UGC Indexed Journals List 2024

UGC Indexed Journals List 2024

UGC Indexed Journals List 2024 ISSN Publisher
Journal of Management Information Systems 1557-928X Taylor and Francis
Journal of Management Inquiry 1552-6542 SAGE
Journal of Management Science and Engineering 2589-5532 KeAi Communications Co
Journal of Management Studies 1467-6486 Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 1741-038X Emerald Publishing
Journal of Marine Science and Application 1993-5048 Springer
Journal of Marketing 1547-7185 SAGE
Journal of Marketing Management 1472-1376 Taylor and Francis
Journal of Marketing Research 1547-7193 SAGE
Journal of Marriage and Family 1741-3737 Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2050-7496 Royal Society of Chemistry
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2050-7534 Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Publishing
Journal of Materiomics 2352-8486 Chinese Chemical Society
Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery 0974-942X Springer
Journal of Medical Genetics 1468-6244 BMJ
Journal of Medical Physics 1998-3913 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors 2228-7477 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Journal of Medical Virology 1096-9071 John Wiley and Sons
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 1520-4804 American Chemical Society
Journal of Memory and Language 1096-0821 Elsevier
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 1525-1314 Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Meteorological Research 2198-0934 China Meteorological Press
Journal of Mid Life Health 0976-7819 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Journal of Minimal Access Surgery 1998-3921 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 1558-6901 SAGE
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2196-5420 State Grid Electric Power Research Institute Nanjing
Journal of Molecular Biology 1089-8638 Elsevier
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 1759-4685 Oxford University Press
Journal of Mountain Science 1993-0321 Science Press
Journal of Nature and Science of Medicine 2589-6288 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 1095-8592 Elsevier
Journal of Neuroinflammation 1742-2094 BioMed Central
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery 1759-8486 BMJ
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1468-330X BMJ
Journal of Neuroscience 1529-2401 Society for Neuroscience
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2159-662X Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences 2345-5764 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 2044-8325 John Wiley and Sons
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 1939-1307 American Psychological Association
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 2468-0133 Elsevier
Journal of Ocean University of China 1672-5182 Science Press
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2523-3521 Science Press
Journal of Organizational Behavior 1099-1379 John Wiley and Sons
Journal of Orthopaedics 0972-978X Elsevier
Journal of Otology 2524-1753 PLA General Hospital Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Journal of Parasitic Diseases 0975-0703 Springer
Journal of Pathology 0204634 John Wiley and Sons
Journal of Pathology Informatics 2153-3539 Elsevier
Journal of Peace Research 0022-3433 SAGE
Journal of Peasant Studies 1743-9361 Taylor and Francis
Journal of Personality 1467-6494 Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1939-1315 American Psychological Association
Journal of Petrology 1460-2415 Oxford University Press
Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 2214-0883 Xian Jiaotong University
Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences 0975-7406 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Journal of Philosophy 1939-8549 The Journal of Philosophy
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1948-7185 American Chemical Society
Journal of Physical Oceanography 1520-0485 American Meteorological Society
Journal of Physiology 1469-7793 Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Pineal Research 1600-079X Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering 2667-1433 KeAi Communications Co
Journal of Planning Literature 1552-6593 SAGE
Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 0974-1275 Springer
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 1520-6688 John Wiley and Sons
Journal of Political Economy 1537-534X University of Chicago
Journal of Politics 1468-2508 University of Chicago
Journal of Positive Psychology 1743-9779 Taylor and Francis
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 0972-2823 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Journal of Product Innovation Management 1540-5885 Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Professional Capital and Community 2056-9556 Emerald Publishing
Journal of Psychiatric Research 1879-1379 Elsevier
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 1477-9803 Oxford University Press
