2577-445X 3.91 0.708
International Journal of Hospitality Management 0278-4319 11.7 2.928
International Journal of Human Resource Management 1466-4399 6.2 1.571
International Journal of Impact Engineering 0734-743X 5.1 1.502
International Journal of Information Management 0268-4012 21 4.906
International Journal of Innovation Studies 2096-2487 6.48 0.687
International Journal of Intelligent Networks 2666-6030 7.50 0.760
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 2588-8404 5.59 0.777
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 0890-6955 14 3.579
International Journal of Management Reviews 1468-2370 8.1 2.857
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 1879-2162 7.3 1.532
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 1869-103X 3.7 0.854
International Journal of Nursing Studies 1873-491X 8.1 1.774
International Journal of Operations and Production Management 1758-6593 9.9 2.618
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2227-4898 1.34 0.565
International journal of oral science 2049-3169 14.9 2.603
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 0960-0035 8.6 1.795
International Journal of Plasticity 0749-6419 9.8 2.840
International Journal of Plastics Technology 0975-072X 1.00 0.478
International Journal of Press Politics 1940-1620 4.8 2.412
International Journal of Production Research 1366-588X 8.8 2.976
International Journal of Project Management 0263-7863 8 2.333
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 1879-355X 7 2.090
International Journal of Robotics Research 1741-3176 9.2 2.729
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Minings Sciences 1365-1609 7.2 1.965
International Journal of Social Psychiatry 1741-2854 5.8 1.984
International Journal of Stroke 1747-4949 6.5 1.952
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 0309-1317 3.3 2.149
International Materials Reviews 1743-2804 18.6 3.206
International Migration Review 1747-7379 3.8 1.626
International Organization 1531-5088 7.8 4.798
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology 1937-6448 6.8 2.001
International Review of Financial Analysis 1057-5219 8.2 1.881
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1750-9858 9.6 1.711
International Security 1531-4804 5 2.694
International Small Business Journal 0266-2426 7.6 2.257
International Studies 0973-0702 0.280
Internet and Higher Education 1096-7516 8.6 3.327
Internet Research 1066-2243 7.9 1.650
Investigative Radiology 1536-0210 6.7 2.414
Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research 2228-5504 1.1 0.338
ISA Transactions 1879-2022 7.3 1.588
iScience 2589-0042 5.8 1.624
ISME Journal 1751-7370 12.3 3.619
IUCrJ 2052-2525 3.9 3.072
JACC Basic to Translational Science 2452-302X 9.7 2.629
JACC CardioOncology 2666-0873 11.1 2.440
JACC Cardiovascular Imaging 1876-7591 14 4.435
JACC Cardiovascular Interventions 1876-7605 11.3 2.909
JACC Clinical Electrophysiology 2405-500X 7 2.562
JAMA Cardiology 2380-6591 24.0 7.371
JAMA Dermatology 2168-6084 10.9 2.766
JAMA Internal Medicine 2168-6114 39 4.922
JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association 1538-3598 120.7 6.695
JAMA Network Open 2574-3805 13.8 4.108
JAMA Neurology 2168-6157 29 6.697
JAMA Oncology 2374-2445 28.4 8.103
JAMA Ophthalmology 2168-6173 8.1 2.349
JAMA Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2168-619X 7.8 1.835
JAMA Pediatrics 2168-6211 26.1 5.109
JAMA Psychiatry 2168-6238 25.8 6.578
JAMA Surgery 2168-6262 16.9 3.623
JCI Insight 2379-3708 8.0 3.277
JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 2473-4276 4.2 1.602
JCO Oncology Practice 2688-1535 4.0 1.349
JCO Precision Oncology 2473-4284 4.6 2.208
JNCI Cancer Spectrum 2515-5091 4.4 2.377
Joule 2542-4351 41.248 12.282
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2051-1426 10.9 3.403
Journal of Accounting Research 1475-679X 4.4 5.165
Journal of Adolescent Health 1879-1972 7.6 2.175
Journal of Advanced Ceramics 2227-8508 17.26 3.058
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research 0976-2094 1.4 0.357
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 1942-2466 6.8 3.605
Journal of Advertising 1557-7805 5.7 2.606
Journal of Aging and Social Policy 1545-0821 5.1 1.721
