Indian Journal of Medical Research |
Medicine |
0.716 |
4.2 |
JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics |
Medicine |
1.602 |
4.2 |
Journal of Labor Economics |
Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
4.727 |
4.179 |
Soil Ecology Letters |
Environmental Science |
1.158 |
4.13 |
Qualitative Research |
Social Sciences |
1.511 |
4.1 |
Social Science Computer Review |
Social Sciences |
1.662 |
4.1 |
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise |
Medicine |
1.734 |
4.1 |
Organization Science |
Business, Management and Accounting |
6.541 |
4.1 |
European Heart Journal Acute Cardiovascular Care |
Medicine |
1.527 |
4.1 |
Behaviour Research and Therapy |
Psychology |
1.787 |
4.1 |
BMJ Open Respiratory Research |
Medicine |
1.594 |
4.1 |
British Journal of Ophthalmology |
Neuroscience |
1.733 |
4.1 |
CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology |
Engineering |
1.661 |
4.1 |
Sports Medicine and Health Science |
Medicine |
0.939 |
4.06 |
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B |
Veterinary |
0.728 |
4.05 |
Frontiers of Computer Science |
Mathematics |
0.786 |
4.04 |
European Review of Agricultural Economics |
Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
1.645 |
4.0 |
JCO Oncology Practice |
Nursing |
1.349 |
4.0 |
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin |
Psychology |
2.238 |
4.0 |
West European Politics |
Social Sciences |
2.451 |
4.0 |
Advanced NanoBiomed Research |
Medicine |
4.0 |
Justice Quarterly |
Social Sciences |
1.564 |
4.0 |
Journal of Medical Genetics |
Medicine |
1.816 |
4 |
Quaternary Science Reviews |
Social Sciences |
1.701 |
4 |
Water Science and Engineering |
Engineering |
0.927 |
4 |
Developmental Psychology |
Social Sciences |
1.731 |
4 |
British Journal of Psychology |
Psychology |
1.633 |
4 |
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development |
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
2.264 |
4 |
Circulation |
Medicine |
7.800 |
39.918 |
Nature Nanotechnology |
Physics and Astronomy |
13.141 |
39.9 |
Cell Research |
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
8.060 |
39.3 |
European Heart Journal |
Medicine |
3.450 |
39.3 |
Annals of Internal Medicine |
Medicine |
3.845 |
39.2 |
Nature Electronics |
Physics and Astronomy |
10.927 |
38.6 |
The Lancet Microbe |
Medicine |
9.419 |
38.2 |
The Lancet Public Health |
Medicine |
10.591 |
37.8 |
Progress in Materials Science |
Materials Science |
8.515 |
37.4 |
Clinical Microbiology Reviews |
Medicine |
7.584 |
36.8 |
MMWR Recommendations and Reports |
Social Sciences |
23.962 |
36.286 |
Annual Review of Pathology Mechanisms of Disease |
Medicine |
8.628 |
36.2 |
The Lancet Global Health |
Medicine |
7.370 |
34.3 |
Journal of Thermal Science |
Physics and Astronomy |
0.582 |
34 |
Gastroenterology |
Medicine |
7.645 |
33.883 |
Molecular Cancer |
Medicine |
8.703 |
33.1 |
Energy and Environmental Science |
Environmental Science |
12.306 |
32.5 |
Immunity |
Medicine |
14.795 |
32.4 |
The Innovation |
Multidisciplinary |
5.057 |
32.1 |
Nature Climate Change |
Social Sciences |
6.849 |
31.4 |
Cell Metabolism |
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
10.037 |
31.3 |
The Lancet Digital Health |
Medicine |
6.433 |
30.8 |
Science immunology |
Medicine |
11.191 |
30.63 |
Cell Host and Microbe |
Immunology and Microbiology |
10.227 |
30.1 |
Journal of Communications and Information Networks |
Engineering |
1.586 |
3.99 |
Neural Regeneration Research |
Neuroscience |
0.837 |
3.96 |
International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks |
Social Sciences |
0.708 |
3.91 |
European Sociological Review |
Social Sciences |
1.758 |
3.9 |
Physics and Astronomy |
3.072 |
3.9 |
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering |
Environmental Science |
1.861 |
3.9 |
Journal of Higher Education |
Social Sciences |
1.550 |
3.9 |
Journal of Mixed Methods Research |
Social Sciences |
1.736 |
3.9 |
Journal of Teacher Education |
Social Sciences |
2.337 |
3.9 |
Political Behavior |
Social Sciences |
3.456 |
3.9 |
Review of International Organizations |
Social Sciences |
2.017 |
3.9 |
Review of Public Personnel Administration |
Social Sciences |
2.303 |
3.9 |
Sociology of Education |
Social Sciences |
2.335 |
3.9 |
Strategy Science |
Decision Sciences |
4.232 |
3.9 |
Teaching and Teacher Education |
Social Sciences |
1.616 |
3.9 |
Harvard Review of Psychiatry |
Medicine |
1.637 |
3.868 |
Econometrics Journal |
Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
1.506 |
3.8 |
Feminist Economics |
Social Sciences |
1.534 |
3.8 |
International Migration Review |
Social Sciences |
1.626 |
3.8 |
Journal of Archaeological Research |
