Home > Database > Google Scholar > Country > United States > List of Google Scholar Indexed Journals from United States in 2025
Are you looking for a list of Google Scholar Indexed United States Journals? Then you are in the right place.
Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed Google Scholar Indexed journals from India.
There are many United States journals indexed in the Google Scholar database. Some of these are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor.
In this post, we will provide you with a list of Google Scholar Indexed United States Journals. If you are searching for peer-reviewed, academic, and scientific journals from United States, then here is a list of Google Scholar titles from United States.
Journal title | Access Type | Subject | Payment (APC) |
AMA journal of ethics | Open Access | Social Sciences | ❌ |
Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ❌ |
Advances in Wound Care | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ❌ |
Advances in Social Work | Open Access | Social Sciences | ❌ |
Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ❌ |
Advances in Nursing Science | Subscription Journal | Nursing | ✅ |
Advances in neurobiology | Subscription Journal | Neuroscience | ❌ |
Advances in Astronomy | Open Access | Earth and Planetary Sciences | ✅ |
Advances in Applied Mathematics | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ❌ |
ACG Case Reports Journal | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
Abdominal Radiology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
AATCC Journal of Research | Subscription Journal | Materials Science | ❌ |
AAPS Journal | Subscription Journal | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | ✅ |
AANA Journal | Subscription Journal | Nursing | ❌ |
AACN Advanced Critical Care | Subscription Journal | Nursing | ❌ |
A&A practice | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ❌ |
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association | Subscription Journal | Nursing | ✅ |
Translational Stroke Research | Subscription Journal | Neuroscience | ✅ |
Chronic Stress | Open Access | Psychology | ✅ |
Advances in Anatomic Pathology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
JCO Oncology Practice | Subscription Journal | Nursing | ✅ |
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Neurobiology of Language | Open Access | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Advanced Quantum Technologies | Subscription Journal | Computer Science | ✅ |
Fertility and Sterility | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Academic Medicine | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Sleep | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Molecular Biology of the Cell | Subscription Journal | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | ✅ |
Journal of Structural Biology | Subscription Journal | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | ✅ |
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
Journal of Physical Oceanography | Subscription Journal | Earth and Planetary Sciences | ✅ |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
ISA Transactions | Subscription Journal | Physics and Astronomy | ✅ |
ACS Applied Energy Materials | Subscription Journal | Chemical Engineering | ✅ |
American Journal of Criminal Justice | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
Survey of Ophthalmology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Foundations and Trends in Databases | Subscription Journal | Computer Science | ❌ |
American Journal of Pathology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science | Subscription Journal | Materials Science | ✅ |
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
Multivariate Behavioral Research | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
Thyroid | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Oncogenesis | Open Access | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | ✅ |
Quantitative Science Studies | Open Access | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Journal of Law and Economics | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ❌ |
Journal of Philosophy | Subscription Journal | Arts and Humanities | ❌ |
IMA Fungus | Open Access | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
Scientific Studies of Reading | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Communications Chemistry | Open Access | Materials Science | ✅ |
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Ophthalmology Retina | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Leukocyte Biology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
AAPG Bulletin | Subscription Journal | Earth and Planetary Sciences | ✅ |
iScience | Open Access | Multidisciplinary | ✅ |
Free Radical Biology and Medicine | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
International Migration Review | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | Subscription Journal | Neuroscience | ✅ |
Radiology Cardiothoracic Imaging | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
British Journal of Psychology | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations Analysis and Computations | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
Environmental Research | Subscription Journal | Environmental Science | ✅ |
Disability and Health Journal | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Immunology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Harvard Review of Psychiatry | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
AIDS Patient Care and STDs | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ❌ |
Physical Review D | Subscription Journal | Physics and Astronomy | ✅ |
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics | Subscription Journal | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | ✅ |
LGBT Health | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Black Psychology | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
Antibody Therapeutics | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
Health Education and Behavior | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Sociology of Religion | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Foundations of Computational Mathematics | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
TESOL Quarterly | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
ACS Macro Letters | Subscription Journal | Chemistry | ✅ |
Clinical Nutrition | Subscription Journal | Nursing | ✅ |
CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
Social Science Computer Review | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
APL Materials | Open Access | Materials Science | ✅ |
United European Gastroenterology Journal | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
The International Journal of Qualitative Methods | Open Access | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation | Subscription Journal | Computer Science | ✅ |
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Molecular Cancer Research | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Emotion | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ❌ |
Marketing Letters | Subscription Journal | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | ✅ |