Journal of Algebraic Geometry 1534-7486 1.8 2.078
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1097-6825 14.2 3.742
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology In Practice 2213-2201 9.4 1.816
Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 2231-2730 1.5 0.410
Journal of Animal Ecology 1365-2656 4.8 1.913
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 1873-7897 10.3 2.850
Journal of Applied Ecology 1365-2664 5.7 1.964
Journal of Applied Econometrics 1099-1255 2.1 2.495
Journal of Applied Psychology 1939-1854 9.9 6.130
Journal of Archaeological Research 1573-7756 3.8 1.907
Journal of Arid Land 2194-7783 3.07 0.671
Journal of Arthroplasty 1532-8406 3.5 2.028
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 0973-7758 1.5 0.472
Journal of Autoimmunity 1095-9157 12.8 2.594
Journal of Big Data 2196-1115 8.1 2.714
Journal of Biological Chemistry 1083-351X 5.5 1.805
Journal of Biomedical Research 2352-4685 2.3 0.485
Journal of Biomedical Science 1423-0127 10.9 2.520
Journal of Bionic Engineering 1672-6529 3.8 0.542
Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity 2588-9338 0.476
Journal of Biosciences 0973-7138 2.712 0.586
Journal of Black Psychology 1552-4558 5.2 1.644
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 1535-1386 5.3 1.996
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 1523-4681 6.2 1.705
Journal of Building Materials 1007-9629 0.381
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 1537-2707 4.8 6.150
Journal of Business and Psychology 1573-353X 4.8 2.517
Journal of Business Logistics 2158-1592 10.3 3.135
Journal of Business Research 1873-7978 11.3 2.895
Journal of Business Venturing 1873-2003 8.7 5.029
Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle 2190-6009 8.9 2.159
Journal of Carcinogenesis 1477-3163 0.444 0.570
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 1532-429X 6.6 2.233
Journal of Cell Biology 1540-8140 7.8 3.664
Journal of Cell Science 1477-9137 4.6 1.842
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 1559-7016 6.3 1.925
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 1549-9626 5.5 1.665
Journal of Cheminformatics 1758-2946 8.4 1.630
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 1469-7610 7.6 3.025
Journal of Cleaner Production 1879-1786 11.1 1.981
Journal of Climate 1520-0442 4.9 2.243
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 1537-4424 4.2 1.811
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1878-5921 7.2 3.362
Journal of Clinical Immunology 1573-2592 9.1 2.151
Journal of Clinical Investigation 1558-8238 15.9 5.117
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1098-660X 9.4 2.360
Journal of Clinical Oncology 1527-7755 45.3 10.163
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 1095-7103 9.9 1.604
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 1096-0902 1.4 1.869
Journal of Communication 1460-2466 7.9 2.605
Journal of Communications and Information Networks 2509-3312 3.99 1.586
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 1537-2715 3.3 1.720
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 1365-2729 5 1.629
Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 1083-6101 7.2 1.954
Journal of Conflict Resolution 3250 3.1 2.164
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1939-2117 5.9 2.188
Journal of Consumer Psychology 1532-7663 4.551 2.978
Journal of Consumer Research 1537-5277 10.5 6.024
Journal of Criminal Justice 1873-6203 5.5 1.573
Journal of Crohns and Colitis 1873-9946 8.7 2.866
Journal of Democracy 1086-3214 3.1 2.322
Journal of Dental Research 1544-0591 7.6 1.872
Journal of Destination Marketing and Management 2212-5752 8.4 1.936
Journal of Differential Equations 1090-2732 2.4 1.983
Journal of Differential Geometry 1945-743X 2.5 2.952
Journal of Earth Science 1867-111X 3.78 0.932
Journal of Earth System Science 0973-774X 2.0 0.480
Journal of Ecology 1365-2745 5.5 2.070
Journal of Economic Geography 1468-2710 5.0 1.953
Journal of Economic Growth 1573-7020 2.3 3.234
Journal of Economic History 1471-6372 2.8 2.331
Journal of Economic Perspectives 1944-7965 9.944 8.590
Journal of Economic Surveys 1467-6419 5.3 2.199
Journal of Economic Theory 1095-7235 1.6 2.873
Journal of Education and Health Promotion 2319-6440 1.4 0.411
