Is JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association a high impact journal? - JAMA, published continuously since 1883, is an international peer-reviewed general medical journal. JAMA is a member of the JAMA Network, a consortium of peer-reviewed, general medical and specialty publications. AMA is published 48 times per year in print/online issues, and new articles are published every weekday online. Without any author fees, all research articles are made free access online 6 months after publication on the JAMA website.
How difficult is it to publish in AWARI? - AWARI is an open-access peer-reviewed journal of an international character aimed at publishing studies related to social network analysis. Authors are encouraged to submit studies coming from different fields like sociology, computer science, political science, information science, economics, communication, and management, among others. AWARI is oriented to researchers, academicians, students, practitioners, and all social entities from the public or private sectors. We welcome articles (but not limited to) covering topics like: Graph theory Sociometrics Group dynamics Social capital Invisible schools Gestalt
Is International Dental Journal of Student Research prestigious? - The journal primarily focuses on student projects and pilot reports as well as review and brief reports and has a wide scope that revolves around the breakthrough work in all nine specialties of dentistry including preventive and community dentistry ( dental public health), endodontic, oral, and maxillofacial pathology, oral and maxillofacial radiology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, periodontology, pediatric dentistry, prosthodontics, oral medicine, oral biology, forensic odontology, geriatric dentistry, and preventive and social medicine.
Is Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis q2 or q3? - Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (EEPA) publishes manuscripts of theoretical or practical interest to those engaged in educational evaluation or policy analysis, including economic, demographic, financial, and political analyses of education policies, and significant meta-analyses or syntheses that address issues of current concern. The journal seeks high-quality research on how reforms and interventions affect educational outcomes; research on how multiple educational policy and reform initiatives support or conflict with each other; and research that informs pending changes in educational policy at the
Is Political Analysis peer reviewed? - Political Analysis publishes peer reviewed articles that provide original and significant advances in the general area of political methodology, including both quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches. It is the official journal of the Society for Political Methodology and the Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association.
Is Global Food Security Scopus Indexed? - Achieving food security from the local to global levels requires that actions are taken throughout the food system and that address the complexity of technological, biophysical, institutional, economic, social, and political factors that influence the availability, access, quality, and sustainability of food. In so doing, it aims to promote food systems that meet human food and nutritional requirements whilst protecting the environment, securing livelihoods, mitigating against climate change, and reducing inequalities. Global Food Security enables researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to access and
How to submit Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal? - The Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal is a research journal that publishes original work recommended by a developmental, double-blind review process conducted by peer scholars. Strategic entrepreneurship involves innovation and subsequent changes which add value to society and which change societal life in ways which have significant, sustainable, and durable consequences. The SEJ is international in scope and acknowledges theory- and evidence-based research conducted and/or applied in all regions of the world. It is devoted to content and quality standards based on scientific method, relevant theory, tested
What is the rank of Indian Pediatrics? - The general objective of Indian Pediatrics is "To promote the science and practice of Pediatrics." An important guiding principle has been the simultaneous need to inform, educate and entertain the target audience. The specific key objectives are: To publish original, relevant, well researched peer reviewed articles on issues related to child health. To provide continuing education to support informed clinical decisions and research. To foster responsible and balanced debate on controversial issues that affect child health, including non-clinical areas such
Is Annals of Applied Probability Scopus Indexed? - The Annals of Applied Probability aims to publish research of the highest quality reflecting the varied facets of contemporary Applied Probability. Primary emphasis is placed on importance and originality.
What is the rejection rate for Emerging Microbes and Infections? - Emerging Microbes & Infections is a peer-reviewed open access journal publishing research on emerging immunology and microbiology viruses. Emerging Microbes & Infections aims to disseminate information on microbes and infections, especially those associated with increasing biological and clinical significance and pathogenic frequency. The journal is committed to bridging the gap between scientific communities in developed and developing countries.
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