Are you looking for journals indexed in Google Scholar? Then you are in the right place.
Here, we provide an updated list of Google Scholar-approved journals and top peer-reviewed journals.
Google Scholar is a database that indexes scholarly and high-impact factor journals from around the world.
Google Scholar is comprehensive database that provides access to a vast collection of peer-reviewed literature.
Publishing in a Google Scholar-indexed journal has numerous benefits, including increased visibility and credibility within the academic community.
Being indexed in Google Scholar is a recognized method for evaluating the quality of scholarly peer-reviewed journals.
If a journal is indexed in Google Scholar, it is considered to be a high-quality journal.
For an updated list of Google Scholar-indexed journals, see the list below.
Google Scholar Indexed Journals PDF
Journals List | ISSN | Subject | Publisher |
Business Ethics Quarterly | 2153-3326 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Cambridge University Press |
Business Horizons | 0007-6813 | Business, Management and Accounting | Elsevier |
Business Strategy and the Environment | 1099-0836 | Social Sciences | John Wiley and Sons |
California Management Review | 2162-8564 | Business, Management and Accounting | SAGE |
Canadian Journal of Political Science | 1744-9324 | Social Sciences | Cambridge University Press |
Cancer | 1097-0142 | Medicine | John Wiley and Sons |
Cancer Biology and Medicine | 2095-3941 | Medicine | China Anti Cancer Association |
Cancer Discovery | 2159-8290 | Medicine | American Association for Cancer Research |
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention | 1538-7755 | Medicine | American Association for Cancer Research |
Cancer Immunology Research | 2326-6074 | Immunology and Microbiology | American Association for Cancer Research |
Cancer Research | 1538-7445 | Medicine | American Association for Cancer Research |
Cancer Research Statistics and Treatment | 2590-3225 | Nursing | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Cancer Treatment Reviews | 0305-7372 | Medicine | WB Saunders Ltd |
Carbohydrate Polymers | 1879-1344 | Materials Science | Elsevier |
Carbon | 0008-6223 | Materials Science | Elsevier |
Carbon Energy | 2637-9368 | Materials Science | John Wiley and Sons |
Carbon Resources Conversion | 2588-9133 | Materials Science | KeAi Communications Co |
Cardiovascular Diabetology | 1475-2840 | Medicine | BioMed Central |
Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy | 2223-3660 | Medicine | AME Publishing Company |
Cardiovascular Research | 1755-3245 | Medicine | Oxford University Press |
CCS Chemistry | 2096-5745 | Chemistry | Chinese Chemical Society |
Cell | 1097-4172 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Cell Press |
Cell and Bioscience | 2045-3701 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Springer |
Cell Chemical Biology | 2451-9456 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | Cell Press |
Cell Communication and Signaling | 1478-811X | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | BMJ |
Cell Death and Differentiation | 1476-5403 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Nature Publishing |
Cell Death and Disease | 2041-4889 | Neuroscience | Nature Publishing |
Cell Death Discovery | 2058-7716 | Neuroscience | Nature Publishing |
Cell Discovery | 2056-5968 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Nature Publishing |
Cell Genomics | 2666-979X | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Cell Press |
Cell Host and Microbe | 1934-6069 | Immunology and Microbiology | Cell Press |
Cell Journal | 2228-5814 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Royan Institute |
Cell Metabolism | 1932-7420 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Cell Press |
Cell Proliferation | 1365-2184 | Medicine | Wiley Blackwell |
Cell Reports | 2211-1247 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Cell Press |
Cell Reports Medicine | 2666-3791 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Cell Press |
Cell Reports Methods | 2667-2375 | Medicine | Cell Press |
Cell Reports Physical Science | 2666-3864 | Physics and Astronomy | Cell Press |
Cell Research | 1748-7838 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Nature Publishing |
Cell Stem Cell | 1875-9777 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Cell Press |
Cell Systems | 2405-4720 | Medicine | Cell Press |
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters | 1689-1392 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | BioMed Central |
Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology | 2352-345X | Medicine | Elsevier |
Cellular and Molecular Immunology | 2042-0226 | Medicine | Nature Publishing |
Cement and Concrete Composites | 0958-9465 | Materials Science | Elsevier |
Cement and Concrete Research | 0008-8846 | Materials Science | Elsevier |
Cephalalgia | 1468-2982 | Medicine | SAGE |
Cerebral Cortex | 1460-2199 | Neuroscience | Oxford University Press |
Changjiang Liuyu Ziyuan Yu Huanjing Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Valley | 1004-8227 | Environmental Science | Science Press |
Chem | 2451-9294 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Chem Catalysis | 2667-1093 | Chemistry | Cell Press |
