Home > Database > Web of Science Indexed Journals > Web of Science Indexed Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journals List 2025
Are you looking for a list of Web of Science Indexed Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journals? Then you are in the right place.
Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed web of science indexed agricultural and biological sciences journals.
In this post, we are providing a selection of top web of science-indexed agricultural and biological sciences publications with high impact.
All of these journals are approved by web of science and are peer-reviewed scholarly journals.
Some of them are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor. Additionally, many of these journals are indexed in various databases like PubMed, Scopus, Embase, DOAJ, Google Scholar, and Web of Science (WOS).
In our list, you can find a collection of web of science indexed agricultural and biological sciences journals without publication fees (APC).
This list includes the best national and international agricultural and biological sciences academic journals. Some of them are top-ranking and highly scientific, with a high H-index and ranking.
For the most recent list of Web of Science Indexed Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journals, see the list below.
Journal title | Access Type | ISSN | Payment (APC) |
Animal Frontiers | Open Access | 2160-6064 | ❌ |
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants | Subscription Journal | 0974-0430 | ❌ |
Journal of Food Science and Technology | Subscription Journal | 0975-8402 | ❌ |
Conservation and Society | Subscription Journal | 0975-3133 | ❌ |
Journal of Biosciences | Open Access | 0973-7138 | ❌ |
Mycosphere | Open Access | 2077-7019 | ✅ |
Translational Animal Science | Open Access | 2573-2102 | ✅ |
Tropical Ecology | Subscription Journal | 2661-8982 | ❌ |
Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology | Subscription Journal | 0974-1275 | ❌ |
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture | Open Access | 2589-7217 | ✅ |
Horticultural Plant Journal | Open Access | 2468-0141 | ✅ |
Soil Ecology Letters | Subscription Journal | 2662-2297 | ❌ |
Animal Nutrition | Open Access | 2405-6383 | ✅ |
Zoological research | Open Access | 2095-8137 | ✅ |
Plant Diversity | Open Access | 2468-2659 | ❌ |
Rheedea | Open Access | 2582-2438 | ❌ |
Indian Journal of Animal Research | Open Access | 0976-0555 | ✅ |
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science | Open Access | 2322-0007 | ✅ |
Journal of Forestry Research | Subscription Journal | 1993-0607 | ❌ |
Plant Science Today | Open Access | 2348-1900 | ✅ |
Indian Journal of Agronomy | Open Access | 0974-4460 | ❌ |
Acta Ecologica Sinica | Subscription Journal | 1872-2032 | ❌ |
International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering | Open Access | 1934-6352 | ✅ |
Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science | Subscription Journal | 0976-8432 | ✅ |
Asian Journal of Conservation Biology | Open Access | 2278-7666 | ✅ |
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences | Open Access | 2394-3319 | ❌ |
Acta Oceanologica Sinica | Subscription Journal | 1869-1099 | ❌ |
Annual Review of Pathology Mechanisms of Disease | Open Access | 1553-4014 | ❌ |
Annual Review of Plant Biology | Open Access | 1545-2123 | ❌ |
Annual Review of Entomology | Open Access | 1545-4487 | ❌ |
Scientia Agricultura Sinica | Subscription Journal | 0578-1752 | ❌ |
Molecular Systems Biology | Open Access | 1744-4292 | ✅ |
Journal of Fishery Sciences of China | Subscription Journal | 1005-8737 | ❌ |
Nature Ecology and Evolution | Subscription Journal | 2397-334X | ✅ |
Molecular Plant | Subscription Journal | 1752-9867 | ✅ |
Genome Biology | Open Access | 1474-7596 | ✅ |
Nature Sustainability | Open Access | 2398-9629 | ✅ |
Biological Reviews | Subscription Journal | 1469-185X | ✅ |
Nature Plants | Subscription Journal | 2055-026X | ✅ |
Ecology Letters | Subscription Journal | 1461-0248 | ✅ |
Remote Sensing of Environment | Subscription Journal | 1879-0704 | ✅ |
PLoS Biology | Open Access | 1545-7885 | ✅ |
ISME Journal | Subscription Journal | 1751-7370 | ✅ |
Biometrika | Subscription Journal | 1464-3510 | ✅ |
Nature Food | Subscription Journal | 2662-1355 | ✅ |
Molecular Biology and Evolution | Open Access | 1537-1719 | ✅ |
Evolution Letters | Open Access | 2056-3744 | ✅ |
Trends in Plant Science | Subscription Journal | 1878-4372 | ✅ |
Current Opinion in Plant Biology | Subscription Journal | 1879-0356 | ✅ |
Annual Review of Animal Biosciences | Subscription Journal | 2165-8110 | ❌ |
Plant Cell | Subscription Journal | 1532-298X | ✅ |
Systematic Biology | Subscription Journal | 1076-836X | ✅ |
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment | Subscription Journal | 1540-9309 | ✅ |
Soil Biology and Biochemistry | Subscription Journal | 0038-0717 | ✅ |
Annual Review of Phytopathology | Subscription Journal | 1545-2107 | ❌ |
Plant Biotechnology Journal | Open Access | 1467-7652 | ✅ |
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | Subscription Journal | 1744-7909 | ✅ |
