UGC Indexed Journals List 2025

UGC Indexed Journals List 2025

Are you looking for journals indexed in UGC? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we provide an updated list of UGC-approved journals and top peer-reviewed journals.

UGC is a database that indexes scholarly and high-impact factor journals from around the world.

UGC is comprehensive database that provides access to a vast collection of peer-reviewed literature.

Publishing in a UGC-indexed journal has numerous benefits, including increased visibility and credibility within the academic community.

Being indexed in UGC is a recognized method for evaluating the quality of scholarly peer-reviewed journals.

If a journal is indexed in UGC, it is considered to be a high-quality journal.

For an updated list of UGC-indexed journals, see the list below.

UGC Indexed Journals PDF

UGC Journals List 2025

Journals List ISSN Subject Publisher
Tourism Management 0261-5177 Social Sciences Elsevier
Tourism Management Perspectives 2211-9744 Business, Management and Accounting Elsevier
Tourism Review 1759-8451 Social Sciences Emerald Group Publishing
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1088-6850 Mathematics American Mathematical Society
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2307-387X Social Sciences MIT Press
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 0975-1645 Materials Science Springer
Transactions of Tianjin University 1995-8196 Multidisciplinary Tianjin Daxue Tianjin University
Transcription 2154-1272 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Taylor and Francis
Translation Today 0972-8090 Arts and Humanities National Translation Mission
Translational Andrology and Urology 2223-4691 Medicine AME Publishing Company
Translational Animal Science 2573-2102 Veterinary Oxford University Press
Translational Cancer Research 2219-6803 Medicine AME Publishing Company
Translational Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2224-4778 Medicine AME Publishing Company
Translational Medicine of Aging 2468-5011 Medicine KeAi Communications Co
Translational Pediatrics 2224-4344 Medicine Associated Management Consultants Private Limited
Translational Psychiatry 2158-3188 Neuroscience Nature Publishing
Translational Research 1878-1810 Medicine Elsevier
Translational Stroke Research 1868-601X Neuroscience SAGE
Transport Policy 1879-310X Social Sciences Elsevier
Transport Reviews 1464-5327 Social Sciences Taylor and Francis
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2590-1982 Social Sciences Elsevier
Transportation Research Part A Policy and Practice 0965-8564 Social Sciences Elsevier
Transportation Research Part B Methodological 0191-2615 Social Sciences Elsevier
Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies 0968-090X Social Sciences Elsevier
Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment 1361-9209 Social Sciences Elsevier
Transportation Research, Part E Logistics and Transportation Review 1366-5545 Social Sciences Elsevier
Transportation Science 1526-5447 Social Sciences Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Trauma Violence and Abuse 1552-8324 Social Sciences SAGE
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 1873-0442 Medicine Elsevier
Trends in Biochemical Sciences 1362-4326 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Elsevier
Trends in Biotechnology 1879-3096 Chemical Engineering Elsevier
Trends in Cancer 2405-8025 Medicine Cell Press
Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 1873-2615 Medicine Elsevier
Trends in Cell Biology 1879-3088 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Elsevier
Trends in Chemistry 2589-5974 Chemistry Cell Press
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 1879-307X Psychology Elsevier
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 1879-3061 Medicine Cell Press
Trends in Food Science and Technology 0924-2244 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Elsevier
Trends in Genetics 1362-4555 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Elsevier
Trends in Immunology 1471-4981 Medicine Elsevier
Trends in Microbiology 1878-4380 Medicine Elsevier
Trends in Molecular Medicine 1471-499X Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Elsevier
Trends in Neurosciences 1878-108X Neuroscience Elsevier
Trends in Parasitology 1471-5007 Medicine Elsevier
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 1873-3735 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Elsevier
Trends in Plant Science 1878-4372 Agricultural and Biological Sciences Elsevier
Tropical Ecology 2661-8982 Environmental Science International Society for Tropical Ecology
Tumu yu Huanjing Gongcheng Xuebao Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2096-6717 Engineering China National Publications Import and Export