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 1547-7207 SAGE
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 1478-4092 Elsevier
Journal of Radars 2095-283X Institute of Electronics Chinese Academy of Sciences
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 1552-731X SAGE
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 2040-7122 Emerald Publishing
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 1098-2736 John Wiley and Sons
Journal of Research on Adolescence 1532-7795 Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Resources and Ecology 1674-764X Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research
Journal of Retailing 0022-4359 Elsevier
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 0969-6989 Elsevier
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 2589-0417 Chinese Academy of Sciences
Journal of Safety Science and Resilience 2096-7527 KeAi Communications Co
Journal of School Psychology 1873-3506 Elsevier
Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 0975-1084 NISCAIR
Journal of Scientometric Research 2320-0057 Phcog Net
Journal of Second Language Writing 1060-3743 Elsevier
Journal of Service Management 1757-5818 Emerald Publishing
Journal of Service Research 1552-7379 SAGE
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 1532-6500 Elsevier
Journal of Small Business Management 1540-627X Taylor and Francis
Journal of Social Computing 2688-5255 Tsinghua University Press
Journal of South Asian Development 0973-1733 SAGE
Journal of Spine Surgery 2414-4630 AME Publishing Company
Journal of Statistical Software 1548-7660 Foundation for Open Access Statistics
Journal of Structural Biology 1095-8657 Elsevier
Journal of Supply Chain Management 1745-493X Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Sustainable Cement Based Materials 2165-0381 Taylor and Francis
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 1747-7646 Taylor and Francis
Journal of System and Management Sciences 1818-0523 Success Culture Press
Journal of Teacher Education 1552-7816 SAGE
Journal of Technology Transfer 0892-9912 Springer
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 1552-7824 Springer
Journal of the ACM 1557-735X Association for Computing Machinery
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1527-5418 Elsevier
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 1097-6787 Elsevier
Journal of the American Chemical Society 1520-5126 American Chemical Society
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 1558-3597 Elsevier
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 0002-8614 Wiley Blackwell
Journal of the American Heart Association 2047-9980 Wiley Blackwell
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1088-6834 American Mathematical Society
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 1538-9375 Elsevier
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 1527-974X Oxford University Press
Journal of the American Planning Association 0194-4363 Taylor and Francis
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 1097-6795 Elsevier
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 1533-3450 American Society of Nephrology
Journal of the American Statistical Association 1537-274X Taylor and Francis
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 1536-9323 Association for Information Systems
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 2333-5963 University of Chicago
Journal of the European Economic Association 1542-4766 Wiley Blackwell
Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science 0976-8432 Springer
Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 2667-2847 Elsevier
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 0019-4964 Indian Institute of Science
Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society 2455-6475 Indian Mathematical Society
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 0974-3006 Springer
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 1475-3030 Cambridge University Press
Journal of The Institution of Engineers India Series A 2250-2157 Springer
Journal of the International AIDS Society 1758-2652 John Wiley and Sons
Journal of the Learning Sciences 1532-7809 Taylor and Francis
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 0022-5096 Elsevier
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1460-2105 Oxford University Press
Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network JNCCN 1540-1413 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B Statistical Methodology 1467-9868 Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Thermal Science 1993-033X Science Press
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1097-685X Elsevier
Journal of Thoracic Oncology 1556-1380 Elsevier
Journal of Threatened Taxa 0974-7907 Wildlife Information Liaison Development Society
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 1538-7836 Elsevier
Journal of Topology 1753-8424 John Wiley and Sons
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 0255-2922 Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 1671-1637 Changan University