Chemical Reviews | 1520-6890 | Chemistry | American Chemical Society |
Chemical Science | 2041-6539 | Chemistry | Royal Society of Chemistry |
Chemical Society Reviews | 1460-4744 | Chemistry | Royal Society of Chemistry |
Chemistry of Materials | 1520-5002 | Materials Science | American Chemical Society |
Chemosphere | 1879-1298 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Chest | 1931-3543 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Child Abuse and Neglect | 1873-7757 | Social Sciences | Elsevier |
Child Development | 1467-8624 | Social Sciences | John Wiley and Sons |
Child Development Perspectives | 1750-8606 | Social Sciences | Wiley Blackwell |
China Communications | 1673-5447 | Engineering | China Institute of Communication |
China Economic Quarterly International | 2666-9331 | Social Sciences | KeAi Communications Co |
China Geology | 2589-9430 | Earth and Planetary Sciences | KeAi Communications Co |
China Journal of Accounting Research | 2214-1421 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Elsevier |
China Petroleum Exploration | 1672-7703 | Energy | Petroleum Industry Press |
China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology | 1008-6234 | Engineering | SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing |
China Report | 0973-063X | Social Sciences | SAGE |
China Review | 1680-2012 | Social Sciences | Cluj University Press |
China Welding English Edition | 1004-5341 | Engineering | China Welding |
Chinese Geographical Science | 1993-064X | Social Sciences | Science Press |
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 2588-9230 | Engineering | Elsevier |
Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences | 1006-9895 | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Science Press |
Chinese Journal of Catalysis | 1872-2067 | Chemistry | Science Press |
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 1004-9541 | Environmental Science | Chemical Industry Press |
Chinese Journal of Eco Agriculture | 2096-6237 | Environmental Science | Science Press |
Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering | 2836-4619 | Engineering | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine | 1672-0415 | Medicine | Springer |
Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology | 2096-6652 | Computer Science | Posts and Telecom Press |
Chinese Journal of Lasers | 0258-7025 | Physics and Astronomy | Science Press |
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 2192-8258 | Engineering | Springer |
Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines | 1875-5364 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | China Pharmaceutical University |
Chinese Journal of Oncology | 0253-3766 | Medicine | Chinese Medical Journals Publishing House |
Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry | 0253-2786 | Chemistry | Science Press |
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology | 1005-264X | Environmental Science | Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Chinese Journal of Rice Science | 1001-7216 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | China National Rice Research Institute |
Chinese Medical Journal | 2542-5641 | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Chinese Optics | 2097-1842 | Physics and Astronomy | Changchun Institute of Optics Fine Mechanics and Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Chinese Optics Letters | 1671-7694 | Physics and Astronomy | Optica Publishing Group |
Chinese Space Science and Technology | 1000-758X | Materials Science | China Academy of Space Technology |
Chronic Stress | 2470-5470 | Psychology | SAGE |
Ciencia Digital | 2602-8085 | Multidisciplinary | Ciencia Digital Editorial |
Circulation | 1524-4539 | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Circulation Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology | 1941-3084 | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Circulation Cardiovascular Interventions | 1941-7632 | Medicine | American Heart Association |
Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes | 1941-7705 | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Circulation Genomic and Precision Medicine | 2574-8300 | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Circulation Heart Failure | 1941-3297 | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Circulation Research | 1524-4571 | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology | 1726-0604 | Engineering | Elsevier |
Cities | 1873-6084 | Social Sciences | Elsevier |
Climate Policy | 1752-7457 | Environmental Science | Taylor and Francis |
Clinical and Translational Immunology | 2050-0068 | Nursing | John Wiley and Sons |
Clinical and Translational Medicine | 2001-1326 | Medicine | John Wiley and Sons |
Clinical Cancer Research | 1557-3265 | Medicine | American Association for Cancer Research |
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review | 1573-2827 | Social Sciences | Springer |
Clinical Epigenetics | 1868-7083 | Medicine | BioMed Central |
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology | 1542-7714 | Medicine | WB Saunders Ltd |
Clinical Infectious Diseases | 1537-6591 | Medicine | Oxford University Press |
Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology CJASN | 1555-905X | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Clinical Microbiology and Infection | 1469-0691 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Clinical Microbiology Reviews | 1098-6618 | Medicine | American Society for Microbiology |
Clinical Nutrition | 1532-1983 | Nursing | Elsevier |
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics | 1532-6535 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | John Wiley and Sons |
Clinical Psychological Science | 2167-7034 | Psychology | SAGE |
Clinical Psychology Review | 1873-7811 | Psychology | Elsevier |
Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology | 1559-0267 | Medicine | Springer |
Cognition and Instruction | 1532-690X | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology | 1943-0264 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press |
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine | 2157-1422 | Medicine | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press |
Communication Methods and Measures | 1931-2466 | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
Communication Research | 1552-3810 | Social Sciences | SAGE |
Communications Biology | 2399-3642 | Medicine | Springer |
Communications Chemistry | 2399-3669 | Materials Science | Springer |
Communications Earth and Environment | 2662-4435 | Environmental Science | Springer |
Communications in Partial Differential Equations | 1532-4133 | Mathematics | Taylor and Francis |
Communications in Transportation Research | 2772-4247 | Social Sciences | Tsinghua University Press |
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics | 1097-0312 | Mathematics | John Wiley and Sons |
Communications Physics | 2399-3650 | Physics and Astronomy | Springer |
Comparative Political Studies | 1552-3829 | Social Sciences | SAGE |
Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing | 1878-5840 | Materials Science | Elsevier |
Composites Part B Engineering | 1359-8368 | Materials Science | Elsevier |
Composites Science and Technology | 0266-3538 | Materials Science | Elsevier |
Compositio Mathematica | 1570-5846 | Mathematics | Cambridge University Press |
Comprehensive Physiology | 2040-4603 | Medicine | John Wiley and Sons |
Comprehensive Psychiatry | 1532-8384 | Psychology | WB Saunders Ltd |
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety | 1541-4337 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | John Wiley and Sons |
Computational Visual Media | 2096-0662 | Computer Science | Tsinghua University Press |
Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | 1467-8667 | Engineering | Wiley Blackwell |
Computer Assisted Language Learning | 1744-3210 | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
Computers and Education | 0360-1315 | Social Sciences | Elsevier |
Computers and Industrial Engineering | 0360-8352 | Engineering | Elsevier |
Computers and Operations Research | 1873-765X | Mathematics | Elsevier |
Computers Environment and Urban Systems | 1873-7587 | Social Sciences | Elsevier |
Computers in Human Behavior | 1873-7692 | Psychology | Elsevier |
Conservation and Society | 0975-3133 | Environmental Science | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Conservation Biology | 1523-1739 | Medicine | Wiley Blackwell |
Conservation Letters | 1755-263X | Environmental Science | John Wiley and Sons |
Construction and Building Materials | 0950-0618 | Materials Science | Elsevier |
Contemporary Accounting Research | 1911-3846 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Wiley Blackwell |
Contemporary Clinical Dentistry | 0976-2361 | Dentistry | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values | 2007-7890 | Social Sciences | Asesorias y tutorias para la investigacion cientifica en la Educacion Puig Salabarria S C |
Contemporary Education Dialogue | 2249-5320 | Social Sciences | SAGE |
Contemporary Educational Psychology | 1090-2384 | Social Sciences | Elsevier |
Context and Health Journal | 2176-7114 | Medicine | Editora Unijuí |
Contextus Revista Contemporanea de Economia e Gestao | 2178-9258 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Federal University of Ceara |
Contraception | 1879-0518 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management | 1535-3966 | Social Sciences | John Wiley and Sons |
Corrosion Science | 1879-0496 | Materials Science | Elsevier |
Crime Science | 2193-7680 | Social Sciences | Springer |
Criminology | 1745-9125 | Social Sciences | John Wiley and Sons |
Criminology and Public Policy | 1745-9133 | Social Sciences | Wiley Blackwell |
Critical Care | 1466-609X | Medicine | BioMed Central |
Critical Care Medicine | 1530-0293 | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1549-7798 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Taylor and Francis |
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 1549-781X | Medicine | Taylor and Francis |
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology | 1547-6537 | Environmental Science | Taylor and Francis |
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | 549-7852 | Medicine | Taylor and Francis |
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences | 1547-6561 | Physics and Astronomy | Taylor and Francis |
