The aim of the “Ambulatory Surgery (Russia)” Journal is to contribute to the postgraduate education of physicians by providing scientific and practical information on surgical and conservative treatment with therapeutic approaches of various surgical diseases in the outpatient settings and to improve the scientific and practical skills of outpatient surgeons. more...
Ambix is an internationally recognised, peer-reviewed quarterly journal devoted to publishing high-quality, original research and book reviews in the intellectual, social and cultural history of alchemy and chemistry. It publishes studies, discussions, and primary sources relevant to the historical experience of all areas related to alchemy and chemistry covering all more...
Ámbitos es una revista científica internacional de investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades abierta a todos los investigadores interesados en el fomento del conocimiento humano. more...
Ambio is owned by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and was founded in 1972, following the first UN conference on the environment. Ambio publishes research for a global audience on the interrelationships between environment and society with focus on both the natural and the social dimension of sustainability challenges. It is Ambio’s ambition more...
Ambiente & Sociedade is an annual publication of ANPPAS, the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Environment and Society. It contributes to the interdisciplinary field of knowledge about Environment and Society. Ambiente & Sociedade publishes scientific papers from national and international collaborators based on reviews by ad hoc advisors. The journal began its activities more...
Founded in 2008 by José Manuel Losada, Amaltea (ISSN-e 1989-1709) is a journal of myth criticism with intimate connections to Asteria, the International Association of Myth Criticism, and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Its object of study is the way ancient, medieval and modern myths are perceived and adapted in more...
The AMA Journal of Ethics exists to help medical students, physicians and all health care professionals navigate ethical decisions in service to patients and society. The journal publishes cases and expert commentary, medical education articles, policy discussions, peer-reviewed articles for journal-based and audio CME, visuals, and more. Since its inception more...
Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal directed to an audience of clinicians and researchers, with primary emphasis on Alzheimer disease and associated disorders. The journal publishes original articles emphasizing research in humans including epidemiologic studies, clinical trials and experimental studies, studies of diagnosis and biomarkers, as well more...
Agrekon publishes scholarly articles that contribute to the existing literature in the domain of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics as it applies to Southern Africa. The editors of Agrekon therefore invite contributions in this context that provide new insights, either through the problems they address, the methods they employ or more...
Accounting Education is a peer-reviewed international journal devoted to publishing research-based papers on key aspects of accounting education and training of relevance to practitioners, academics, trainers, students and professional bodies, particularly papers dealing with the effectiveness of accounting education or training. It acts as a forum for the exchange of more...
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