Journal of Translational Medicine 1479-5876 BioMed Central
Journal of Transport Geography 0966-6923 Elsevier
Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology 1009-6744 Science Press
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 1540-7306 Taylor and Francis
Journal of Travel Medicine 1708-8305 Oxford University Press
Journal of Travel Research 1552-6763 SAGE
Journal of Tropical Meteorology 1004-4965 China Meteorological Press
Journal of Urban Economics 1095-9068 Elsevier
Journal of Urology 1527-3792 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Journal of Vascular Surgery 1097-6809 Elsevier
Journal of Vector Borne Diseases 0972-9062 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Journal of Vocational Behavior 1095-9084 Elsevier
Journal of World Business 1878-5573 Elsevier
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 1573-6601 Springer
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A 1862-1775 Zhejiang University Press
Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition 1993-0437 Springer
Journalism 1741-3001 SAGE
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 2161-430X SAGE
Journalism Studies 1469-9699 Taylor and Francis
Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 1758-535X Oxford University Press
Journals of Gerontology Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 1758-5368 Oxford University Press
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences 1520-0469 American Meteorological Society
JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 0973-5763 Pushpa Publishing House
JPhys Energy 2515-7655 IOP Publishing
Justice Quarterly 1745-9109 Taylor and Francis
Kexue Tongbao Chinese Science Bulletin 2095-9419 Science China Press
Kidney International 1523-1755 Elsevier
Knowledge Management and E Learning 2073-7904 University of Hong Kong
Kongzhi Lilun Yu Yinyong Control Theory and Applications 1000-8152 South China University of Technology
Kongzhi yu Juece Control and Decision 1001-0920 Northeast University
Kuei Suan Jen Hsueh Pao Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society 0454-5648 Chinese Chemical Society
Land Use Policy 1873-5754 Elsevier
Language Learning 1467-9922 Wiley Blackwell
Language Testing 0265-5322 SAGE
Leadership Quarterly 1873-3409 Elsevier
Learning and Instruction 0959-4752 Elsevier
Learning Media and Technology 1743-9892 Taylor and Francis
LGBT Health 2325-8306 Mary Ann Liebert
Life Science Alliance 2575-1077 Rockefeller University Press
Light Science and Applications 2047-7538 Nature Publishing
Limnology and Oceanography 1939-5590 John Wiley and Sons
Limnology And Oceanography Letters 2378-2242 John Wiley and Sons
Linguistic Inquiry 1530-9150 MIT Press
Lithologic Reservoirs 1673-8926 PetroChina Company Limited
Liver International 1478-3231 Wiley Blackwell
Liver Research 2542-5684 KeAi Communications Co
Liver Transplantation 1527-6473 John Wiley and Sons
Lixue Xuebao Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 0459-1879 Science Press
Long Range Planning 1873-1872 Elsevier
Lung India 0974-598X Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Mammal Review 1365-2907 Wiley Blackwell
Management and Labour Studies 2321-0710 SAGE
Management Learning 1461-7307 SAGE
Management Science 1526-5501 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 1526-5498 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Mapan Journal of Metrology Society of India 0974-9853 Springer
Marketing Letters 1573-059X Springer
Marketing Science 1526-548X Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Marketing Theory 1741-301X SAGE
Materials Horizons 2051-6355 Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Publishing
Materials Research Letters 2166-3831 Taylor and Francis
Materials Science for Energy Technologies 2589-2991 KeAi Communications Co
Materials Today Advances 2590-0498 Elsevier
Materials Today Energy 2468-6069 Elsevier
Materials Today Nano 2588-8420 Elsevier
Materials Today Physics 2542-5293 Elsevier
Mathematical Finance 1467-9965 Wiley Blackwell
Matter 2590-2385 Cell Press
Mausam 0252-9416 India Meteorological Department
Mayo Clinic Proceedings 1942-5546 Elsevier
mBio 2150-7511 American Society for Microbiology
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 1096-1216 Elsevier
Mechanism and Machine Theory 1873-3999 Elsevier
Med 2666-6340 Cell Press
Media Culture and Society 1460-3675 SAGE
Mediastinum 2522-6711 AME Publishing Company
Medical Education 1365-2923 Wiley Blackwell
Medical Gas Research 2045-9912 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Medicinal Research Reviews 1098-1128 John Wiley and Sons
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1530-0315 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Meitan Kexue Jishu Coal Science and Technology 0253-2336 China Coal Society
Meitiandizhi Yu Kantan Coal Geology and Exploration 1001-1986 China Coal Society
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1947-6221 American Mathematical Society
Metabolic Engineering 1096-7184 Elsevier
Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 1532-8600 Elsevier
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2041-210X John Wiley and Sons
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 1098-5557 American Society for Microbiology
Microbiome 2049-2618 BioMed Central
Microsystems and Nanoengineering 2055-7434 Nature Publishing
Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology 0975-1599 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Milbank Quarterly 1468-0009 Wiley Blackwell
Military Medical Research 2054-9369 BioMed Central
Mind 1460-2113 Oxford University Press
MIS Quarterly Management Information Systems 2162-9730 Management Information Systems Research Center
MMWR Recommendations and Reports 1545-8601 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
MMWR Surveillance Summaries 1545-8636 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Mobile DNA 1759-8753 BioMed Central
Modern Language Journal 1540-4781 John Wiley and Sons
Modern Pathology 1530-0285 Nature Publishing
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 1535-9484 Elsevier
Molecular Aspects of Medicine 1872-9452 Elsevier
Molecular Autism 2040-2392 BioMed Central
Molecular Biology and Evolution 1537-1719 Oxford University Press
Molecular Biology of the Cell 1939-4586 The American Society for Cell Biology
Molecular Cancer 1476-4598 BioMed Central
Molecular Cancer Research 1557-3125 American Association for Cancer Research
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 1538-8514 American Association for Cancer Research
Molecular Cell 1097-4164 Cell Press
Molecular Ecology Resources 1755-0998 Wiley Blackwell
Molecular Neurodegeneration 1750-1326 BioMed Central
Molecular Plant 1752-9867 Cell Press
Molecular Psychiatry 1476-5578 Nature Publishing
Molecular Systems Biology 1744-4292 Wiley Blackwell
Molecular Therapy 1525-0024 Cell Press
Molecular Therapy Methods and Clinical Development 2329-0501 Cell Press
Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids 2162-2531 Cell Press
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 1540-5834 Wiley Blackwell
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 1745-3933 Oxford University Press
Monthly Weather Review 1520-0493 American Meteorological Society
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 1545-861X Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Movement Disorders 1531-8257 John Wiley and Sons
mSystems 2379-5077 American Society for Microbiology
Mucosal Immunology 1935-3456 Nature Publishing
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 1477-0970 SAGE
Multivariate Behavioral Research 1532-7906 Taylor and Francis
Mycosphere 2077-7019 Zhongkai University
Nano Convergence 2196-5404 Nature Publishing
Nano Letters 1530-6992 American Chemical Society
Nano Materials Science 2589-9651 KeAi Communications Co
Nano Research 1998-0000 Tsinghua University Press
Nanoscale 2040-3372 Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Publishing
Nanoscale Horizons 2055-6764 Royal Society of Chemistry
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2631-9268 Oxford University Press
National Academy Science Letters 2250-1754 Springer
National Medical Journal of India 2583-150X All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Natural Product Reports 1460-4752 Royal Society of Chemistry
Nature 1476-4687 Nature Publishing
Nature Astronomy 2397-3366 Nature Publishing
Nature Biomedical Engineering 2157-846X Nature Publishing
Nature Biotechnology 1546-1696 Nature Publishing
Nature Cancer 2662-1347 Springer
Nature Cell Biology 1476-4679 Nature Publishing
Nature Chemical Biology 1552-4469 Nature Publishing
Nature Chemistry 1755-4349 Nature Publishing
Nature Climate Change 1758-6798 Nature Publishing
Nature Communications 2041-1723 Elsevier
Nature Computational Science 2662-8457 Springer
Nature Ecology and Evolution 2397-334X Nature Publishing
Nature Electronics 2520-1131 Nature Publishing
Nature Energy 2058-7546 Nature Publishing
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 2395-3454 Technoscience Publications
Nature Food 2662-1355 Springer
Nature Genetics 1546-1718 Nature Publishing
Nature Geoscience 1752-0908 Nature Publishing
Nature Immunology 1529-2916 Nature Publishing
Nature Materials 1476-1122 Nature Publishing
Nature Medicine 1546-170X Nature Publishing
Nature Methods 1548-7105 Nature Publishing
Nature Microbiology 2058-5276 Nature Publishing
Nature Nanotechnology 1748-3395 Nature Publishing
Nature Neuroscience 1546-1726 Nature Publishing
Nature Photonics 1749-4893 Nature Publishing
Nature Physics 1745-2473 Nature Publishing
Nature Plants 2055-026X Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
