Administratie si Management Public (AsMP) is a scholarly journal dedicated to publishing research in the field of Social Sciences, and Published by Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest. The Print-ISSN of Administratie si Management Public is 1583-9583 and its abbreviation is Adm Manag Public..
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The scientific periodical Administratie si Management Public (AMP) /Administration and Public Management journal is an open access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on issues relevant to public administration, public policy, public management, public services, governance, and several interdisciplinary domains.
The journal was founded in 2003 by Professor Armenia Androniceanu, the Head of the Administration and Public Management Department from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and it has been published continuously since then.
The mission of the journal is to serve the community of researchers, international organizations, policy-makers, and other stakeholders of the public institutions by providing an independent, critical, and scientific assessment of the key issues that dominated the state administrations and other public services institutions nowadays.
The scope of the journal is to publish innovative and good-quality research results of empirical research putting emphasis on the study of significant issues regarding the public sector itself and other connected areas.
The AMP editor in chief, editorial board members, and the scientific committee members are academic personalities, and reputable researchers based in academic institutions, thus being well placed to provide a professional evaluation of the key topics and ongoing activities and programs.
The published articles are addressed to a large number of readers both in academia, in the government institutions, and in other connected research fields.
The articles are published in two annual issues both in online and print form, at the end of June and December.
Journal title | Administratie si Management Public (AsMP) |
Abbreviation | Adm Manag Public |
Print ISSN | 1583-9583 |
Online ISSN | 2559-6489 |
Publisher Name | Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest |
Editor-in-chief | Armenia Androniceanu |
Subject Category | Social Sciences |
Access type | |
Status | 🟢 Active |
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Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) refers to the processes that help organize and categorize academic journals, making them easier to find and access for researchers and scholars
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