NMC Approved Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Journals List 2024

NMC Approved Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Journals List 2024 : As per the new regulations (February 2022) of the National Medical Commision (NMC), India, only original papers, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, and case series that are published in journals included in Medline, PubMed Central, Embase, Scopus, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded and Directory of Open access journals (DOAJ) will be considered for promotion of medical faculty.

Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Journals List 2024 ISSN
Sport Management Review 1441-3523
International Journal of Human Resource Management 1466-4399
Work Aging and Retirement 2054-4650
Human Resource Development Review 1552-6712
Organization and Environment 1552-7417
Academy of Management Learning and Education 1944-9585
Review of International Organizations 1559-744X
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 2044-8325
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 1464-0643
Work Employment and Society 1469-8722
Information and Organization 1471-7727
Review of Public Personnel Administration 1552-759X
Human Resource Management Journal 1748-8583
Human Resource Management 1099-050X
Gender Work and Organization 1468-0432
Journal of Vocational Behavior 1095-9084
Organizational Psychology Review 2041-3874
Accounting Organizations and Society 0361-3682
Journal of Human Resources 1548-8004
ILR Review 2162-271X
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 1095-9920
Human Resource Management Review 1053-4822
Journal of Organizational Behavior 1099-1379
Organization Studies 1741-3044
International Organization 1531-5088
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1540-6520
Leadership Quarterly 1873-3409
Journal of Service Research 1552-7379
Organization Science 1526-5455
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 2327-0616
Journal of Human Values 0973-0737
Management and Labour Studies 2321-0710
FIIB Business Review 2455-2658
Academy of Management Annals 1941-6067

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