Google Scholar Indexed Psychology Journals List 2025

Are you looking for a list of Google Scholar Indexed Psychology Journals? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed google scholar indexed psychology journals.

In this post, we are providing a selection of top google scholar-indexed psychology publications with high impact.

All of these journals are approved by google scholar and are peer-reviewed scholarly journals.

Some of them are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor. Additionally, many of these journals are indexed in various databases like PubMed, Scopus, Embase, DOAJ, Google Scholar, and Web of Science (WOS).

In our list, you can find a collection of google scholar indexed psychology journals without publication fees (APC).

This list includes the best national and international psychology academic journals. Some of them are top-ranking and highly scientific, with a high H-index and ranking.

Google Scholar Psychology Journals List

For the most recent list of Google Scholar Indexed Psychology Journals, see the list below.

Journal title Access Type ISSN Payment (APC)
Asian Journal of Social Health and Behavior Open Access 2772-4204
Psychology and Developing Societies Subscription Journal 0973-0761
Psychological Studies Open Access 0974-9861
International Journal of Behavioral Sciences Open Access 2676-2900
Journal of Human Values Subscription Journal 0973-0737
Acta Psychologica Sinica Subscription Journal 0439-755X
Annual Review of Psychology Open Access 1545-2085
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science Open Access 2515-2467
Psychological Bulletin Subscription Journal 1939-1455
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior Subscription Journal 2327-0616
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology Subscription Journal 1548-5951
Psychological Science in the Public Interest Subscription Journal 2160-0031
Journal of Applied Psychology Subscription Journal 1939-1854
Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education Subscription Journal 2233-5234
Personality and Social Psychology Review Subscription Journal 1532-7957
Perspectives on Psychological Science Subscription Journal 1745-6924
Clinical Psychology Review Subscription Journal 1873-7811
Leadership Quarterly Subscription Journal 1873-3409
Psychological Methods Subscription Journal 1939-1463
Trends in Cognitive Sciences Subscription Journal 1879-307X
Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health Subscription Journal 2159-6778
Journal of Organizational Behavior Subscription Journal 1099-1379
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Open Access 1527-5418
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Subscription Journal 1939-1315
Personnel Psychology Subscription Journal 1744-6570
Educational Psychologist Subscription Journal 1532-6985
Educational Psychology Review Subscription Journal 1573-336X
Human Resource Management Review Subscription Journal 1053-4822
Health Psychology Review Subscription Journal 1743-7202
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines Subscription Journal 1469-7610
European Journal of Personality Subscription Journal 1099-0984
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Subscription Journal 1095-9920
American Psychologist Subscription Journal 1935-990X
Journal of Anxiety Disorders Subscription Journal 1873-7897
Child Development Perspectives Subscription Journal 1750-8606
European Review of Social Psychology Subscription Journal 1479-277X
American Psychologist Subscription Journal 1935-990X
Qualitative Research in Psychology Subscription Journal 1478-0895
Political Psychology Subscription Journal 1467-9221
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews Subscription Journal 1873-7528
Contemporary Educational Psychology Subscription Journal 1090-2384
Work and Stress Subscription Journal 1464-5335
Autism in Adulthood Subscription Journal 2573-959X
Psychological Medicine Subscription Journal 1469-8978
Computers in Human Behavior Subscription Journal 1873-7692
Trauma Violence and Abuse Subscription Journal 1552-8324
Current Directions in Psychological Science Subscription Journal 1467-8721
Accounting Organizations and Society Subscription Journal 0361-3682
Journal of Consumer Psychology Subscription Journal 1532-7663
Organizational Psychology Review Subscription Journal 2041-3874
Learning and Instruction Subscription Journal 0959-4752
Journal of Vocational Behavior Subscription Journal 1095-9084
Acta Psychologica Sinica Subscription Journal 0439-755X
Acta Psychologica Sinica Subscription Journal 0439-755X
Applied Psychology Subscription Journal 1464-0597
Social Issues and Policy Review Subscription Journal 1751-2409
Psychological Science Subscription Journal 1467-9280
Psychological Review Subscription Journal 1939-1471
Journal of School Psychology Subscription Journal 1873-3506