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Foot and Ankle International | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Educational Computing Research | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics | Open Access | Engineering | ✅ |
Gynecologic Oncology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Environmental Management | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking | Subscription Journal | Energy | ✅ |
Global Environmental Politics | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Aging and Disease | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
IEEE Control Systems Letters | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
AMS Review | Subscription Journal | Business, Management and Accounting | ✅ |
Human Brain Mapping | Open Access | Neuroscience | ✅ |
mSystems | Open Access | Mathematics | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Work Aging and Retirement | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
British Journal of Haematology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Foundations and Trends in Econometrics | Subscription Journal | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | ❌ |
Current Opinion in Neurology | Subscription Journal | Neuroscience | ✅ |
Journal of Technology Transfer | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Clinical and Translational Medicine | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
Antioxidants and Redox Signaling | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Medical Education | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Anesthesiology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Television and New Media | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
ACM Transactions on Database Systems | Subscription Journal | Computer Science | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | Subscription Journal | Computer Science | ✅ |
Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering | Open Access | Engineering | ❌ |
Arthritis Care and Research | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Planning Literature | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology | Subscription Journal | Earth and Planetary Sciences | ✅ |
Journal of Aging and Social Policy | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Ecological Applications | Subscription Journal | Environmental Science | ✅ |
Current HIV AIDS Reports | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Contraception | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Developmental Psychology | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ❌ |
Analytical Chemistry | Subscription Journal | Chemistry | ✅ |
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Financial Management | Subscription Journal | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | ✅ |
Seminars in Liver Disease | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Mixed Methods Research | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Human Resource Development Review | Subscription Journal | Business, Management and Accounting | ✅ |
Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Subscription Journal | Computer Science | ❌ |
Journal of Geophysical Research D Atmospheres | Subscription Journal | Earth and Planetary Sciences | ✅ |
Alzheimers and Dementia Translational Research and Clinical Interventions | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Subscription Journal | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | ✅ |
Journal of Biological Chemistry | Open Access | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | ✅ |
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Metabolic Engineering | Subscription Journal | Immunology and Microbiology | ✅ |
Environmental DNA | Open Access | Environmental Science | ✅ |
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of General Internal Medicine | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology In Practice | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Applied Developmental Science | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Current Opinion in Psychiatry | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Physical Review Research | Open Access | Physics and Astronomy | ✅ |
VLDB Journal | Subscription Journal | Computer Science | ✅ |
Molecular Therapy Methods and Clinical Development | Open Access | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | ✅ |
Obesity | Subscription Journal | Nursing | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
EcoSal Plus | Subscription Journal | Immunology and Microbiology | ❌ |
Review of General Psychology | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Journal of the International AIDS Society | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
Annals of Epidemiology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems | Open Access | Earth and Planetary Sciences | ✅ |
JAMA Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Preventive Medicine | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Geophysical Research Letters | Subscription Journal | Earth and Planetary Sciences | ✅ |
Journal of Industrial Ecology | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Communications Physics | Open Access | Physics and Astronomy | ✅ |
Vehicular Communications | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Alzheimers and Dementia Diagnosis Assessment and Disease Monitoring | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
Genetics | Subscription Journal | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | ✅ |
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | Subscription Journal | Materials Science | ✅ |
Network Neuroscience | Open Access | Neuroscience | ✅ |
Sustainability Science Practice and Policy | Open Access | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Translational Research | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Oncologist | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering | Subscription Journal | Environmental Science | ✅ |
ACM Transactions on Information Systems | Subscription Journal | Computer Science | ✅ |
Gender and Society | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
PLoS Computational Biology | Open Access | Neuroscience | ✅ |
Journal of Dental Research | Subscription Journal | Dentistry | ✅ |
IEEE Intelligent Systems | Subscription Journal | Computer Science | ✅ |
ACS Sensors | Subscription Journal | Chemical Engineering | ✅ |
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
General Hospital Psychiatry | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Organization and Environment | Subscription Journal | Environmental Science | ✅ |
Human Communication Research | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
International Review of Financial Analysis | Subscription Journal | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | ✅ |
Journal of Research in Science Teaching | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Life Science Alliance | Open Access | Environmental Science | ✅ |
Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology | Open Access | Neuroscience | ✅ |
