Environmental Science Journals List - 2025

Are you looking for a list of environmental science journals? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed environmental science journals.

Some of these are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor.

Additionally, many of these journals are indexed in various databases like PubMed, Scopus, Medline, Embase, DOAJ, Google Scholar, and Web of Science (WOS).

This list includes the best national and international academic journals.

Some of them are top-ranking and highly scientific journals with a high H-index and ranking.

For the most recent list of environmental science journals, see the list below.

Environmental Science Journals

Journals List Subject ISSN Impact Factor Payment (APC)
Ambiente e Sociedade Environmental Science 1414-753X
3 Biotech Environmental Science 2190-5738 2.6
Environmental Research Environmental Science 1096-0953 8.3
Computers Environment and Urban Systems Environmental Science 1873-7587 6.8
Environment and Urbanization Environmental Science 1746-0301 4.8
Environment and Planning A Environmental Science 1472-3409 4.2
Environmental Science Nano Environmental Science 2051-8161 7.3
Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Su... Environmental Science 1981-8203
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspect... Environmental Science 2590-1982 8.6
Journal of Industrial Ecology Environmental Science 1530-9290 5.9
Sustainability Science Practice and Policy Environmental Science 1548-7733 8.5
Regional Studies Environmental Science 1360-0591 5.1
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engin... Environmental Science 1943-5606 3.9
Organization and Environment Environmental Science 1552-7417 5.3
Environmental Politics Environmental Science 0964-4016 6.0
Journal of Transport Geography Environmental Science 0966-6923 6.1
Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Scie... Environmental Science 0962-8452 5.2
Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Scie... Environmental Science 2548-0006
Global Biogeochemical Cycles Environmental Science 1944-9224 5.2
Environment and Behavior Environmental Science 1552-390X 7.2
Journal of Cleaner Production Environmental Science 1879-1786 11.1
Environment and Planning D Society and Space Environmental Science 1472-3433 5.1
Transportation Research Part D Transport and Envir... Environmental Science 1361-9209 7.6
Urban Studies Environmental Science 1360-063X 4.9
Environmental Research Letters Environmental Science 1748-9326 6.7
One Earth Environmental Science 2590-3322 16.2
Climate Policy Environmental Science 1752-7457 6.1
Communications Earth and Environment Environmental Science 2662-4435 7.9
Environment international Environmental Science 1873-6750 11.8
Global Change Biology Environmental Science 1365-2486 12.3
Energy and Environmental Materials Environmental Science 2575-0356 15
Nature Climate Change Environmental Science 1758-6798 31.4
Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue China Environmental Scienc... Environmental Science 1000-6923
Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions Environmental Science 1674-3822
Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment Environmental Science 1672-6561
Arid Zone Research Environmental Science 1001-4675
Brazilian Journal of Environmental Sciences Environmental Science 2176-9478
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology Environmental Science 2395-3454
Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research Environmental Science 0975-1025 0.6
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences In... Environmental Science 2250-1746
Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering Environmental Science 2095-221X 5.6
Journal of Environmental Sciences Environmental Science 1878-7320 6.9
Science China Life Sciences Environmental Science 1869-1889 7.1