Behavior Research Methods Subscription Journal 1554-3528
Developmental Review Subscription Journal 1090-2406
Technological Forecasting and Social Change Subscription Journal 1873-5509
Alcohol Research Current Reviews Open Access 2169-4796
Current Opinion in Psychology Subscription Journal 2352-250X
Depression and Anxiety Subscription Journal 1520-6394
Depression and Anxiety Subscription Journal 1520-6394
Journal of Business and Psychology Subscription Journal 1573-353X
Journal of Educational Psychology Subscription Journal 1939-2176
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Subscription Journal 1939-1307
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review Subscription Journal 1573-2827
Journal of Health and Social Behavior Subscription Journal 2150-6000
Social Psychological and Personality Science Subscription Journal 1948-5514
Emotion Review Subscription Journal 1754-0747
British Journal of Health Psychology Subscription Journal 2044-8287
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development Subscription Journal 1540-5834
Human Resource Management Subscription Journal 1099-050X
Journals of Gerontology Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences Subscription Journal 1758-5368
Journal of the Learning Sciences Subscription Journal 1532-7809
Journal of the Learning Sciences Subscription Journal 1532-7809
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Subscription Journal 1552-7433
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Subscription Journal 1939-2117
Developmental Science Subscription Journal 1467-7687
Child Development Subscription Journal 1467-8624
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies Open Access 2578-1863
British Journal of Social Psychology Subscription Journal 2044-8309
Clinical Psychological Science Subscription Journal 2167-7034
Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy Subscription Journal 1942-969X
Journal of Memory and Language Subscription Journal 1096-0821
Psychology and Marketing Subscription Journal 1520-6793
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Subscription Journal 2044-8325
Reading Research Quarterly Subscription Journal 1936-2722
Applied Psychology Health and Well Being Subscription Journal 1758-0854
Journal of Environmental Psychology Subscription Journal 1522-9610
Comprehensive Psychiatry Open Access 1532-8384
Journal of Youth and Adolescence Subscription Journal 1573-6601
Neuropsychology Review Subscription Journal 1573-6660
Research on Language and Social Interaction Subscription Journal 1532-7973
Open Mind Open Access 2470-2986
Educational and Psychological Measurement Subscription Journal 1552-3888
Behaviour Research and Therapy Subscription Journal 1873-622X
Human Communication Research Subscription Journal 1468-2958
Autism Subscription Journal 1461-7005
International Journal of Consumer Studies Subscription Journal 1470-6431
Cognition and Instruction Subscription Journal 1532-690X
Child Abuse and Neglect Subscription Journal 1873-7757
Review of General Psychology Subscription Journal 1939-1552
Applied Developmental Science Subscription Journal 1532-480X
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Subscription Journal 1537-4424
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology Subscription Journal 1750-9858
Developmental Psychology Subscription Journal 1939-0599
Social and Personality Psychology Compass Subscription Journal 1751-9004
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations Subscription Journal 1461-7188
Early Childhood Research Quarterly Subscription Journal 1873-7706
Journal of Professional Capital and Community Subscription Journal 2056-9556
Schizophrenia Open Access 2334-265X
Emotion Subscription Journal 1931-1516
Journal of Family Theory and Review Subscription Journal 1756-2589
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Open Access 1749-5016
Journal of Criminal Justice Open Access 1873-6203
Journal of Black Psychology Subscription Journal 1552-4558
Journal of Research on Adolescence Subscription Journal 1532-7795
British Journal of Psychology Subscription Journal 2044-8295
Scientific Studies of Reading Subscription Journal 1532-799X
Multivariate Behavioral Research Subscription Journal 1532-7906
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Subscription Journal 1096-0465
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Subscription Journal 1552-731X
Chronic Stress Open Access 2470-5470
Acta Psychologica Open Access 1873-6297
Acta Psychologica Open Access 1873-6297
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan Open Access 2597-9035
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan Open Access 2597-9035
Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders Subscription Journal 1546-4156
Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders Subscription Journal 1546-4156