Journal of Educational Computing Research 1541-4140 4.8 1.673
Journal of Educational Psychology 1939-2176 4.9 2.511
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology 2666-223X 2.34 0.668
Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock 0974-519X 0.358
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 1096-0449 4.6 2.522
Journal of Environmental Management 1095-8630 8.7 1.678
Journal of Environmental Psychology 1522-9610 6.9 2.045
Journal of Environmental Sciences 1878-7320 6.9 1.392
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 1470-2738 6.3 2.105
Journal of European Public Policy 1466-4429 4.7 1.922
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 1756-9966 11.5 2.413
Journal of Experimental Botany 1460-2431 6.9 1.823
Journal of Experimental Medicine 1540-9538 17.579 6.237
Journal of Experimental Political Science 2052-2649 3.6 2.143
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 1096-0465 3.5 1.596
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 2001-3078 16 3.525
Journal of Family and Community Medicine 2229-340X 2.54 0.530
Journal of Family Business Strategy 1877-8585 7.2 1.992
Journal of Family Theory and Review 1756-2589 1.608
Journal of Field Robotics 1556-4967 8.3 2.019
Journal of Finance and Data Science 2405-9188 3.69 0.621
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 1756-6916 5.6 3.700
Journal of Financial Econometrics 1479-8409 3.5 1.645
Journal of Financial Intermediation 1096-0473 5.2 5.384
Journal of Forestry Engineering 2096-1359 0.428
Journal of Forestry Research 1993-0607 2.6 0.601
Journal of Functional Analysis 1096-0783 1.7 1.959
Journal of General Internal Medicine 1525-1497 5.7 1.814
Journal of Genetics and Genomics 1873-5533 5.9 1.620
Journal of Geographical Sciences 1009-637X 5.25 1.090
Journal of Geophysical Research D Atmospheres 2169-8996 4.4 1.798
Journal of Geophysical Research Planets 2169-9100 4.8 1.989
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 1943-5606 3.9 1.861
Journal of Geriatric Cardiology 1671-5411 1.54 0.668
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 2150-6000 5.0 2.409
Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 1557-3117 8.9 2.710
Journal of Hematology and Oncology 1756-8722 23.1 6.046
Journal of Higher Education 1538-4640 3.9 1.550
Journal of Hindu Studies 1756-4263 0.285
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 1839-5260 8.3 1.773
Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management 1936-8631 12.5 2.520
Journal of Human Resources 1548-8004 5.2 3.335
Journal of Human Values 0973-0737 1.0 0.190
Journal of Hydrodynamics 1878-0342 2.84 0.722
Journal of Immunology 1550-6606 4.4 1.636
Journal of Industrial Ecology 1530-9290 5.9 1.843
Journal of Infection 1532-2742 28.2 3.904
Journal of Infectious Diseases 1537-6613 6.4 2.386
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1744-7909 11.4 2.729
Journal of Intellectual Capital 1469-1930 6.9 1.582
Journal of Interactive Advertising 1525-2019 2.505
Journal of Interactive Marketing 1520-6653 11.8 4.092
Journal of Internal Medicine 1365-2796 11.1 2.992
Journal of International Business Policy 2522-0705 7.9 1.768
Journal of International Business Studies 1478-6990 5.093
Journal of International Marketing 1547-7215 5.8 2.088
Journal of Knowledge Management 1367-3270 8.8 2.220
Journal of Labor Economics 1537-5307 4.179 4.727
Journal of Law and Economics 1537-5285 2.2 1.612
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 1938-3673 5.5 1.622
Journal of Lipid Research 1539-7262 6.5 1.934
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 2213-9567 17.1 2.441
Journal of Management 1557-1211 13.5 7.213
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 1943-5479 7.4 1.645
Journal of Management Information Systems 1557-928X 7.7 3.064
Journal of Management Inquiry 1552-6542 3.1 2.043
Journal of Management Science and Engineering 2589-5532 6.6 1.384
Journal of Management Studies 1467-6486 10.5 4.492
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 1741-038X 8.4 2.083
Journal of Marine Science and Application 1993-5048 1.7 0.426
Journal of Marketing 1547-7185 14.3 10.802
Journal of Marketing Management 1472-1376 5.1 1.664
Journal of Marketing Research 1547-7193 6.1 7.415
