Home > Impact Factor List > Category List > Geography, Planning and Development Journals List by Impact Factor 2025
Are you looking for Geography, Planning and Development Journal Impact Ratings/Impact Factor? or Geography, Planning and Development Impact Factor 2025 Then you are in the right place.
Here, we are providing the updated impact factors of top peer-reviewed and scholarly geography, planning and development journals.
Before diving into the impact factors, let's first understand what an Impact Factor is.
Impact factor is one of the best methods to analyze the quality of any scholarly peer-reviewed journal.
A higher impact factor indicates that a scientific journal is considered a high-quality publication and is among the best and leading journals in its field.
Check the updated Geography, Planning and Development Journal Citation Reports (JCR)/Impact Factor list of journals.
Journals List | Subject | ISSN | Impact Factor |
Agrekon | Social Sciences | 2078-0400 | 1.6 |
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers | Social Sciences | 1475-5661 | 3.3 |
African Affairs | Social Sciences | 1468-2621 | 1.9 |
Computers Environment and Urban Systems | Social Sciences | 1873-7587 | 6.8 |
Building and Environment | Social Sciences | 1873-684X | 7.4 |
Environment and Planning A | Social Sciences | 1472-3409 | 4.2 |
New Political Economy | Social Sciences | 1469-9923 | 4.4 |
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives | Social Sciences | 2590-1982 | 8.6 |
Journal of Planning Literature | Social Sciences | 1552-6593 | 4.5 |
Annals of the American Association of Geographers | Social Sciences | 2469-4460 | 4.7 |
Land Use Policy | Social Sciences | 1873-5754 | 7.1 |
Urban Geography | Social Sciences | 1938-2847 | 4.4 |
Sustainability Science Practice and Policy | Social Sciences | 1548-7733 | 8.5 |
Democratization | Social Sciences | 1743-890X | 5.3 |
Economic Geography | Social Sciences | 0013-0095 | 9.1 |
Transport Policy | Social Sciences | 1879-310X | 6.8 |
Journal of Transport Geography | Social Sciences | 0966-6923 | 6.1 |
Tourism Review | Social Sciences | 1759-8451 | 7.1 |
Planning Theory | Social Sciences | 1741-3052 | 3.6 |
Journal of Economic Geography | Social Sciences | 1468-2710 | 5.0 |
Environment and Planning D Society and Space | Social Sciences | 1472-3433 | 5.1 |
European Societies | Social Sciences | 1469-8307 | 5.9 |
Current Issues in Tourism | Social Sciences | 1747-7603 | 7.6 |
Dialogues in Human Geography | Social Sciences | 2043-8214 | 27.5 |
Progress in Planning | Social Sciences | 1873-4510 | 6.4 |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change | Social Sciences | 1757-7799 | 9.2 |
World Development | Social Sciences | 0305-750X | 6.9 |
Antipode | Social Sciences | 1467-8330 | 5.0 |
Journal of the American Planning Association | Social Sciences | 0194-4363 | 6.1 |
Tourism Geographies | Social Sciences | 1470-1340 | 8.3 |
Long Range Planning | Social Sciences | 1873-1872 | 8.5 |
Business Strategy and the Environment | Social Sciences | 1099-0836 | 13.4 |
Global Environmental Change | Social Sciences | 1872-9495 | 8.9 |
Journal of Sustainable Tourism | Social Sciences | 1747-7646 | 9.0 |
Journal of Travel Research | Social Sciences | 1552-6763 | 10.0 |
Progress in Human Geography | Social Sciences | 1477-0288 | 8.1 |
Nature Sustainability | Social Sciences | 2398-9629 | 29.2 |
Journal of Mountain Science | Social Sciences | 1993-0321 | 2.66 |
International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks | Social Sciences | 2577-445X | 3.91 |
Chinese Geographical Science | Social Sciences | 1993-064X | 3.62 |
Regional Sustainability | Social Sciences | 2666-660X | 4.58 |
China Report | Social Sciences | 0973-063X | 0.9 |
Geography and Sustainability | Social Sciences | 2666-6839 | 9.7 |
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing | Social Sciences | 0974-3006 | 2.1 |