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 0886-7798 Engineering Elsevier
Tzu Chi Medical Journal 2223-8956 Medicine Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1469-0705 Medicine John Wiley and Sons
Underground Space 2467-9674 Engineering Tongji University Press
Uninga Review 2178-2571 Social Sciences Editora Uninga
United European Gastroenterology Journal 2050-6414 Medicine John Wiley and Sons
Urban Geography 1938-2847 Social Sciences Taylor and Francis
Urban Studies 1360-063X Social Sciences SAGE
Urology Annals 0974-7834 Medicine Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Vaccine X 2590-1362 Veterinary Elsevier
Vegetos 0970-4078 Agricultural and Biological Sciences Springer
Vehicular Communications 2214-210X Social Sciences Elsevier
Vikalpa 2395-3799 Decision Sciences SAGE
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 1745-2767 Mathematics Taylor and Francis
Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware 2666-1209 Computer Science KeAi Communications Co
Virus Evolution 2057-1577 Immunology and Microbiology Oxford University Press
VirusDisease 2347-3517 Medicine Springer
VLDB Journal 0949-877X Computer Science Springer
Waste Disposal and Sustainable Energy 2524-7891 Environmental Science Springer
Waste Management 1879-2456 Environmental Science Elsevier
Water Research 1879-2448 Environmental Science Elsevier
Water Research X 2589-9147 Environmental Science Elsevier
Water Science and Engineering 2405-8106 Engineering Elsevier
West European Politics 1743-9655 Social Sciences Taylor and Francis
WHO South East Asia Journal of Public Health 2304-5272 Medicine Wolters Kluwer Medknow
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change 1757-7799 Social Sciences John Wiley and Sons
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Computational Molecular Science 1759-0884 Mathematics John Wiley and Sons
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1942-4795 Computer Science John Wiley and Sons
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Developmental Biology 1759-7692 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology John Wiley and Sons
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 1939-5116 Medicine John Wiley and Sons
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews RNA 1757-7012 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology John Wiley and Sons
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water 2049-1948 Environmental Science John Wiley and Sons
Work Aging and Retirement 2054-4650 Social Sciences Oxford University Press
Work and Stress 1464-5335 Psychology Taylor and Francis
Work Employment and Society 1469-8722 Social Sciences SAGE
World Bank Research Observer 1564-6971 Social Sciences Oxford University Press
World Development 0305-750X Social Sciences Elsevier
World Journal of Emergency Medicine 1920-8642 Medicine Zhejiang University Press
World Journal of Emergency Surgery 1749-7922 Medicine BioMed Central
World Journal of Hepatology 1948-5182 Medicine Baishideng Publishing Group Inc
World Journal of Orthopedics 2218-5836 Medicine Baishideng Publishing Group
World Journal of Pediatrics 1867-0687 Medicine Springer
World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2589-2894 Medicine Wolters Kluwer Medknow
World Politics 1086-3338 Social Sciences Cambridge University Press
Wuji Cailiao Xuebao Journal of Inorganic Materials 1000-324X Materials Science Science Press
Wuli Huaxue Xuebao Acta Physico Chimica Sinica 1000-6818 Chemistry Chinese Chemical Society
Wuli Xuebao Acta Physica Sinica 1000-3290 Physics and Astronomy Science Press
Xiyou jinshu 0258-7076 Materials Science Chinese Society of Power Engineering
Yantu Lixue, Rock and Soil Mechanics 1000-7598 Engineering Academia Sinica
Yuhang Xuebao Journal of Astronautics 1000-7229 Engineering Chinese Society of Astronautics
Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue China Environmental Science 1000-6923 Environmental Science Tsinghua University Press
Zhongguo Xitu Xuebao Journal of the Chinese Rare Earth Society 1000-4343 Materials Science Yejin Gongye Chubanshe Metallurgical Industry Press
Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuebao Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals 1004-0609 Physics and Astronomy Central South University of Technology
Zhongguo Zaozhi Xuebao Transactions of China Pulp and Paper 1000-6842 Materials Science China Technical Association of Paper Industry
Zhonghua liuxingbingxue zazhi 0254-6450 Medicine Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe
Zidonghua Xuebao Acta Automatica Sinica 1874-1029 Engineering Science Press
Zoological research 2095-8137 Environmental Science Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zoological Systematics 2095-6827 Agricultural and Biological Sciences Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences