Is Neural Networks a predatory journal? - Neural Networks is the archival journal of the world's three oldest neural modeling societies: the International Neural Network Society (INNS), the European Neural Network Society (ENNS), and the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS). A subscription to the journal is included with membership in each of these societies. Neural Networks provides a forum for developing and nurturing an international community of scholars and practitioners who are interested in all aspects of neural networks and related approaches to computational intelligence. Neural Networks
Is Journal of Fishery Sciences of China open access? - JOURNAL OF FISHERY SCIENCES OF CHINA (JFSC),started in 1994,is an academic periodical (monthly, ISSN 1005-8737) sponsored by Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences (CAFS).It covers the latest achievements, progress and techniques on basic and applied scientific research in fisheries, including fishery germplasm research, fishery resource conservation and environment protection, disease research and control, seawater & freshwater fishing, aquaculture and enhancement, freshening and processing of aquatic products, fishing vessels, fishery machinery and instrument, and so on. JFSC is one of the Chinese Core Journals and was
What is the rank of IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters? - IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWP Letters) is devoted to the rapid electronic publication of short manuscripts in the technical areas of Antennas and Wireless Propagation. These are areas of competence for the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S). AWPL aims to be one of the "fastest" journals among IEEE publications. This means that for papers that are eventually accepted, it is intended that an author may expect his or her paper to appear in IEEE Xplore, on average, around
Is RNA q1 or q2? - RNA serves as an international forum for publishing original reports on RNA research in the broadest sense. The journal aims to unify this field by cutting across established disciplinary lines and focusing on "RNA-centered" science. RNA is a monthly journal that provides rapid publication of significant original research in all areas of RNA structure and function in eukaryotic, prokaryotic, and viral systems. It covers a broad range of subjects in RNA research, spanning biochemistry, structural biology, chemistry, biology, genetics, genomics, computational biology, bioinformatics,
How good is the Ca A Cancer Journal for Clinicians? - Overview Published since 1950 by the American Cancer Society, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians is one of the oldest peer-reviewed journals in oncology. The journal also retains the highest impact factor of all ISI-ranked journals. CA reaches a very wide and diverse group of health professionals, and provides an unparalleled opportunity to present information to these professionals about cancer prevention, early detection, treatment of all forms, palliation, advocacy issues, quality-of-life topics, and more. As the flagship journal of the American Cancer Society, the journal
How good is the Research? - Research provides an international platform for academic exchange, collaboration and technological advancements. The journal publishes high-quality research from any research domain, from any author in the world. Scope: Research publishes fundamental research in the life and physical sciences as well as important findings or issues in engineering and applied science. The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, perspectives, and editorials. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to: Advanced Energy Advanced Manufacturing Advanced Materials Artificial Intelligence Environmental Science Flexible Electronics Health Science Information
Is IEEE Transactions on Image Processing a good journal? - The IEEE Transactions on Image Processing covers novel theory, algorithms, and architectures for the formation, capture, processing, communication, analysis, and display of images, video, and multidimensional signals in a wide variety of applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the mathematical, statistical, and perceptual modeling, representation, formation, coding, filtering, enhancement, restoration, rendering, halftoning, search, and analysis of images, video, and multidimensional signals. Applications of interest include image and video communications, electronic imaging, biomedical imaging, image and video
Is Annual Review of Resource Economics q1 or q2? - The Annual Review of Resource Economics provides authoritative critical reviews evaluating the most significant research developments in resource economics, focusing on agricultural economics, environmental economics, renewable resources, and exhaustible resources.
Is Neuropsychopharmacology prestigious? - Neuropsychopharmacology is an international scientific journal and the official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP). This journal focuses on clinical and basic science contributions that advance our understanding of the brain and behaviour, especially as related to the molecular, cellular, physiological and psychological properties of agents acting within the central nervous system and the identification of the new molecular targets for the development of the next generation of drugs. While original reports are preferred, mini-reviews and perspectives are invited
How to submit Psychological Science? - Psychological Science, the flagship journal of the Association for Psychological Science, is the leading peer-reviewed journal publishing empirical research spanning the entire spectrum of the science of psychology. The journal publishes cutting-edge research articles, short reports, and research reports of general theoretical significance and broad interest across the field. Psychological Science is the source for the latest findings on topics from cognitive, social, developmental, and health psychology to behavioral neuroscience and biopsychology. The journal routinely features studies employing novel research methodologies and
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