International Journal of Engineering Science Impact Factor, Quartile, Indexing, Ranking

International Journal of Engineering Science Impact Factor, Indexing, Ranking

International Journal of Engineering Science (IJES) is a scholarly journal dedicated to publishing research in the field of Materials Science, and Published by Elsevier. The Print-ISSN of International Journal of Engineering Science is 0020-7225 and its abbreviation is Int J Eng Sci.

The latest Impact Factor of the International Journal of Engineering Science for 2025-2026 is 6.6.

The Publicaiton fees (APC) is 5040 USD.

International Journal of Engineering Science Aim and Scope

The International Journal of Engineering Science is not limited to a specific aspect of science and engineering but is instead devoted to a wide range of subfields in the engineering sciences. While it encourages a broad spectrum of contribution in the engineering sciences, its core interest lies in issues concerning material modeling and response. Articles of interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. The primary goal of the new editors is to maintain high quality of publications. There will be a commitment to expediting the time taken for the publication of the papers. The articles that are sent for reviews will have names of the authors deleted with a view towards enhancing the objectivity and fairness of the review process. Articles that are devoted to the purely mathematical aspects without a discussion of the physical implications of the results or the consideration of specific examples are discouraged. Articles concerning material science should not be limited merely to a description and recording of observations but should contain theoretical or quantitative discussion of the results.

International Journal of Engineering Science Details

Journal title International Journal of Engineering Science (IJES)
Abbreviation Int J Eng Sci
Print ISSN 0020-7225
Publisher Name Elsevier
Editor-in-chief M. Kachanov, PhD
Subject Category Materials Science
Access type Hybrid
Status 🟢 Active

International Journal of Engineering Science Metrics and Rankings

In the context of academic journals, "Metrics and Rankings" refer to various measures and evaluations used to assess the quality, influence, and impact of a journal.

Below are the metrics and rankings for the journal International Journal of Engineering Science

Acceptance rate 6%
Impact Factor 6.6
SJR 2.082
SNIP 1.849
Ranking 1225
CiteScore 12.8
H-Index 124
Quartile Q1
International Journal of Engineering Science Impact Factor List

International Journal of Engineering Science Review Time

Journal review time is basically how long it takes for experts to read and decide whether an article is good enough to be published in a journal.

Review Time 81 days

International Journal of Engineering Science Abstracting and Indexing

Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) refers to the processes that help organize and categorize academic journals, making them easier to find and access for researchers and scholars

Abstracting and Indexing

International Journal of Engineering Science Submission

If you would like to submit a manuscript or visit the journal's website, please click on the link below.

Journal Submission 🔗 Journal Website