Crop Journal | 2214-5141 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Institute of Crop Sciences |
Cultura Educacion Sociedad | 2389-7724 | Social Sciences | Universidad de la Costa |
Current Biology | 1879-0445 | Neuroscience | Cell Press |
Current Directions in Psychological Science | 1467-8721 | Psychology | SAGE |
Current HIV AIDS Reports | 1548-3576 | Medicine | Springer |
Current Issues in Tourism | 1747-7603 | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
Current Medical Science | 2523-899X | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences | 2352-1554 | Neuroscience | Elsevier |
Current Opinion in Biotechnology | 1879-0429 | Engineering | Elsevier |
Current Opinion in Cell Biology | 1879-0410 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Elsevier |
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology | 1879-0402 | Chemistry | Elsevier |
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development | 1879-0380 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Elsevier |
Current Opinion in Immunology | 0952-7915 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Current Opinion in Microbiology | 1879-0364 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Current Opinion in Neurobiology | 1873-6882 | Neuroscience | Elsevier |
Current Opinion in Neurology | 1473-6551 | Neuroscience | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Current Opinion in Plant Biology | 1879-0356 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Elsevier |
Current Opinion in Psychiatry | 1473-6578 | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Current Opinion in Psychology | 2352-250X | Psychology | Elsevier |
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science | 1359-0286 | Materials Science | Elsevier |
Current Opinion in Structural Biology | 1879-033X | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Elsevier |
Current Protocols in Bioinformatics | 1934-340X | Medicine | John Wiley and Sons |
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology | 1934-3647 | Medicine | John Wiley and Sons |
Current Psychiatry Reports | 1535-1645 | Medicine | Springer |
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science | 2322-0007 | Medicine | Enviro Research Publishers |
Current Science | 0011-3891 | Multidisciplinary | Indian Academy of Sciences |
Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy | 2230-7303 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy |
Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews | 1879-0305 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Darshan The International Journal of Commerce and Management | 2583-1682 | Business, Management and Accounting | Darshan University |
Data and Metadata | 2953-4917 | Computer Science | Editorial Salud Ciencia y Tecnologia |
Data Science and Management | 2666-7649 | Decision Sciences | KeAi Communications Co |
Database the journal of biological databases and curation | 1758-0463 | Medicine | Oxford University Press |
Decision Sciences | 1540-5915 | Decision Sciences | Wiley Blackwell |
Defence Science Journal | 0976-464X | Physics and Astronomy | Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre |
Defence Technology | 2214-9147 | Materials Science | KeAi Communications Co |
Democratization | 1743-890X | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
Demography | 1533-7790 | Social Sciences | Duke University Press |
Dental Hypotheses | 2155-8213 | Dentistry | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Depression and Anxiety | 1520-6394 | Psychology | Hindawi |
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology | 0976-4658 | Social Sciences | Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre |
Development | 1477-9129 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | The Company of Biologists Ltd. |
Developmental Cell | 1878-1551 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Cell Press |
Developmental Psychology | 1939-0599 | Social Sciences | American Psychological Association |
Developmental Review | 1090-2406 | Social Sciences | Elsevier |
Developmental Science | 1467-7687 | Psychology | Wiley Blackwell |
Developments in the Built Environment | 2666-1659 | Materials Science | Elsevier |
Diabetes Care | 0149-5992 | Nursing | American Diabetes Association |
Diabetes Metabolism Research and Reviews | 1520-7560 | Medicine | John Wiley and Sons |
Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism | 1463-1326 | Medicine | Wiley Blackwell |
Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics | 1557-8593 | Medicine | Mary Ann Liebert |
Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience | 1958-5969 | Neuroscience | Taylor and Francis |
Dialogues in Human Geography | 2043-8214 | Social Sciences | SAGE |
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems | 0974-6870 | Mathematics | Springer |
Digital Chinese Medicine | 2589-3777 | Medicine | KeAi Communications Co |
Digital Communications and Networks | 2352-8648 | Social Sciences | Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications |
Digital Journalism | 2167-082X | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