Journal of Marriage and Family 1741-3737 6.0 2.386
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2050-7496 11.9 3.156
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2050-7534 6.4 1.534
Journal of Materiomics 2352-8486 9.4 1.800
Journal of Medical Genetics 1468-6244 4 1.816
Journal of Medical Virology 1096-9071 12.7 1.957
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 1520-4804 7.3 1.805
Journal of Memory and Language 1096-0821 4.3 2.104
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 1525-1314 3.4 1.983
Journal of Meteorological Research 2198-0934 3.1 0.893
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 1558-6901 3.9 1.736
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2196-5420 6.3 1.912
Journal of Molecular Biology 1089-8638 5.6 2.421
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 1759-4685 5.5 1.904
Journal of Mountain Science 1993-0321 2.66 0.579
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 1095-8592 8.7 2.384
Journal of Neuroinflammation 1742-2094 9.8 2.439
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery 1759-8486 4.8 2.010
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1468-330X 11 3.178
Journal of Neuroscience 1529-2401 5.3 2.350
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2159-662X 9.3 2.037
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 2044-8325 6.2 2.062
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 1939-1307 5.1 2.478
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 2468-0133 7.1 0.555
Journal of Organizational Behavior 1099-1379 6.8 3.804
Journal of Orthopaedics 0972-978X 1.56 0.570
Journal of Otology 2524-1753 1.9 0.659
Journal of Pathology 0204634 7.3 2.541
Journal of Peace Research 0022-3433 4.6 2.444
Journal of Peasant Studies 1743-9361 6.0 2.277
Journal of Personality 1467-6494 5.0 2.192
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1939-1315 7.6 3.799
Journal of Petrology 1460-2415 4.8 2.243
Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 2214-0883 8.8 1.242
Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences 0975-7406 0.8 0.252
Journal of Philosophy 1939-8549 1.614
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1948-7185 5.7 1.850
Journal of Physical Oceanography 1520-0485 3.5 1.585
Journal of Physiology 1469-7793 5.5 1.557
Journal of Pineal Research 1600-079X 12.081 2.158
Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering 2667-1433 5.33 0.698
Journal of Planning Literature 1552-6593 4.5 1.720
Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 0974-1275 1.6 0.392
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 1520-6688 3.8 2.111
Journal of Politics 1468-2508 3.048
Journal of Positive Psychology 1743-9779 12 1.701
Journal of Product Innovation Management 1540-5885 11.2 3.222
Journal of Professional Capital and Community 2056-9556 3.1 1.618
Journal of Psychiatric Research 1879-1379 4.8 1.554
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 1477-9803 6.1 3.337
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 1547-7207 7.8 3.263
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 1478-4092 6.1 2.092
Journal of Radars 2095-283X 0.454
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 1552-731X 3.2 1.583
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 2040-7122 7.8 2.833
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 1098-2736 4.6 1.882
Journal of Research on Adolescence 1532-7795 3.6 1.518
Journal of Retailing 0022-4359 10 3.787
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 0969-6989 10.4 2.543
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 2589-0417 7.3 1.762
Journal of Safety Science and Resilience 2096-7527 5.70 0.665
Journal of School Psychology 1873-3506 5 2.160
Journal of Scientometric Research 2320-0057 0.281
Journal of Second Language Writing 1060-3743 6.1 2.314
Journal of Service Management 1757-5818 11.6 2.875
Journal of Service Research 1552-7379 12.4 4.981
Journal of Services Marketing 0887-6045 5.8 1.577
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 1532-6500 3 1.666
Journal of Small Business Management 1540-627X 6.8 1.556
Journal of Social Computing 2688-5255 0.373
Journal of South Asian Development 0973-1733 1.4 0.198
Journal of Spine Surgery 2414-4630 2.40 1.061