Science Communication | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Educational Administration Quarterly | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
npj Clean Water | Open Access | Environmental Science | ✅ |
Monthly Weather Review | Subscription Journal | Earth and Planetary Sciences | ✅ |
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | Subscription Journal | Computer Science | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques | Subscription Journal | Physics and Astronomy | ✅ |
Neurobiology of Disease | Open Access | Neuroscience | ✅ |
American Journal of Ophthalmology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | Subscription Journal | Computer Science | ✅ |
Journal of Archaeological Research | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Tourism Management Perspectives | Subscription Journal | Business, Management and Accounting | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
Human Genetics and Genomics Advances | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Advanced Materials Technologies | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism | Subscription Journal | Neuroscience | ✅ |
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
Social Problems | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Academy of Management Learning and Education | Subscription Journal | Business, Management and Accounting | ❌ |
Journal of Urology | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids | Open Access | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | ✅ |
Educational and Psychological Measurement | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
APL Photonics | Open Access | Physics and Astronomy | ✅ |
Open Mind | Open Access | Social Sciences | ❌ |
Journal of Computer Mediated Communication | Open Access | Social Sciences | ❌ |
The Gerontologist | Subscription Journal | Nursing | ✅ |
Journal of Medical Virology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Ecology | Subscription Journal | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | ✅ |
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Functional Analysis | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
Epidemiology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Subscription Journal | Nursing | ✅ |
npj Regenerative Medicine | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
Annals of Applied Probability | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ❌ |
Statistical Science | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ❌ |
Ocular Surface | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Differential Equations | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics | Open Access | Social Sciences | ❌ |
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
Journal of Geophysical Research Planets | Subscription Journal | Earth and Planetary Sciences | ✅ |
Bayesian Analysis | Open Access | Mathematics | ❌ |
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
Advances in Mathematics | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
Biological Psychiatry Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging | Subscription Journal | Neuroscience | ✅ |
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology | Subscription Journal | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | ❌ |
OncoImmunology | Open Access | Medicine | ✅ |
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment | Subscription Journal | Computer Science | ✅ |
Research on Language and Social Interaction | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences | Subscription Journal | Earth and Planetary Sciences | ✅ |
Review of International Organizations | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Neuropsychology Review | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
Journal of Field Robotics | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
British Journal of Pharmacology | Subscription Journal | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics | ✅ |
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
Journal of Vascular Surgery | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Arthroplasty | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Youth and Adolescence | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Journal of Nuclear Medicine | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ❌ |
Journal of Management Inquiry | Subscription Journal | Business, Management and Accounting | ✅ |
Journal of Environmental Psychology | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Applied Psychology Health and Well Being | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
Annual Review of Financial Economics | Subscription Journal | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | ❌ |
Reading Research Quarterly | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Family Business Review | Subscription Journal | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | ✅ |
Brain Pathology | Open Access | Neuroscience | ✅ |
Annual Review of Food Science and Technology | Subscription Journal | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | ❌ |
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
Quarterly Review of Biology | Subscription Journal | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | ✅ |
American Journal of Surgical Pathology | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
ACM Transactions on Algorithms | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ✅ |
Tectonics | Subscription Journal | Earth and Planetary Sciences | ✅ |
IEEE ASME Transactions on Mechatronics | Subscription Journal | Engineering | ✅ |
Journal of Algebraic Geometry | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ❌ |
Psychology and Marketing | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
Journal of International Marketing | Subscription Journal | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | ✅ |
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | Subscription Journal | Physics and Astronomy | ✅ |
RSF | Open Access | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Fiscal Studies | Subscription Journal | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | ✅ |
Journal of Memory and Language | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
American Journal of Mathematics | Subscription Journal | Mathematics | ❌ |
Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
Neuroscientist | Subscription Journal | Neuroscience | ✅ |
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine | Subscription Journal | Medicine | ✅ |
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | Subscription Journal | Decision Sciences | ✅ |
ACS Photonics | Subscription Journal | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | ✅ |
Science Education | Subscription Journal | Social Sciences | ✅ |
Clinical Psychological Science | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology | Open Access | Engineering | ✅ |
British Journal of Social Psychology | Subscription Journal | Psychology | ✅ |
Photonics Research | Subscription Journal | Physics and Astronomy | ✅ |
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing | Subscription Journal | Business, Management and Accounting | ✅ |
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies | Open Access | Social Sciences | ✅ |