Disability and Health Journal | 1876-7583 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Distance Education | 1475-0198 | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
Diversity and Distributions | 1472-4642 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Wiley Blackwell |
Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology | 0975-1912 | Medicine | Jaypee Brothers Publishers |
Drilling Fluid and Completion Fluid | 1001-5620 | Energy | The North China Petroleum Administration |
Drug Resistance Updates | 1532-2084 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | Elsevier |
Drugs | 1179-1950 | Medicine | Springer |
Duke Mathematical Journal | 1547-7398 | Mathematics | Duke University Press |
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology | 2411-7145 | Medicine | European Alliance for Innovation |
Early Childhood Research Quarterly | 1873-7706 | Social Sciences | Elsevier |
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 1993-503X | Engineering | Science Press |
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics | 1096-9845 | Engineering | John Wiley and Sons |
Earthquake Science | 1867-8777 | Earth and Planetary Sciences | KeAi Communications Co |
Earths Future | 2328-4277 | Environmental Science | John Wiley and Sons |
East Asian Archives of Psychiatry | 2224-7041 | Medicine | Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press |
East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics | 2079-7370 | Mathematics | Global Science Press |
eClinicalMedicine | 2589-5370 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Ecological Applications | 1939-5582 | Environmental Science | John Wiley and Sons |
Ecological Monographs | 0012-9615 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | John Wiley and Sons |
Ecology | 1939-9170 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | John Wiley and Sons |
Ecology Letters | 1461-0248 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Wiley Blackwell |
Ecology, Economy and Society | 2581-6101 | Environmental Science | Indian Society for Ecological Economics |
EcoMat | 2567-3173 | Materials Science | John Wiley and Sons |
Econometric Theory | 1469-4360 | Social Sciences | Cambridge University Press |
Econometrica | 1468-0262 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Wiley Blackwell |
Econometrics Journal | 1368-423X | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Oxford University Press |
Economic Geography | 0013-0095 | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
Economic Journal | 1468-0297 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Oxford University Press |
Economic Policy | 1468-0327 | Environmental Science | Oxford University Press |
Economy and Society | 1469-5766 | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
EcoSal Plus | 2324-6200 | Immunology and Microbiology | American Society for Microbiology |
Education for Health Change in Learning and Practice | 1469-5804 | Social Sciences | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Educational Administration Quarterly | 1552-3519 | Social Sciences | SAGE |
Educational and Psychological Measurement | 1552-3888 | Social Sciences | SAGE |
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis | 1935-1062 | Social Sciences | SAGE |
Educational Psychologist | 1532-6985 | Psychology | Taylor and Francis |
Educational Psychology Review | 1573-336X | Social Sciences | Springer |
Educational Research Review | 1878-0385 | Social Sciences | Elsevier |
Educational Researcher | 1935-102X | Social Sciences | SAGE |
Electoral Studies | 1873-6890 | Social Sciences | Elsevier |
Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries | 1681-4835 | Social Sciences | Wiley Blackwell |
Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding | 0975-928X | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Indian Society of Plant Breeders |
eLife | 2050-084X | Neuroscience | eLife Sciences Publications |
EMBO Molecular Medicine | 1757-4684 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Wiley Blackwell |
EMBO Reports | 1469-3178 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Wiley Blackwell |
Emerging Contaminants | 2405-6642 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | KeAi Communications Co |
Emerging Infectious Diseases | 1080-6059 | Medicine | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Emotion | 1931-1516 | Psychology | American Psychological Association |
Emotion Review | 1754-0747 | Psychology | SAGE |
Endocrine Reviews | 1945-7189 | Medicine | The Endocrine Society |
Endoscopic Ultrasound | 2226-7190 | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Energy | 1873-6785 | Mathematics | Elsevier |
Energy and Built Environment | 2666-1233 | Social Sciences | KeAi Communications Co |
Energy and Environmental Materials | 2575-0356 | Materials Science | John Wiley and Sons |
Energy and Environmental Science | 1754-5706 | Environmental Science | Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Publishing |
Energy Conversion and Management | 1879-2227 | Energy | Elsevier |
Energy Geoscience | 2666-7592 | Energy | KeAi Communications Co |
Energy Policy | 0301-4215 | Environmental Science | Elsevier |
Energy Research and Social Science | 2214-6296 | Social Sciences | Elsevier |
Engineered Regeneration | 2666-1381 | Medicine | KeAi Communications Co |
