Psychology Quartile Ranking List 2024

Journals Title Subject Quartile ISSN
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Psychology Q1 0022-4278
Personality and Social Psychology Review Psychology Q1 1088-8683
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Psychology Q1 0146-1672
Organizational Psychology Review Psychology Q1 2041-3866
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Psychology Q1 0749-5978
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews Psychology Q1 0149-7634
Neuropsychology Review Psychology Q1 1040-7308
Multivariate Behavioral Research Psychology Q1 0027-3171
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development Psychology Q1 0037-976X
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Psychology Q1 0890-8567
Personnel Psychology Psychology Q1 0031-5826
Journal of Positive Psychology Psychology Q1 1743-9760
Journal of Personality Psychology Q1 0022-3506
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Psychology Q1 1076-8998
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Psychology Q1 0963-1798
Journal of Health and Social Behavior Psychology Q1 0022-1465
Journal of Environmental Psychology Psychology Q1 0272-4944
Journal of Consumer Psychology Psychology Q1 1057-7408
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Psychology Q1 0022-006X
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines Psychology Q1 0021-9630
Psychology and Marketing Psychology Q1 0742-6046
Work and Stress Psychology Q1 0267-8373
Trends in Cognitive Sciences Psychology Q1 1364-6613
Technological Forecasting and Social Change Psychology Q1 0040-1625
Social Psychological and Personality Science Psychology Q1 1948-5506
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Psychology Q1 1749-5024
Social and Personality Psychology Compass Psychology Q1 1751-9004
Schizophrenia Psychology Q1 2334-265X
Review of General Psychology Psychology Q1 1089-2680
Qualitative Research in Psychology Psychology Q1 1478-0887
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Psychology Q1 1537-4416
Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy Psychology Q1 1942-9681
Psychological Science in the Public Interest Psychology Q1 1529-1006
Psychological Science Psychology Q1 0956-7976
Psychological Review Psychology Q1 0033-295X
Psychological Methods Psychology Q1 1082-989X
Psychological Medicine Psychology Q1 0033-2917
Psychological Bulletin Psychology Q1 0033-2909
Perspectives on Psychological Science Psychology Q1 1745-6916
Autism in Adulthood Psychology Q1 2573-9581
Clinical Psychology Review Psychology Q1 0272-7358
Clinical Psychological Science Psychology Q1 2167-7026
Chronic Stress Psychology Q1 2470-5470
British Journal of Social Psychology Psychology Q1 0144-6665
British Journal of Psychology Psychology Q1 0007-1269
British Journal of Health Psychology Psychology Q1 1359-107X
Behaviour Research and Therapy Psychology Q1 0005-7967
Behavior Research Methods Psychology Q1 1554-351X
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science Psychology Q1 2515-2459
Comprehensive Psychiatry Psychology Q1 0010-440X
Alcohol Research Current Reviews Psychology Q1 2168-3492
Autism Psychology Q1 1362-3613
Applied Psychology Health and Well Being Psychology Q1 1758-0846
Applied Psychology Psychology Q1 0269-994X
Annual Review of Psychology Psychology Q1 0066-4308
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior Psychology Q1 2327-0608
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology Psychology Q1 1548-5943
American Psychologist Psychology Q1 0003-066X
European Journal of Personality Psychology Q1 0890-2070
Journal of Business and Psychology Psychology Q1 0889-3268
Journal of Applied Psychology Psychology Q1 0021-9010
Journal of Anxiety Disorders Psychology Q1 0887-6185
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology Psychology Q1 1750-984X
International Journal of Consumer Studies Psychology Q1 1470-6423
Human Resource Management Review Psychology Q1 1053-4822
Human Resource Management Psychology Q1 0090-4848
European Review of Social Psychology Psychology Q1 1046-3283
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology Psychology Q1 1359-432X
Emotion Review Psychology Q1 1754-0739
Emotion Psychology Q1 1528-3542
Educational Psychologist Psychology Q1 0046-1520
Developmental Science Psychology Q1 1363-755X
Depression and Anxiety Psychology Q1 1091-4269
Current Opinion in Psychology Psychology Q1 2352-250X
Current Directions in Psychological Science Psychology Q1 0963-7214
Computers in Human Behavior Psychology Q1 0747-5632
Acta Psychologica Psychology Q2 0001-6918
Psychology and Developing Societies Psychology 0971-3336
Psychological Studies Psychology Q3 0033-2968
Acta Psychologica Sinica Psychology Q3 0439-755X
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