Social Sciences Journals List - 2025

Are you looking for a list of social sciences journals? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed social sciences journals.

Some of these are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor.

Additionally, many of these journals are indexed in various databases like PubMed, Scopus, Medline, Embase, DOAJ, Google Scholar, and Web of Science (WOS).

This list includes the best national and international academic journals.

Some of them are top-ranking and highly scientific journals with a high H-index and ranking.

For the most recent list of social sciences journals, see the list below.

Social Sciences Journals

Journals List Subject ISSN Impact Factor Payment (APC)
Ambitos Social Sciences 2386-4494 0.6
Ambiente e Sociedade Social Sciences 1414-753X
Advances in Social Work Social Sciences 2331-4125
Cultura Educacion Sociedad Social Sciences 2389-7724
Qualitative Research Social Sciences 1468-7941 4.1
Journal of Research on Adolescence Social Sciences 1532-7795 3.6
Sociology of Religion Social Sciences 1069-4404 3.1
Social Science Computer Review Social Sciences 1552-8286 4.1
Journal of Family Theory and Review Social Sciences 1756-2589
Language Testing Social Sciences 0265-5322 4.4
Econometric Theory Social Sciences 1469-4360 1.3
Geography Compass Social Sciences 1749-8198 3.1
Economy and Society Social Sciences 1469-5766 5.7
Journal of Mixed Methods Research Social Sciences 1558-6901 3.9
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics Social Sciences 1468-0084 2.5
Journal of Industrial Ecology Social Sciences 1530-9290 5.9
Regional Studies Social Sciences 1360-0591 5.1
Journal of Youth and Adolescence Social Sciences 1573-6601 4.9
RSF Social Sciences 2377-8261
Journal of Imgelem Social Sciences 2602-4446
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies Social Sciences 2578-1863 10.3
Child Development Social Sciences 1467-8624 4.6
Sociological Methods and Research Social Sciences 1552-8294 5.9
Sociological Methodology Social Sciences 1467-9531 4.5
Public Opinion Quarterly Social Sciences 1537-5331 4.7
Energy Research and Social Science Social Sciences 2214-6296 6.7
Social Issues and Policy Review Social Sciences 1751-2409 9.4
Journal of Marriage and Family Social Sciences 1741-3737 6.0
Journal of Applied Econometrics Social Sciences 1099-1255 2.1
Business and Society Social Sciences 1552-4205 7.7
Human Relations Social Sciences 1741-282X 6.6
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics Social Sciences 1537-2707 4.8
Nature Climate Change Social Sciences 1758-6798 31.4
Social Science Journal for Advanced Research Social Sciences 2583-0074
Pakistan Journal of Educational Research Social Sciences 2707-7985
International Journal Of Humanities And Art Resear... Social Sciences 2687-6248
Uninga Review Social Sciences 2178-2571
China Economic Quarterly International Social Sciences 2666-9331
Review of Economics and Statistics Social Sciences 1530-9142 8.0
Sociological Bulletin Social Sciences 2457-0257
Journal of South Asian Development Social Sciences 0973-1733 1.4
Indian Journal of Human Development Social Sciences 2456-480X
International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks Social Sciences 2577-445X 3.91
Iberoamerican Journal of Science Measurement and C... Social Sciences 2709-3158
South Asia Research Social Sciences 1741-3141 0.7