Engineering | 2095-8099 | Materials Science | Elsevier |
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | 1873-6769 | Engineering | Elsevier |
Engineering Structures | 1873-7323 | Engineering | Elsevier |
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | 1464-5114 | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 1540-6520 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | SAGE |
Environment and Behavior | 1552-390X | Environmental Science | SAGE |
Environment and Planning A | 1472-3409 | Social Sciences | SAGE |
Environment and Planning D Society and Space | 1472-3433 | Social Sciences | SAGE |
Environment and Urbanization | 1746-0301 | Social Sciences | SAGE |
Environment international | 1873-6750 | Environmental Science | Elsevier |
Environmental DNA | 2637-4943 | Environmental Science | John Wiley and Sons |
Environmental Health Perspectives | 1552-9924 | Medicine | National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences |
Environmental Microbiomes | 2524-6372 | Immunology and Microbiology | BioMed Central |
Environmental Politics | 0964-4016 | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
Environmental Pollution | 1873-6424 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | Elsevier |
Environmental Research | 1096-0953 | Environmental Science | Elsevier |
Environmental Research Letters | 1748-9326 | Medicine | IOP Publishing |
Environmental Science and Technology | 1520-5851 | Medicine | American Chemical Society |
Environmental Science and Technology Letters | 2328-8930 | Environmental Science | American Chemical Society |
Environmental Science Nano | 2051-8161 | Materials Science | Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Publishing |
Epidemiology | 1531-5487 | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences | 2045-7979 | Medicine | Cambridge University Press |
Epigenetics and Chromatin | 1756-8935 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | BioMed Central |
Epilepsia | 1528-1167 | Neuroscience | Wiley Blackwell |
ESMO Open | 2059-7029 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Essays in Biochemistry | 1744-1358 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Portland Press Limited |
Europace | 1532-2092 | Medicine | Oxford University Press |
European Business Review | 0955-534X | Business, Management and Accounting | Emerald Publishing |
European Heart Journal | 1522-9645 | Medicine | Oxford University Press |
European Heart Journal Acute Cardiovascular Care | 2048-8734 | Medicine | Oxford University Press |
European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging | 2047-2412 | Medicine | Oxford University Press |
European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy | 2055-6845 | Medicine | Oxford University Press |
European heart journal Quality of care and clinical outcomes | 2058-1742 | Medicine | Oxford University Press |
European Journal of Cancer | 1879-0852 | Medicine | Elsevier |
European Journal of Endocrinology | 1479-683X | Medicine | Oxford University Press |
European Journal of Heart Failure | 1879-0844 | Medicine | Wiley Blackwell |
European Journal of Human Genetics | 1476-5438 | Medicine | Nature Publishing |
European Journal of Information Systems | 1476-9344 | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
European Journal of International Relations | 1354-0661 | Social Sciences | SAGE |
European Journal of Marketing | 0309-0566 | Business, Management and Accounting | Emerald Group Publishing |
European Journal of Neurology | 1468-1331 | Neuroscience | Wiley Blackwell |
European Journal of Personality | 1099-0984 | Psychology | SAGE |
European Journal of Psychotraumatology | 2000-8066 | Medicine | Taylor and Francis |
European Journal of Teacher Education | 1469-5928 | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
European Management Journal | 1873-5681 | Business, Management and Accounting | Elsevier |
European Political Science Review | 1755-7747 | Social Sciences | Cambridge University Press |
European Psychiatry | 1778-3585 | Medicine | Cambridge University Press |
European Review of Agricultural Economics | 1464-3618 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Oxford University Press |
European Review of Social Psychology | 1479-277X | Psychology | Taylor and Francis |
European Societies | 1469-8307 | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
European Sociological Review | 1468-2672 | Social Sciences | Oxford University Press |
European Stroke Journal | 2396-9881 | Medicine | SAGE |
Evidence Based Mental Health | 1468-960X | Medicine | BMJ |
Evolution Letters | 2056-3744 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Wiley Blackwell |
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews | 1538-3008 | Medicine | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |
Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow | 2661-8877 | Physics and Astronomy | Tsinghua University Press |
Experimental Hematology and Oncology | 2162-3619 | Medicine | BioMed Central |
Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets | 1744-7631 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | Taylor and Francis |
Expert Systems with Applications | 1873-6793 | Engineering | Elsevier |