Nature Protocols 1754-2189 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Cancer 1474-1768 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Cardiology 1759-5010 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Chemistry 2397-3358 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 1759-4782 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Disease Primers 2056-676X Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 1474-1784 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Endocrinology 1759-5037 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1759-5053 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Genetics 1471-0064 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Immunology 1474-1741 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Materials 2058-8437 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Methods Primers 2662-8449 Springer
Nature Reviews Microbiology 1740-1534 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 1471-0080 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Neurology 1759-4766 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 1471-0048 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Physics 2522-5820 Springer
Nature Reviews Rheumatology 1759-4804 Nature Publishing
Nature Reviews Urology 1759-4820 Nature Publishing
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 1545-9985 Nature Publishing
Nature Sustainability 2398-9629 Nature Publishing
Network Neuroscience 2472-1751 MIT Press
Neural Networks 1879-2782 Elsevier
Neural Regeneration Research 1876-7958 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Neuro Oncology 1523-5866 Oxford University Press
Neurobiology of Disease 1095-953X Elsevier
Neurobiology of Language 2641-4368 MIT Press
NeuroImage 1095-9572 Elsevier
Neurological Sciences and Neurophysiology 2636-865X Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Neurology 1526-632X Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Neurology India 1998-4022 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Neurology Neuroimmunology and NeuroInflammation 2332-7812 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Neuron 1097-4199 Cell Press
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 1365-2990 Wiley Blackwell
Neuropsychology Review 1573-6660 Springer
Neuropsychopharmacology 1470-634X Nature Publishing
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 1873-7528 Elsevier
Neuroscience Bulletin 1995-8218 Springer
Neuroscientist 1089-4098 SAGE
New England Journal of Medicine 1533-4406 Massachusetts Medical Society
New Media and Society 1461-7315 SAGE
New Phytologist 1469-8137 Wiley Blackwell
New Political Economy 1469-9923 Taylor and Francis
New Technology Work and Employment 1468-005X Wiley Blackwell
Nicotine and Tobacco Research 1469-994X Oxford University Press
Noise and Health 1998-4030 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Non Coding RNA Research 2468-0540 KeAi Communications Co
Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering 1002-6819 Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
Nous 1468-0068 John Wiley and Sons
NPG Asia Materials 1884-4057 Nature Publishing
npj 2D Materials and Applications 2397-7132 Nature Publishing
npj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease 2056-3973 Nature Publishing
npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 2055-5008 Nature Publishing
npj Breast Cancer 2374-4677 Nature Publishing
npj Clean Water 2059-7037 Springer
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2397-3722 Springer
npj Computational Materials 2057-3960 Nature Publishing
npj Digital Medicine 2398-6352 Nature Publishing
npj Flexible Electronics 2397-4621 Nature Publishing
npj Genomic Medicine 2056-7944 Nature Publishing
npj Parkinsons Disease 2373-8057 Springer
npj Precision Oncology 2397-768X Springer
npj Quantum Information 2056-6387 Nature Publishing
NPJ Quantum Materials 2397-4648 Nature Publishing
npj Regenerative Medicine 2057-3995 Springer
npj Vaccines 2059-0105 Nature Publishing
Nucleic Acids Research 4962 Oxford University Press
Nursing and Midwifery Studies 2322-1674 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Obesity 1930-739X John Wiley and Sons
Obesity Reviews 1467-789X Wiley Blackwell
Obstetrics and Gynecology 1873-233X Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Ocular Surface 1937-5913 Elsevier
Oil Crop Science 2666-626X KeAi Communications Co
Oman Journal of Ophthalmology 0974-7842 Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Omega 0305-0483 Elsevier
Oncogene 1476-5594 Nature Publishing
Oncogenesis 2157-9024 Nature Publishing
OncoImmunology 2162-402X Taylor and Francis
Oncologist 1549-490X Oxford University Press
One Earth 2590-3322 Cell Press
Open Biology 2046-2441 The Royal Society
Open Mind 2470-2986 MIT Press
Operations Research 1526-5463 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Ophthalmology 1549-4713 Elsevier
Ophthalmology Retina 2468-6530 Elsevier
Optica 2334-2536 Optica Publishing Group
Opto Electronic Advances 2096-4579 Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organization 1461-7323 SAGE
Organization and Environment 1552-7417 SAGE
Organization Science 1526-5455 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Organization Studies 1741-3044 SAGE
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 1095-9920 Elsevier
Organizational Psychology Review 2041-3874 SAGE

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