Journal of Statistical Software 1548-7660 5.8 2.722
Journal of Structural Biology 1095-8657 3 1.582
Journal of Supply Chain Management 1745-493X 10.6 4.009
Journal of Sustainable Cement Based Materials 2165-0381 4.4 1.510
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 1747-7646 9.0 2.966
Journal of Teacher Education 1552-7816 3.9 2.337
Journal of Technology Transfer 0892-9912 4.8 1.704
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 1552-7824 18.2 4.870
Journal of the ACM 1557-735X 2.5 2.953
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1527-5418 11.9 3.663
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 1097-6787 13.8 1.621
Journal of the American Chemical Society 1520-5126 15.0 5.945
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 1558-3597 24 8.343
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 0002-8614 6.3 2.054
Journal of the American Heart Association 2047-9980 5.4 2.079
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1088-6834 4.79 5.848
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 1538-9375 7.6 1.794
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 1527-974X 6.4 2.440
Journal of the American Planning Association 0194-4363 6.1 2.572
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 1097-6795 6.5 1.959
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 1533-3450 9.274 4.450
Journal of the American Statistical Association 1537-274X 5.2 3.397
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 1536-9323 5.8 1.741
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 2333-5963 3.6 3.078
Journal of the European Economic Association 1542-4766 3.6 6.087
Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 1876-0821 3.2 0.856
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 0019-4964 2.1 0.501
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 0974-3006 2.1 0.467
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 1475-3030 1.1 1.623
Journal of The Institution of Engineers India Series A 2250-2157 0.280
Journal of the International AIDS Society 1758-2652 6 1.833
Journal of the Learning Sciences 1532-7809 3.8 2.267
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 0022-5096 5.3 1.691
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1460-2105 12.3 5.409
Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network JNCCN 1540-1413 13.4 4.098
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B Statistical Methodology 1467-9868 3.976
Journal of Thermal Science 1993-033X 34 0.582
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1097-685X 6 1.876
Journal of Thoracic Oncology 1556-1380 20.4 5.866
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 1538-7836 10.4 3.086
Journal of Topology 1753-8424 1.1 1.575
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 1671-1637 0.392
Journal of Translational Medicine 1479-5876 6.9 1.544
Journal of Transport Geography 0966-6923 6.1 1.852
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 1540-7306 7.2 2.126
Journal of Travel Medicine 1708-8305 13.0 2.690
Journal of Travel Research 1552-6763 10.0 3.249
Journal of Urban Economics 1095-9068 6.3 3.076
Journal of Urology 1527-3792 6.6 1.945
Journal of Vascular Surgery 1097-6809 4.3 2.027
Journal of Vocational Behavior 1095-9084 11.1 2.926
Journal of World Business 1878-5573 8.9 3.245
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 1573-6601 4.9 2.030
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A 1862-1775 2.5 0.590
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B 1862-1783 4.05 0.728
Journalism 1741-3001 3.1 1.511
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 2161-430X 3.6 1.348
Journalism Studies 1469-9699 3.3 1.592
Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 1758-535X 5.6 1.703
Journals of Gerontology Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 1758-5368 6.2 2.311
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences 1520-0469 3.1 2.016
JPhys Energy 2515-7655 6.9 1.806
Justice Quarterly 1745-9109 4.0 1.564
Kexue Tongbao Chinese Science Bulletin 2095-9419 0.277
Kidney International 1523-1755 19.6 3.868
Knowledge Management and E Learning 2073-7904 2.4 0.683
Land Use Policy 1873-5754 7.1 1.656
Language Learning 1467-9922 4.4 2.195
