Social Psychological and Personality Science Impact Factor, Indexing, Ranking

Social Psychological and Personality Science Impact Factor, Indexing, Ranking

Social Psychological and Personality Science (SPPS) is a scholarly journal dedicated to publishing research in the field of Psychology. SAGE is the publisher of this esteemed journal. The P-ISSN assigned to Social Psychological and Personality Science is 1948-5506 and its abbreviated form is Soc Psychol Personal Sci.

Aim and Scope

We aim to publish articles that:

  • represent an advance to social psychological or personality science,
  • are methodologically rigorous,
  • have theoretical and/or practical significance,
  • help build interdisciplinary bridges among areas in social and personality psychology,
  • and are written to be accessible to a wide range of audiences, including science writers for the popular press and the public at large.

Journal Details

Journal title Social Psychological and Personality Science (SPPS)
Abbreviation Soc Psychol Personal Sci
Print ISSN 1948-5506
Online ISSN 1948-5514
Publisher Name SAGE
Editor-in-chief Christian Unkelbach
Subject Category Psychology


Abbreviation : ISO Journal abbreviation refers to the shortened form or acronym used to represent the full title of a scholarly journal. The ISO4 Abbreviation of Social Psychological and Personality Science Journal is Soc Psychol Personal Sci.


The Ranking of the Journal in 2024 is 963. Ranking systems aim to provide an indication of a journal's quality, influence, and prestige within a specific field or discipline.

Impact Factor

The Journal's Impact Factor in 2024 is 5.7. it is all calculated by Clarivate, which means how many times a particular citation has been published in the past two years.

List of All Journal Impact Factors


The Journal SCImago in 2024 is 2.404. It is measured by the number of citations which are made by the particular journals, and the journal from where the citations arrived from.


The Journal's H-Index in 2024 is 82. The H-index is calculated on how many times a particular author is cited and the number of published papers that a particular author has.


The Journal's Quartile is Q1. A quartile has three points, which are the upper quartile, median, and lower quartile. The main motive of the quartile is to calculate the interquartile range, that resembles the changes across the median.

Journal's Indexing

The Journal is indexed in (Indexing details)

PubMed Scopus Web of Science UGC Embase DOAJ

Indexing services aim to make it easier for researchers, scholars, and readers to discover and access articles from various journals within a specific field or discipline.

Journal's Metrics for 2024

Abbreviation Soc Psychol Personal Sci
Access type Hybrid
Impact Factor 5.7
SJR 2.404
SNIP 2.397
Ranking 963
CiteScore 9.5
H-Index 82

Editorial Board

The Editor-in-chief of the Journal is Christian Unkelbach

Submission/Processing Fee (APC)

Processing/Submission Fee : Article submission/Processing fees (APC), also known as manuscript Publication fees or processing fees (APC), are charged by journals to authors for submitting/publishing their research papers/article.

The APC/Submission (Publication) Fee of the Journal is 3500 USD, 2565 GBP

Call for paper

Call for paper : The Journal invites original research contributions for consideration of publication in Social Psychological and Personality Science journal.

Journal seeking submissions in the broad areas of Psychology that align with journal's focus on Psychology.

for details about call for paper please visit to the official website of the journal to check the details about call for papers.

How to publish in Social Psychological and Personality Science

Publishing in Social Psychological and Personality Science involves the following steps:

  • Research: Conduct high-quality, impactful research in the field of Psychology.
  • Familiarize Yourself: Read and understand the aims and scope of Social Psychological and Personality Science to ensure your work aligns with their focus.
  • Manuscript Preparation: Prepare your manuscript according to the Social Psychological and Personality Science guidelines, including formatting, length, and referencing style.
  • Submission: Submit your manuscript through the journal's online submission system.

Social Psychological and Personality Science FAQ

is journal indexed in PubMed?

No, the journal is not indexed in PubMed.

is journal indexed in Scopus?

Yes, the journal is indexed in Scopus.

is journal indexed in UGC?

Yes, the journal is indexed in UGC.

is journal indexed in Index Copernicus?

No, the journal is not indexed in Index copernicus.

is a predatory journal?

No, journal is not a predatory journal.

What is the Imptact Factor of Social Psychological and Personality Science?

The Impact Factor of the Journal is 5.7.

What is the Ranking of the Journal?

The Ranking of the Journal is 963.

is journal peer reviewed?

Yes the journal is a peer-reviewed journal.

is Social Psychological and Personality Science a good journal?

Yes the journal is a peer-reviewed journal and good to publish your paper.

What is Social Psychological and Personality Science?

Social Psychological and Personality Science (SPPS) is a scholarly journal dedicated to publishing research in the field of Psychology. SAGE is the publisher of this esteemed journal.

is Social Psychological and Personality Science open access?

Yes, Social Psychological and Personality Science is a open access (Hybrid) journal.

Table of Contents

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