Explorations in Economic History | 1090-2457 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Elsevier |
ExRNA | 2398-0060 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | AME Publishing Company |
Family Business Review | 1741-6248 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | SAGE |
Fangzhi Xuebao Journal of Textile Research | 0253-9721 | Materials Science | China Textile Engineering Society |
FEBS Journal | 1432-1033 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Wiley Blackwell |
Feminist Economics | 1466-4372 | Social Sciences | Taylor and Francis |
FEMS Microbiology Reviews | 1574-6976 | Medicine | Oxford University Press |
Fertility and Sterility | 1556-5653 | Medicine | Elsevier |
FIIB Business Review | 2455-2658 | Business, Management and Accounting | SAGE |
Financial Management | 1755-053X | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | John Wiley and Sons |
Fiscal Studies | 1475-5890 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | John Wiley and Sons |
Fish and Fisheries | 1467-2979 | Environmental Science | Wiley Blackwell |
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS | 2045-8118 | Neuroscience | BioMed Central |
Food Chemistry | 1873-7072 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Food Policy | 0306-9192 | Social Sciences | Elsevier |
Foot and Ankle International | 1944-7876 | Medicine | SAGE |
Foreign Trade Review | 0971-7633 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | SAGE |
Forum of Mathematics Pi | 2050-5086 | Mathematics | Cambridge University Press |
Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory | 1567-2328 | Mathematics | Now Publishers |
Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision | 1572-2759 | Computer Science | Now Publishers |
Foundations and Trends in Databases | 1931-7891 | Computer Science | Now Publishers |
Foundations and Trends in Econometrics | 1551-3084 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Now Publishers |
Foundations and Trends in Finance | 1567-2409 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Now Publishers |
Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval | 1554-0677 | Computer Science | Now Publishers |
Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing | 1932-8354 | Computer Science | Now Publishers |
Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control | 2325-6826 | Mathematics | Now Publishers |
Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science | 1551-3068 | Mathematics | Now Publishers |
Foundations of Computational Mathematics | 1615-3383 | Mathematics | Springer |
Free Radical Biology and Medicine | 1873-4596 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Friction | 2223-7704 | Materials Science | Springer |
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment | 1540-9309 | Environmental Science | Wiley Blackwell |
Frontiers in Energy | 2095-1698 | Energy | Higher Education Press |
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology | 1095-6808 | Neuroscience | Elsevier |
Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering | 2095-977X | Veterinary | Higher Education Press |
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering | 2095-0187 | Chemical Engineering | Higher Education Press |
Frontiers of Computer Science | 2095-2236 | Mathematics | Higher Education Press |
Frontiers of Earth Science | 2095-0209 | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Higher Education Press |
Frontiers of Economics in China | 1673-3444 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Higher Education Press |
Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering | 2095-221X | Environmental Science | Higher Education Press |
Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering | 2095-9230 | Engineering | Zhejiang University Press |
Frontiers of Materials Science | 2095-0268 | Materials Science | Higher Education Press |
Frontiers of Mathematics in China | 1673-3576 | Mathematics | Higher Education Press |
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering | 2095-0241 | Engineering | Higher Education Press |
Frontiers of Medicine | 2095-0225 | Medicine | Springer |
Frontiers of Optoelectronics | 2095-2767 | Materials Science | Higher Education Press |
Frontiers of Physics | 2095-0470 | Physics and Astronomy | Higher Education Press |
Functional Ecology | 1365-2435 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Wiley Blackwell |
Fundamental Research | 2667-3258 | Multidisciplinary | Elsevier |
Gastroenterology | 1528-0012 | Medicine | WB Saunders Ltd |
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 1097-6779 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Gender and Society | 1552-3977 | Social Sciences | SAGE |
Gender Work and Organization | 1468-0432 | Social Sciences | Wiley Blackwell |
General Hospital Psychiatry | 1873-7714 | Medicine | Elsevier |
Genes and Development | 1549-5477 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press |
Genetics | 1943-2631 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Oxford University Press |
Genome Biology | 1474-7596 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | BioMed Central |
Genome Integrity | 2041-9414 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Wolters Kluwer Medknow |