Education Journals List by Impact Factor 2025

Are you looking for Education Journal Impact Ratings/Impact Factor? or Education Impact Factor 2025 Then you are in the right place.

Here, we are providing the updated impact factors of top peer-reviewed and scholarly education journals.

Before diving into the impact factors, let's first understand what an Impact Factor is.

Impact factor is one of the best methods to analyze the quality of any scholarly peer-reviewed journal.

A higher impact factor indicates that a scientific journal is considered a high-quality publication and is among the best and leading journals in its field.

Impact Factor of Education Journals 2025

Check the updated Education Journal Citation Reports (JCR)/Impact Factor list of journals.

Journals List Subject ISSN Impact Factor
Accounting Education Business, Management and Accounting 1468-4489 2.5
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Social Sciences 2349-4182 0
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion Social Sciences 2056-5127 1.3
Academic Medicine Medicine 1938-808X 5.3
Scientific Studies of Reading Social Sciences 1532-799X 3.7
Critical Studies in Education Social Sciences 1750-8495 8.5
Journal of Higher Education Social Sciences 1538-4640 3.9
Theory and Research in Social Education Social Sciences 2163-1654 3.8
TESOL Quarterly Social Sciences 1545-7249 4.665
Studies in Science Education Social Sciences 1940-8412 4.8
Journal of Intellectual Capital Social Sciences 1469-1930 6.9
The International Journal of Qualitative Methods Social Sciences 1609-4069 5.4
Teaching and Teacher Education Social Sciences 1879-2480 3.9
Journal of Professional Capital and Community Social Sciences 2056-9556 3.1
Journal of Educational Computing Research Social Sciences 1541-4140 4.8
Medical Education Social Sciences 1365-2923 7.1
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Social Sciences 1365-2729 5
Early Childhood Research Quarterly Social Sciences 1873-7706 3.7
Active Learning in Higher Education Social Sciences 1741-2625 3.8
Journal of Mixed Methods Research Social Sciences 1558-6901 3.9
Studies in Higher Education Social Sciences 1470-174X 4.5
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Social Sciences 1935-1062 3.4
Cognition and Instruction Social Sciences 1532-690X 4.4
Journal of Research in Science Teaching Social Sciences 1098-2736 4.6
Educational Administration Quarterly Social Sciences 1552-3519 3.3
Academy of Management Learning and Education Business, Management and Accounting 1944-9585 4.8
Educational and Psychological Measurement Social Sciences 1552-3888 2.7
Journal of Youth and Adolescence Social Sciences 1573-6601 4.9
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Social Sciences 1367-0050 6.6
Distance Education Social Sciences 1475-0198 6.9
Learning Media and Technology Social Sciences 1743-9892 5.5
Reading Research Quarterly Social Sciences 1936-2722 4.2
European Journal of Teacher Education Social Sciences 1469-5928 5.1
Science Education Social Sciences 1098-237X 4.3
Child Development Social Sciences 1467-8624 4.6
System Social Sciences 0346-251X 6
International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Social Sciences 1556-1615 4.3
American Educational Research Journal Social Sciences 1935-1011 3.6
Journal of the Learning Sciences Social Sciences 1532-7809 3.8
Studies in Second Language Acquisition Social Sciences 0272-2631 5.4
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education Social Sciences 1469-297X 4.8
Sociology of Education Social Sciences 1939-8573 3.9
Journal of Teacher Education Social Sciences 1552-7816 3.9
British Journal of Educational Technology Social Sciences 1467-8535 6.6
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review Social Sciences 1573-2827 6.9
Journal of Educational Psychology Social Sciences 1939-2176 4.9
Developmental Review Social Sciences 1090-2406 6.6
Journal of School Psychology Social Sciences 1873-3506 5
Language Learning Social Sciences 1467-9922 4.4
Journal of Second Language Writing Social Sciences 1060-3743 6.1
Journal of Vocational Behavior Social Sciences 1095-9084 11.1
Learning and Instruction Social Sciences 0959-4752 6.2
Survey Research Methods Social Sciences 1864-3361 4.8
Scientific data Social Sciences 2052-4463 9.8
Contemporary Educational Psychology Social Sciences 1090-2384 10.3
Educational Researcher Social Sciences 1935-102X 8.2
Educational Psychology Review Social Sciences 1573-336X 10.1
Educational Research Review Social Sciences 1878-0385 11.7
Internet and Higher Education Social Sciences 1096-7516 8.6
Computers and Education Social Sciences 0360-1315 12
Research Synthesis Methods Social Sciences 1759-2887 9.8
Strategic Organization Social Sciences 1741-315X 5.9
Review of Educational Research Social Sciences 1935-1046 11.2
Resonance Social Sciences 0973-712X 0.5
Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries Social Sciences 1681-4835 1.3
Knowledge Management and E Learning Social Sciences 2073-7904 2.4
Education for Health Change in Learning and Practice Social Sciences 1469-5804 0.7
Journal of Education and Health Promotion Social Sciences 2319-6440 1.4