Computer Science Journals List by Impact Factor: 2025

Are you looking for Computer Science Journal Impact Ratings/Impact Factor? or Computer Science Impact Factor 2025 Then you are in the right place.

Here, we are providing the updated impact factors of top peer-reviewed and scholarly computer science journals.

Before diving into the impact factors, let's first understand what an Impact Factor is.

Impact factor is one of the best methods to analyze the quality of any scholarly peer-reviewed journal.

A higher impact factor indicates that a scientific journal is considered a high-quality publication and is among the best and leading journals in its field.

Computer Science Journals Impact Factor 2025

Check the updated Computer Science Journal Citation Reports (JCR)/Impact Factor list of journals.

Journals List Subject ISSN Impact Factor
Ad Hoc Networks Computer Science 1570-8705 4.4
Advanced Quantum Technologies Computer Science 2511-9044 4.4
Foundations and Trends in Databases Computer Science 1931-7891 2.2
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation Computer Science 1549-9626 5.5
ACM Transactions on Database Systems Computer Science 1557-4644 2.2
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Computer Science 1939-3520 7.4
Journal of the Association for Information Systems Computer Science 1536-9323 5.8
Advanced Engineering Informatics Computer Science 1873-5320 8.8
VLDB Journal Computer Science 0949-877X 4.2
ACM Transactions on Information Systems Computer Science 1558-2868 5.6
IEEE Intelligent Systems Computer Science 1941-1294 6.4
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Computer Science 1558-2183 5.3
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing Computer Science 1949-3045 11.2
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment Computer Science 2150-8097 2.5
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Computer Science 1942-4795 7.8
Pattern Recognition Computer Science 0031-3203 8
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering Computer Science 1558-2191 8.9
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing Computer Science 1941-0042 10.6
Nature Computational Science Computer Science 2662-8457 11.3
Journal of Network and Computer Applications Computer Science 1095-8592 8.7
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology Computer Science 2157-6912 7.2
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society Computer Science 2644-125X 7.9
Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval Computer Science 1554-0677 10.4
Information Systems Journal Computer Science 1365-2575 6.4
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking Computer Science 2332-7731 8.6
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Computer Science 2162-2388 10.4
ACM Transactions on Graphics Computer Science 1557-7368 7.8
IEEE Network Computer Science 1558-156X 9.3
ACM Computing Surveys Computer Science 1557-7341 23.8
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Computer Science 1949-3061 9.6
Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware Computer Science 2666-1209 3.34
Information Processing in Agriculture Computer Science 2214-3173 10.60
Blockchain Research and Applications Computer Science 2666-9536 8.42
Computational Visual Media Computer Science 2096-0662 7.10
Science China Information Sciences Computer Science 1869-1919 5.61
Big Data Mining and Analytics Computer Science 2096-0654 13.6