Social Sciences |
1.907 |
3.8 |
Journal of Bionic Engineering |
Chemical Engineering |
0.542 |
3.8 |
Perspectives on Politics |
Social Sciences |
2.148 |
3.8 |
Policy Studies Journal |
Social Sciences |
1.970 |
3.8 |
Political Science Research and Methods |
Social Sciences |
2.589 |
3.8 |
Science China Technological Sciences |
Materials Science |
0.703 |
3.8 |
Theory and Research in Social Education |
Social Sciences |
1.561 |
3.8 |
Vaccine X |
Veterinary |
1.509 |
3.8 |
Active Learning in Higher Education |
Social Sciences |
1.494 |
3.8 |
Applied Developmental Science |
Social Sciences |
1.818 |
3.8 |
Biostatistics |
Medicine |
2.248 |
3.8 |
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention |
Medicine |
1.923 |
3.8 |
Cell Reports Methods |
Medicine |
2.145 |
3.8 |
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering |
Environmental Science |
0.665 |
3.8 |
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management |
Social Sciences |
2.111 |
3.8 |
Journal of the Learning Sciences |
Social Sciences |
2.267 |
3.8 |
Multivariate Behavioral Research |
Psychology |
1.606 |
3.8 |
Journal of Earth Science |
Earth and Planetary Sciences |
0.932 |
3.78 |
Bayesian Analysis |
Mathematics |
1.990 |
3.728 |
Scientific Studies of Reading |
Social Sciences |
1.619 |
3.7 |
Work Aging and Retirement |
Social Sciences |
1.699 |
3.7 |
Developmental Science |
Psychology |
1.962 |
3.7 |
Early Childhood Research Quarterly |
Social Sciences |
1.630 |
3.7 |
European Journal of International Relations |
Social Sciences |
1.639 |
3.7 |
Hong Kong Medical Journal |
Medicine |
0.305 |
3.7 |
IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking |
Engineering |
2.025 |
3.7 |
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials |
Materials Science |
0.854 |
3.7 |
Journal of Finance and Data Science |
Mathematics |
0.621 |
3.69 |
Chinese Geographical Science |
Social Sciences |
0.731 |
3.62 |
Aquaculture and Fisheries |
Environmental Science |
0.647 |
3.60 |
Accounting Organizations and Society |
Business, Management and Accounting |
2.208 |
3.6 |
American Educational Research Journal |
Social Sciences |
2.234 |
3.6 |
Animal Frontiers |
Veterinary |
1.163 |
3.6 |
China Journal of Accounting Research |
Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
0.880 |
3.6 |
Contemporary Accounting Research |
Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
3.012 |
3.6 |
Journal of Experimental Political Science |
Social Sciences |
2.143 |
3.6 |
Journal of Research on Adolescence |
Social Sciences |
1.518 |
3.6 |
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists |
Environmental Science |
3.078 |
3.6 |
Journal of the European Economic Association |
Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
6.087 |
3.6 |
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly |
Social Sciences |
1.348 |
3.6 |
Marketing Letters |
Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
1.672 |
3.6 |
Organization |
Business, Management and Accounting |
1.960 |
3.6 |
Planning Theory |
Social Sciences |
1.911 |
3.6 |
Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience |
Neuroscience |
1.714 |
3.6 |
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems |
Earth and Planetary Sciences |
1.834 |
3.5 |
Journal of Arthroplasty |
Medicine |
2.028 |
3.5 |
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology |
Social Sciences |
1.596 |
3.5 |
Journal of Financial Econometrics |
Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
1.645 |
3.5 |
Journal of Physical Oceanography |
Earth and Planetary Sciences |
1.585 |
3.5 |
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology |
Earth and Planetary Sciences |
1.721 |
3.5 |
Acta Geologica Sinica |
Earth and Planetary Sciences |
0.505 |
3.5 |
Chinese Optics Letters |
Physics and Astronomy |
0.822 |
3.5 |
Public Administration |
Social Sciences |
1.561 |
3.5 |
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific |
Physics and Astronomy |
2.151 |
3.5 |
Transcription |
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
1.867 |
3.5 |
Journal of Metamorphic Geology |
Earth and Planetary Sciences |
1.983 |
3.4 |
Media Culture and Society |
Social Sciences |
1.641 |
3.4 |
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis |
Social Sciences |
1.829 |
3.4 |
Health Services Research |
Medicine |
1.979 |
3.4 |
International Journal of Automation and Computing |
Mathematics |
0.731 |
3.4 |
AAPS PharmSciTech |
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics |
0.561 |
3.4 |
Social Sciences |
0.533 |
3.4 |
Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware |
Computer Science |
0.746 |
3.34 |
VirusDisease |
Medicine |
0.456 |
3.31 |
Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering |
Engineering |
0.667 |
3.30 |
Educational Administration Quarterly |
Social Sciences |
1.886 |
3.3 |
Genetics |
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
1.848 |
3.3 |
Indian Journal of Pediatrics |
Medicine |
0.613 |
3.3 |
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research |
Social Sciences |
2.149 |
3.3 |
Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica |
Medicine |
0.739 |
3.3 |
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics |
Mathematics |
1.720 |
3.3 |
Journalism Studies |
Social Sciences |
1.592 |
3.3 |
Molecular Biology of the Cell |
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
1.580 |
3.3 |
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers |
Social Sciences |
1.544 |
3.3 |
Frontiers in Energy |
Energy |
0.665 |
3.29 |
Economic Journal |
Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
4.334 |
3.2 |
European Political Science Review |
Social Sciences |
1.776 |
3.2 |
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance |
Social Sciences |
2.218 |
3.2 |
Social Problems |
Social Sciences |
1.932 |
3.2 |
3D Printing in Medicine |
Medicine |
0.131 |
3.2 |
Annual Review of Financial Economics |
Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
2.053 |
3.2 |
Biometrika |
Mathematics |
3.566 |
3.2 |
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency |
Psychology |
1.583 |
3.2 |
Journal of the Formosan Medical Association |
Medicine |
0.856 |
3.2 |
Monthly Weather Review |
Earth and Planetary Sciences |
1.890 |
3.2 |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine |
Medicine |
0.374 |
3.1 |
Liver Research |
Medicine |
0.882 |
3.15 |
Journal of Food Science and Technology |
Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
0.666 |
3.117 |
Journal of Conflict Resolution |
Social Sciences |
2.164 |
3.1 |
Journal of Democracy |
Social Sciences |
2.322 |
3.1 |
Journal of Entrepreneurship |
Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
0.745 |
3.1 |
Journal of Management Inquiry |
Business, Management and Accounting |
2.043 |
3.1 |
Journal of Meteorological Research |
Engineering |
0.893 |
3.1 |
Journal of Professional Capital and Community |
Social Sciences |
1.618 |
3.1 |
Journalism |
Social Sciences |
1.511 |
3.1 |
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences |
Earth and Planetary Sciences |
2.016 |
3.1 |
Management Learning |
Decision Sciences |
1.574 |
3.1 |
Political Studies |
Social Sciences |
1.566 |
3.1 |
SIAM Journal on Optimization |
Mathematics |
2.282 |
3.1 |
Sociology of Religion |
Social Sciences |
1.651 |
3.1 |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Developmental Biology |
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
2.768 |
3.1 |
Geography Compass |
Social Sciences |
1.650 |
3.1 |
Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology |
Medicine |
0.314 |
3.1 |
Indian Journal of Microbiology |
Immunology and Microbiology |
0.594 |
3.1 |
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology |
Medicine |
0.666 |
3.1 |
Journal of Arid Land |
Environmental Science |
0.671 |
3.07 |
Asian Journal of Andrology |
Medicine |
0.617 |
3.054 |
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants |
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
0.669 |
3.023 |
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics |
Mathematics |
4.044 |
3.0 |
Foundations of Computational Mathematics |
Mathematics |
1.652 |
3.0 |
IEEE Control Systems Letters |
Mathematics |
1.687 |
3 |
Translational Gastroenterology and Hepatology |
Medicine |
0.915 |
3 |
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery |
Medicine |
1.666 |
3 |
Journal of Structural Biology |
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
1.582 |
3 |
Annual Review of Immunology |
Medicine |
15.262 |
29.7 |
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science |
Energy |
5.679 |
29.5 |
Nature Biomedical Engineering |
Medicine |
6.625 |
29.3 |
Nature Sustainability |
Social Sciences |
6.568 |
29.2 |
Nature Reviews Rheumatology |
Medicine |
3.459 |
29.1 |
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report |
Social Sciences |
16.786 |
29.095 |
JAMA Neurology |
Medicine |
6.697 |
29 |
Advanced Powder Materials |
Materials Science |
6.197 |
28.6 |
JAMA Oncology |
Medicine |
8.103 |
28.4 |
Cancer Discovery |
Medicine |
7.268 |
28.2 |
Journal of Infection |
Medicine |
3.904 |
28.2 |
Nature Neuroscience |
Neuroscience |
12.124 |
27.7 |
Molecular Plant |
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
5.209 |
27.5 |
Dialogues in Human Geography |
Social Sciences |
2.375 |
27.5 |
Advanced Materials |
Engineering |
9.191 |
27.4 |