Drugs Impact Factor, Quartile, Indexing, Ranking

Drugs Impact Factor, Indexing, Ranking

Drugs (D) is a scholarly journal dedicated to publishing research in the field of Medicine, and Published by Springer. The Print-ISSN of Drugs is 0012-6667 and its abbreviation is Drugs.

The latest Impact Factor of the Drugs for 2024-2025 is 10.5.

The Publicaiton fees (APC) is £3490.00, $5290.00, €3990.00.

Drugs Aim and Scope

Drugs promotes optimum pharmacotherapy by providing a programme of review and original research articles on the most important aspects of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. The Journal includes: -Leading/current opinion articles providing an overview of contentious or emerging issues. -Definitive reviews of drugs and drug classes, and their place in disease management. -Therapy in Practice articles including recommendations for specific clinical situations. -High-quality, well designed, original clinical research. -Adis Drug Evaluations reviewing the properties and place in therapy of both newer and established drugs. -AdisInsight Reports summarising development at first global approval. Additional digital features (including animated abstracts, video abstracts, slide decks, audio slides, instructional videos, infographics, podcasts and animations) can be published with articles; these are designed to increase the visibility, readership and educational value of the journal’s content. In addition, articles published in Drugs may be accompanied by plain language summaries to assist readers who have some knowledge of, but not in-depth expertise in, the area to understand important medical advances.

Drugs Details

Journal title Drugs (D)
Abbreviation Drugs
Print ISSN 0012-6667
Online ISSN 1179-1950
Publisher Name Springer
Editor-in-chief Dene Peters
Subject Category Medicine
Access type Logo of open access journals Open Access
Status 🟢 Active

Drugs Metrics and Rankings

In the context of academic journals, "Metrics and Rankings" refer to various measures and evaluations used to assess the quality, influence, and impact of a journal.

Below are the metrics and rankings for the journal Drugs

Impact Factor 10.5
SJR 2.093
SNIP 2.689
Ranking 1211
CiteScore 20.4
H-Index 179
Quartile Q1
Drugs Impact Factor List

Drugs Abstracting and Indexing

Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) refers to the processes that help organize and categorize academic journals, making them easier to find and access for researchers and scholars

Abstracting and Indexing

Drugs Submission

If you would like to submit a manuscript or visit the journal's website, please click on the link below.

Journal Submission 🔗 Journal Website