Home > Impact Factor List > Category List > Environmental Science Journals List by Impact Factor: 2025
Are you looking for Environmental Science Journal Impact Ratings/Impact Factor? or Environmental Science Impact Factor 2025 Then you are in the right place.
Here, we are providing the updated impact factors of top peer-reviewed and scholarly environmental science journals.
Before diving into the impact factors, let's first understand what an Impact Factor is.
Impact factor is one of the best methods to analyze the quality of any scholarly peer-reviewed journal.
A higher impact factor indicates that a scientific journal is considered a high-quality publication and is among the best and leading journals in its field.
Check the updated Environmental Science Journal Citation Reports (JCR)/Impact Factor list of journals.
Journals List | Subject | ISSN | Impact Factor |
3 Biotech | Environmental Science | 2190-5738 | 2.6 |
Environmental Research | Environmental Science | 1096-0953 | 8.3 |
Global Sustainability | Environmental Science | 2059-4798 | 5.5 |
Ecological Applications | Environmental Science | 1939-5582 | 5 |
Environmental DNA | Environmental Science | 2637-4943 | 9.9 |
Smart Energy | Environmental Science | 2666-9552 | 6.3 |
Waste Management | Environmental Science | 1879-2456 | 8.1 |
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering | Environmental Science | 1943-5606 | 3.9 |
Organization and Environment | Environmental Science | 1552-7417 | 5.3 |
Life Science Alliance | Environmental Science | 2575-1077 | 4.4 |
npj Clean Water | Environmental Science | 2059-7037 | 11.4 |
Fish and Fisheries | Environmental Science | 1467-2979 | 6.7 |
Economic Policy | Environmental Science | 1468-0327 | 2.5 |
Green Chemistry | Environmental Science | 1463-9270 | 9.8 |
Journal of Applied Ecology | Environmental Science | 1365-2664 | 5.7 |
Global Biogeochemical Cycles | Environmental Science | 1944-9224 | 5.2 |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water | Environmental Science | 2049-1948 | 8.2 |
Environment and Behavior | Environmental Science | 1552-390X | 7.2 |
Journal of Cleaner Production | Environmental Science | 1879-1786 | 11.1 |
Water Research X | Environmental Science | 2589-9147 | 7.5 |
Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture | Environmental Science | 2330-8257 | 9.8 |
Journal of Ecology | Environmental Science | 1365-2745 | 5.5 |
Earths Future | Environmental Science | 2328-4277 | 8.2 |
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | Environmental Science | 1096-0449 | 4.6 |
One Earth | Environmental Science | 2590-3322 | 16.2 |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution | Environmental Science | 2041-210X | 6.6 |
Oxford Review of Economic Policy | Environmental Science | 1460-2121 | 5.8 |
Energy Policy | Environmental Science | 0301-4215 | 9 |
International Journal of Project Management | Environmental Science | 0263-7863 | 8 |
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science | Environmental Science | 2397-3722 | 9.0 |
Environmental Science and Technology Letters | Environmental Science | 2328-8930 | 10.9 |
Climate Policy | Environmental Science | 1752-7457 | 6.1 |
Global Ecology and Biogeography | Environmental Science | 1466-8238 | 6.4 |
Communications Earth and Environment | Environmental Science | 2662-4435 | 7.9 |
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists | Environmental Science | 2333-5963 | 3.6 |
Conservation Letters | Environmental Science | 1755-263X | 8.5 |
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | Environmental Science | 1750-6824 | 5.4 |
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology | Environmental Science | 1547-6537 | 13.6 |
Applied Energy | Environmental Science | 0306-2619 | 11.2 |
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment | Environmental Science | 1540-9309 | 10.3 |
Environment international | Environmental Science | 1873-6750 | 11.8 |
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems | Environmental Science | 1942-2466 | 6.8 |
Water Research | Environmental Science | 1879-2448 | 12.8 |
Global Change Biology | Environmental Science | 1365-2486 | 12.3 |
Energy and Environmental Science | Environmental Science | 1754-5706 | 32.5 |
Nature Ecology and Evolution | Environmental Science | 2397-334X | 15.46 |
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering | Environmental Science | 2305-7068 | 1.1 |
Advances in Optics and Photonics | Environmental Science | 1943-8206 | 25.2 |
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | Environmental Science | 2523-3521 | 1.6 |
Plant Science Today | Environmental Science | 2348-1900 | 0.9 |
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science | Environmental Science | 2468-0133 | 7.1 |
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Environmental Science | 2468-550X | 3.60 |
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | Environmental Science | 1004-9541 | 3.8 |
Journal of Arid Land | Environmental Science | 2194-7783 | 3.07 |
Zoological research | Environmental Science | 2095-8137 | 4.9 |
Soil Ecology Letters | Environmental Science | 2662-2297 | 4.13 |
Horticultural Plant Journal | Environmental Science | 2468-0141 | 5.7 |
Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering | Environmental Science | 2095-221X | 5.6 |
Science China Life Sciences | Environmental Science | 1869-1889 | 7.1 |
Water Cycle | Environmental Science | 2666-4453 | 7.39 |
Tropical Ecology | Environmental Science | 2661-8982 | 1.5 |
Conservation and Society | Environmental Science | 0975-3133 | 2.492 |