Psychology Q1 Journals List 2024

Psychology Q1 Journals List 2024 - Q1 journals are the top 25% of academic journals in a specific field, determined by their Citation Impact Factor (CIF). These journals are considered the most prestigious and influential in their field, and publishing in one can significantly advance an academic career.

Psychology Q1 Journals List 2024 Subject Quartile ISSN
Chronic Stress Psychology Q1 2470-5470
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Psychology Q1 0022-4278
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Social Sciences Q1 0022-1031
Multivariate Behavioral Research Psychology Q1 0027-3171
Scientific Studies of Reading Social Sciences Q1 1088-8438
British Journal of Psychology Psychology Q1 0007-1269
Journal of Research on Adolescence Social Sciences Q1 1050-8392
Journal of Black Psychology Social Sciences Q1 0095-7984
Journal of Criminal Justice Social Sciences Q1 0047-2352
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Psychology Q1 1749-5024
Journal of Family Theory and Review Social Sciences Q1 1756-2570
Emotion Psychology Q1 1528-3542
Schizophrenia Psychology Q1 2334-265X
Journal of Professional Capital and Community Social Sciences Q1 2056-9548
Early Childhood Research Quarterly Social Sciences Q1 0885-2006
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations Social Sciences Q1 1368-4302
Social and Personality Psychology Compass Psychology Q1 1751-9004
Developmental Psychology Social Sciences Q1 0012-1649
Journal of Positive Psychology Psychology Q1 1743-9760
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology Psychology Q1 1750-984X
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Psychology Q1 1537-4416
Applied Developmental Science Social Sciences Q1 1088-8691
Review of General Psychology Psychology Q1 1089-2680
Child Abuse and Neglect Social Sciences Q1 0145-2134
Cognition and Instruction Social Sciences Q1 0737-0008
International Journal of Consumer Studies Psychology Q1 1470-6423
Autism Psychology Q1 1362-3613
Human Communication Research Social Sciences Q1 0360-3989
Behaviour Research and Therapy Psychology Q1 0005-7967
Educational and Psychological Measurement Social Sciences Q1 0013-1644
Open Mind Social Sciences Q1 2470-2986
Research on Language and Social Interaction Social Sciences Q1 0835-1813
Neuropsychology Review Psychology Q1 1040-7308
Journal of Youth and Adolescence Social Sciences Q1 0047-2891
Comprehensive Psychiatry Psychology Q1 0010-440X
Journal of Environmental Psychology Psychology Q1 0272-4944
Applied Psychology Health and Well Being Psychology Q1 1758-0846
Reading Research Quarterly Social Sciences Q1 0034-0553
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Psychology Q1 0963-1798
Psychology and Marketing Psychology Q1 0742-6046
Journal of Memory and Language Social Sciences Q1 0749-596X
Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy Psychology Q1 1942-9681
Clinical Psychological Science Psychology Q1 2167-7026
British Journal of Social Psychology Psychology Q1 0144-6665
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies Social Sciences Q1 2578-1863
Child Development Social Sciences Q1 0009-3920
Developmental Science Psychology Q1 1363-755X
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology Psychology Q1 1359-432X
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Psychology Q1 0022-006X
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Psychology Q1 0146-1672
Journal of the Learning Sciences Social Sciences Q1 1050-8406
Journals of Gerontology Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences Social Sciences Q1 1079-5014
Human Resource Management Psychology Q1 0090-4848
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development Psychology Q1 0037-976X
British Journal of Health Psychology Psychology Q1 1359-107X
Emotion Review Psychology Q1 1754-0739
Social Psychological and Personality Science Psychology Q1 1948-5506
Journal of Health and Social Behavior Psychology Q1 0022-1465
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review Social Sciences Q1 1096-4037
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Psychology Q1 1076-8998
Journal of Educational Psychology Social Sciences Q1 0022-0663
Journal of Business and Psychology Psychology Q1 0889-3268
Depression and Anxiety Psychology Q1 1091-4269
Current Opinion in Psychology Psychology Q1 2352-250X
Alcohol Research Current Reviews Psychology Q1 2168-3492
Technological Forecasting and Social Change Psychology Q1 0040-1625
Developmental Review Social Sciences Q1 0273-2297
Behavior Research Methods Psychology Q1 1554-351X
Journal of School Psychology Social Sciences Q1 0022-4405
Journal of Personality Psychology Q1 0022-3506
Psychological Review Psychology Q1 0033-295X
Psychological Science Psychology Q1 0956-7976
Social Issues and Policy Review Social Sciences Q1 1751-2395
Applied Psychology Psychology Q1 0269-994X
Journal of Vocational Behavior Social Sciences Q1 0001-8791
Learning and Instruction Social Sciences Q1 0959-4752
Organizational Psychology Review Psychology Q1 2041-3866
Journal of Consumer Psychology Psychology Q1 1057-7408
Accounting Organizations and Society Business, Management and Accounting Q1 0361-3682
Current Directions in Psychological Science Psychology Q1 0963-7214
Trauma Violence and Abuse Social Sciences Q1 1524-8380
Computers in Human Behavior Psychology Q1 0747-5632
Psychological Medicine Psychology Q1 0033-2917
Autism in Adulthood Psychology Q1 2573-9581
Work and Stress Psychology Q1 0267-8373
Contemporary Educational Psychology Social Sciences Q1 0361-476X
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews Psychology Q1 0149-7634
Political Psychology Social Sciences Q1 0162-895X
Qualitative Research in Psychology Psychology Q1 1478-0887
European Review of Social Psychology Psychology Q1 1046-3283
Child Development Perspectives Social Sciences Q1 1750-8592
Journal of Anxiety Disorders Psychology Q1 0887-6185
American Psychologist Psychology Q1 0003-066X
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Psychology Q1 0749-5978
European Journal of Personality Psychology Q1 0890-2070
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines Psychology Q1 0021-9630
Health Psychology Review Medicine Q1 1743-7199
Human Resource Management Review Psychology Q1 1053-4822
Educational Psychology Review Social Sciences Q1 1040-726X
Educational Psychologist Psychology Q1 0046-1520
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