Journals H-Index Ranking - 2025

The h index is a metric for evaluating the cumulative impact of an author's scholarly output and performance; measures quantity with quality by comparing publications to citations. The h index corrects for the disproportionate weight of highly cited publications or publications that have not yet been cited.

Journals SJR Ranking Subject ISSN H-Index
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Social Sciences 1538-6341 99
ISA Transactions Physics and Astronomy 0019-0578 99
JAMA Cardiology Medicine 2380-6583 99
Advanced Engineering Informatics Computer Science 1474-0346 99
Brain Stimulation Neuroscience 1935-861X 99
Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Engineering 1093-9687 99
Economy and Society Social Sciences 0308-5147 98
European Journal of International Relations Social Sciences 1354-0661 98
Journal of Democracy Social Sciences 1045-5736 98
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles Medicine 2001-3078 98
Journal of Peasant Studies Social Sciences 0306-6150 98
Political Communication Social Sciences 1058-4609 98
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Computational Molecular Science Mathematics 1759-0876 98
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 0137-5881 98
British Journal of Health Psychology Psychology 1359-107X 98
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education Social Sciences 0260-2938 97
Nature Biomedical Engineering Medicine 2157-846X 97
Conservation Letters Environmental Science 1755-263X 97
Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics Medicine 1520-9156 97
European Journal of Personality Psychology 0890-2070 97
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics Mathematics 1061-8600 97
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly Social Sciences 1077-6990 97
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change Social Sciences 1757-7780 97
System Social Sciences 1879-3282 96
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management Social Sciences 1535-3958 96
Economic Geography Social Sciences 0013-0095 96
Gut Microbes Medicine 1949-0976 96
Indian Journal of Medical Research Medicine 0971-5916 96
Cardiovascular Diabetology Medicine 1475-2840 96
Oxford Review of Economic Policy Environmental Science 0266-903X 96
Political Studies Social Sciences 0032-3217 96
Journal of Second Language Writing Social Sciences 1060-3743 96
Journal of Economic Growth Economics, Econometrics and Finance 1381-4338 95
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Social Sciences 0276-8739 95
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management Business, Management and Accounting 1478-4092 95
Journal of Technology Transfer Engineering 0892-9912 95
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing Business, Management and Accounting 1054-8408 95
Academy of Management Annals Business, Management and Accounting 1941-6520 95
Academy of Management Learning and Education Business, Management and Accounting 1537-260X 95
VLDB Journal Computer Science 1066-8888 95
Resources Policy Social Sciences 0301-4207 95
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Mathematics 0036-1410 95
International Economic Review Economics, Econometrics and Finance 0020-6598 94
JCI Insight Medicine 2379-3708 94
Journal of Food Science and Technology Agricultural and Biological Sciences 0022-1155 94
Current Issues in Tourism Social Sciences 1368-3500 94
Energy Research and Social Science Social Sciences 2214-6296 94
Environmental Science Nano Materials Science 2051-8153 93
American Statistician Mathematics 0003-1305 93
Annual Reviews in Control Engineering 1367-5788 93
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Economics, Econometrics and Finance 0007-2303 93
Telematics and Informatics Social Sciences 0736-5853 93
West European Politics Social Sciences 0140-2382 93
Work Employment and Society Social Sciences 0950-0170 92
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing Engineering 1545-5971 92
International Journal of Stroke Neuroscience 1747-4930 92
Journal of Criminal Justice Social Sciences 0047-2352 92
Journal of Positive Psychology Psychology 1743-9760 92
Multivariate Behavioral Research Psychology 0027-3171 92
Production Planning and Control Engineering 0953-7287 92
Advanced Electronic Materials Materials Science 2199-160X 92
Annals of Probability Mathematics 0091-1798 92
Applied Physics Reviews Physics and Astronomy 1931-9401 92
Circulation Genomic and Precision Medicine Medicine 2574-8300 92
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science Materials Science 1359-0286 910
Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology Medicine 1080-0549 91
Cognition and Instruction Social Sciences 0737-0008 91
Educational Administration Quarterly Social Sciences 0013-161X 91
Advanced Materials Technologies Engineering 2365-709X 91
AIDS Patient Care and STDs Medicine 1087-2914 91
Journal of Business and Psychology Psychology 0889-3268 91
Perspectives on Politics Social Sciences 1537-5927 91
Nature Reviews Chemistry Chemistry 2397-3358 90
Science immunology Medicine 2470-9468 90
Advances in Anatomic Pathology Medicine 1072-4109 90
Business and Society Social Sciences 0007-6503 90
Duke Mathematical Journal Mathematics 0012-7094 90
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Social Sciences 0162-3737 90
Journal of Business Logistics Decision Sciences 0735-3766 90
Journal of the Association for Information Systems Computer Science 1536-9323 90
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering Engineering 2666-3074 9
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science Social Sciences 2075-0161 9
International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management Engineering 0975-6809 9
Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity Social Sciences 2097-2105 9
Journal of Fishery Sciences of China Environmental Science 1005-8737 9
Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine Social Sciences 2455-0094 9
AAA - Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik Social Sciences 0171-5410 9
Acta Medica Philippina Medicine 0001-6071 9
Advances in Social Work Social Sciences 1527-8565 9
mHealth Medicine 2306-9740 9
Sports Medicine and Health Science Medicine 2666-3376 9
Contemporary Education Dialogue Social Sciences 0973-1849 9
Higher Education for the Future Social Sciences 2347-6311 9
Human Genetics and Genomics Advances Medicine 2666-2477 9
Human Resource Management Journal Business, Management and Accounting 0954-5395 89
ACM Transactions on Information Systems Computer Science 1046-8188 89
Biostatistics Medicine 1465-4644 89
Chinese Journal of Catalysis Chemistry 0253-9837 89
Nature Sustainability Social Sciences 2398-9629 89
Sociological Methods and Research Social Sciences 0049-1241 89