Language Testing 0265-5322 4.4 1.609
Leadership Quarterly 1873-3409 7.5 4.331
Learning and Instruction 0959-4752 6.2 2.398
Learning Media and Technology 1743-9892 5.5 1.879
Legume Research 0976-0571 0.8 0.391
Leukemia 1476-5551 10.4 3.376
LGBT Health 2325-8306 4.8 1.644
Life Science Alliance 2575-1077 4.4 1.884
Light Science and Applications 2047-7538 19.1 5.406
Limnology and Oceanography 1939-5590 4.5 1.466
Limnology And Oceanography Letters 2378-2242 7.8 2.848
Linguistic Inquiry 1530-9150 1.6 2.564
Liver International 1478-3231 6.7 1.929
Liver Research 2542-5684 3.15 0.882
Liver Transplantation 1527-6473 5.0 1.548
Long Range Planning 1873-1872 8.5 2.852
Mammal Review 1365-2907 4.9 1.672
Management Learning 1461-7307 3.1 1.574
Management Science 1526-5501 5.4 5.322
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 1526-5498 6.3 7.126
Marketing Letters 1573-059X 3.6 1.672
Marketing Science 1526-548X 5.0 7.593
Marketing Theory 1741-301X 4.23 1.693
Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2052-1537 7.0 1.575
Materials Horizons 2051-6355 13.3 3.880
Materials Research Letters 2166-3831 9.6 2.529
Materials Science for Energy Technologies 2589-2991 8.25 1.463
Materials Today Advances 2590-0498 10 2.040
Materials Today Energy 2468-6069 9.3 2.046
Materials Today Nano 2588-8420 10.3 2.338
Materials Today Physics 2542-5293 11.5 2.767
Mathematical Finance 1467-9965 1.6 1.837
Matter 2590-2385 18.9 4.896
Mayo Clinic Proceedings 1942-5546 8.9 2.056
mBio 2150-7511 6.4 2.283
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 1096-1216 8.4 2.475
Mechanism and Machine Theory 1873-3999 5.2 1.517
Med 2666-6340 17 3.459
Media Culture and Society 1460-3675 3.4 1.641
Medical Education 1365-2923 7.1 1.629
Medical Gas Research 2045-9912 2.9 0.487
Medicinal Research Reviews 1098-1128 13.3 2.748
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1530-0315 4.1 1.734
Meitan Kexue Jishu Coal Science and Technology 0253-2336 0.550
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1947-6221 2.863
Metabolic Engineering 1096-7184 8.4 1.808
Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 1532-8600 9.9 2.886
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2041-210X 6.6 2.805
mHealth 2306-9740 2.7 0.625
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 1098-5557 12.9 3.719
Microbiome 2049-2618 19.4 3.709
Microsystems and Nanoengineering 2055-7434 7.7 1.515
Milbank Quarterly 1468-0009 6.6 2.828
Military Medical Research 2054-9369 12.7 2.042
Mind 1460-2113 2.433
MIS Quarterly Management Information Systems 2162-9730 3.793
MMWR Surveillance Summaries 1545-8636 26.42 15.178
Mobile DNA 1759-8753 4.5 2.363
Modern Language Journal 1540-4781 4.9 2.463
Modern Pathology 1530-0285 7.5 2.598
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 1535-9484 7.4 2.140
Molecular Aspects of Medicine 1872-9452 10.6 3.244
Molecular Autism 2040-2392 7.2 1.647
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Molecular Biology of the Cell 1939-4586 3.3 1.580
Molecular Cancer 1476-4598 33.1 8.703
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Molecular Cell 1097-4164 19.328 9.541
Molecular Ecology Resources 1755-0998 7.7 2.594
Molecular Neurodegeneration 1750-1326 15.8 5.158
Molecular Plant 1752-9867 27.5 5.209
Molecular Psychiatry 1476-5578 11.9 3.541
Molecular Systems Biology 1744-4292 12.744 6.220
Molecular Therapy 1525-0024 12.4 3.425
Molecular Therapy Methods and Clinical Development 2329-0501 12.4 1.825
Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids 2162-2531 8.8 1.947
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Nature Cancer 2662-1347 23.177 9.817
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Nature Ecology and Evolution 2397-334X 15.46 5.374
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Nature Geoscience 1752-0908 19.6 6.110
Nature Immunology 1529-2916 29.6 10.921
Nature Materials 1476-1122 47.656 13.874
Nature Methods 1548-7105 47.99 14.358
Nature Microbiology 2058-5276 22.9 9.187
Nature Nanotechnology 1748-3395 39.9 13.141
Nature Neuroscience 1546-1726 27.7 12.124
Nature Photonics 1749-4893 38.2 11.774
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Nature Plants 2055-026X 18.6 5.205
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