SAGE Journals List with Impact Factor 2025

Are you looking for a sage journals list with impact factor 2025? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we are providing the updated impact factors of sage top peer-reviewed and scholarly journals.

Let's start with is Impact factor and why it's important.

Impact factor as a measure of how often a journal's articles are cited by other researchers.

In simpler terms, it's like a popularity contest for academic journals. (What is Impact Factor?)

A higher impact factor generally suggests that a journal publishes high-quality research that is widely recognized and influential in its field.

Now tawk about sage Journals Impact Factor

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SAGE Journals list by Impact Factor

For the list of top sage journals, see the list below. Journal Access Type ISSN Impact Factor
1 Perspectives on Psychological Science Subscription Journal 1745-6916 11.621
2 Review of Educational Research Subscription Journal 0034-6543 11.2
3 Personality and Social Psychology Review Subscription Journal 1088-8683 10.8
4 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Subscription Journal 1042-2587 10.5
5 California Management Review Subscription Journal 0008-1256 10.0
6 Journal of Travel Research Subscription Journal 0047-2875 10.0
7 Journal of Health Management Subscription Journal 0972-0634 1.7
8 Journal of South Asian Development Subscription Journal 0973-1741 1.4
9 Advances in Applied Ceramics Subscription Journal 1743-6753 1.3
10 Foreign Trade Review Subscription Journal 0015-7325 1.3
11 Acta Radiologica Subscription Journal 0284-1851 1.1
12 Journal of Emerging Market Finance Subscription Journal 0972-6527 1.1
13 Journal of Human Values Subscription Journal 0971-6858 1.0
14 Psychology and Developing Societies Subscription Journal 0971-3336 1.0
15 China Report Subscription Journal 0009-4455 0.9
16 South Asia Research Open Access 0262-7280 0.7
17 AATCC Journal of Research Subscription Journal 2472-3444 0.6
18 India Quarterly Subscription Journal 0974-9284 0.6
19 Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Open Access 0973-1342 0.6
20 European Journal of Personality Subscription Journal 0890-2070 6.1
21 ILR Review Subscription Journal 0019-7939 2.8
22 Science, Technology and Society Subscription Journal 0971-7218 1.9
23 Asia Pacific Media Educator Subscription Journal 1326-365X Not available
24 Chronic Stress Open Access 2470-5470 Not available
25 Contemporary Education Dialogue Subscription Journal 0973-1849 Not available
26 Current Directions in Psychological Science Subscription Journal 0963-7214 Not available
27 Higher Education for the Future Subscription Journal 2347-6311 Not available
28 Indian Journal of Human Development Subscription Journal 0973-7030 Not available
29 International Journal of Rural Management Subscription Journal 0973-0052 Not available
30 International Studies Subscription Journal 0020-8817 Not available
31 Management and Labour Studies Subscription Journal 0258-042X Not available
32 Psychological Science Subscription Journal 0956-7976 Not available
33 Psychological Science in the Public Interest Subscription Journal 1529-1006 Not available
34 Sociological Bulletin Subscription Journal 0038-0229 Not available
35 South Asia Economic Journal Subscription Journal 1391-5614 Not available
36 Vikalpa Open Access 0256-0909 Not available