Ecological Monographs | Subscription Journal | 0012-9615 | ✅ |
Systematic Biology | Subscription Journal | 1076-836X | ✅ |
Molecular Ecology Resources | Subscription Journal | 1755-0998 | ✅ |
Trends in Food Science and Technology | Subscription Journal | 0924-2244 | ✅ |
Conservation Letters | Open Access | 1755-263X | ✅ |
Conservation Letters | Open Access | 1755-263X | ✅ |
Global Ecology and Biogeography | Subscription Journal | 1466-8238 | ✅ |
Plant Communications | Open Access | 2590-3462 | ✅ |
Plant Diversity | Open Access | 2468-2659 | ❌ |
BMC Biology | Subscription Journal | 1741-7007 | ✅ |
Limnology And Oceanography Letters | Open Access | 2378-2242 | ✅ |
Limnology And Oceanography Letters | Open Access | 2378-2242 | ✅ |
Current Biology | Subscription Journal | 1879-0445 | ✅ |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution | Open Access | 2041-210X | ✅ |
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety | Subscription Journal | 1541-4337 | ✅ |
BioScience | Subscription Journal | 1525-3244 | ✅ |
Plant Journal | Subscription Journal | 1365-313X | ✅ |
Plant Journal | Subscription Journal | 1365-313X | ✅ |
PLoS Genetics | Open Access | 1553-7404 | ✅ |
American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Subscription Journal | 1467-8276 | ✅ |
Advances in Nutrition | Subscription Journal | 2156-5376 | ✅ |
Functional Ecology | Subscription Journal | 1365-2435 | ✅ |
Conservation Biology | Subscription Journal | 1523-1739 | ✅ |
Journal of Ecology | Subscription Journal | 1365-2745 | ✅ |
Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture | Subscription Journal | 2330-8257 | ✅ |
Plant Cell and Environment | Subscription Journal | 1365-3040 | ✅ |
Communications Biology | Open Access | 2399-3642 | ✅ |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water | Subscription Journal | 2049-1948 | ✅ |
Global Food Security | Subscription Journal | 2211-9124 | ✅ |
Plant Physiology | Subscription Journal | 1532-2548 | ✅ |
Journal of Animal Ecology | Subscription Journal | 1365-2656 | ✅ |
People and Nature | Open Access | 2575-8314 | ✅ |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences | Subscription Journal | 0962-8452 | ✅ |
Quarterly Review of Biology | Subscription Journal | 1539-7718 | ✅ |
Annual Review of Food Science and Technology | Subscription Journal | 1941-1421 | ❌ |
Food Policy | Subscription Journal | 0306-9192 | ✅ |
Food Policy | Subscription Journal | 0306-9192 | ✅ |
Food Policy | Subscription Journal | 0306-9192 | ✅ |
Fish and Fisheries | Subscription Journal | 1467-2979 | ✅ |
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | Subscription Journal | 549-7852 | ✅ |
Journal of Experimental Botany | Subscription Journal | 1460-2431 | ✅ |
Horticulture Research | Open Access | 2052-7276 | ✅ |
Ecology | Subscription Journal | 1939-9170 | ✅ |
Database the journal of biological databases and curation | Open Access | 1758-0463 | ✅ |
Database the journal of biological databases and curation | Open Access | 1758-0463 | ✅ |
Database the journal of biological databases and curation | Open Access | 1758-0463 | ✅ |
Life Science Alliance | Open Access | 2575-1077 | ✅ |
PLoS Computational Biology | Open Access | 1553-7358 | ✅ |
Diversity and Distributions | Open Access | 1472-4642 | ✅ |
Environmental DNA | Open Access | 2637-4943 | ✅ |
Quaternary Science Reviews | Subscription Journal | 1873-457X | ✅ |
Mammal Review | Subscription Journal | 1365-2907 | ✅ |
Land Use Policy | Subscription Journal | 1873-5754 | ✅ |
European Review of Agricultural Economics | Subscription Journal | 1464-3618 | ✅ |
Food Chemistry | Open Access | 1873-7072 | ✅ |
mSystems | Open Access | 2379-5077 | ✅ |
Agricultural Systems | Subscription Journal | 1873-2267 | ✅ |
Systematic Entomology | Subscription Journal | 1365-3113 | ✅ |
IMA Fungus | Open Access | 2210-6359 | ✅ |
Limnology and Oceanography | Subscription Journal | 1939-5590 | ✅ |
AAPS PharmSciTech | Subscription Journal | 1530-9932 | ❌ |
aBIOTECH | Subscription Journal | 2662-1738 | ❌ |
Acta Agronomica | Open Access | 2323-0118 | ❌ |
Acta Agronomica | Open Access | 2323-0118 | ❌ |
Acta Agronomica | Open Access | 2323-0118 | ❌ |
Acta Alimentaria | Subscription Journal | 1588-2535 | ❌ |
Acta Alimentaria | Subscription Journal | 1588-2535 | ❌ |
Acta Biologica Sibirica | Open Access | 2412-1908 | ✅ |
Acta Biologica Sibirica | Open Access | 2412-1908 | ✅ |
Acta Botanica Mexicana | Open Access | 2448-7589 | ❌ |
Acta Botanica Mexicana | Open Access | 2448-7589 | ❌ |
aBIOTECH | Subscription Journal | 2662-1738 | ❌ |
aBIOTECH | Subscription Journal | 2662-1738 | ❌ |
aBIOTECH | Subscription Journal | 2662-1738 | ❌ |
AAPS PharmSciTech | Subscription Journal | 1530-9932 | ❌ |
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum | Subscription Journal | 1861-1664 | ❌ |
Acta Protozoologica | Open Access | 1689-0027 | ❌ |
Acta Protozoologica | Open Access | 1689-0027 | ❌ |
Acta Protozoologica | Open Access | 1689-0027 | ❌ |
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum | Subscription Journal | 1861-1664 | ❌ |
Agrekon | Subscription Journal | 2078-0400 | ✅ |
Agrekon | Subscription Journal | 2078-0400 | ✅ |