Management of Technology and Innovation Journals List by Impact Factor 2025

Are you looking for Management of Technology and Innovation Journal Impact Ratings/Impact Factor? or Management of Technology and Innovation Impact Factor 2025 Then you are in the right place.

Here, we are providing the updated impact factors of top peer-reviewed and scholarly management of technology and innovation journals.

Before diving into the impact factors, let's first understand what an Impact Factor is.

Impact factor is one of the best methods to analyze the quality of any scholarly peer-reviewed journal.

A higher impact factor indicates that a scientific journal is considered a high-quality publication and is among the best and leading journals in its field.

Impact Factor of Management of Technology and Innovation Journals 2025

Check the updated Management of Technology and Innovation Journal Citation Reports (JCR)/Impact Factor list of journals.

Journals List Subject ISSN Impact Factor
Journal of Small Business Management Business, Management and Accounting 1540-627X 6.8
International Journal of Human Resource Management Business, Management and Accounting 1466-4399 6.2
Management Learning Decision Sciences 1461-7307 3.1
New Technology Work and Employment Social Sciences 1468-005X 5.8
Journal of International Business Policy Business, Management and Accounting 2522-0705 7.9
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management Social Sciences 0960-0035 8.6
Journal of Management Inquiry Business, Management and Accounting 1552-6542 3.1
Organization Business, Management and Accounting 1461-7323 3.6
Service Industries Journal Business, Management and Accounting 1743-9507 7.2
Information and Organization Social Sciences 1471-7727 6.3
Human Resource Management Psychology 1099-050X 6.6
Decision Sciences Decision Sciences 1540-5915 5.5
Technological Forecasting and Social Change Psychology 1873-5509 12
British Journal of Management Business, Management and Accounting 1467-8551 5.6
Journal of Knowledge Management Business, Management and Accounting 1367-3270 8.8
International Journal of Project Management Environmental Science 0263-7863 8
Technovation Engineering 1879-2383 12.5
Production and Operations Management Engineering 1937-5956 5.0
International Journal of Operations and Production Management Decision Sciences 1758-6593 9.9
Journal of Human Resources Economics, Econometrics and Finance 1548-8004 5.2
International Journal of Management Reviews Decision Sciences 1468-2370 8.1
ILR Review Business, Management and Accounting 2162-271X 2.8
Journal of Product Innovation Management Engineering 1540-5885 11.2
Human Relations Social Sciences 1741-282X 6.6
Journal of Management Studies Business, Management and Accounting 1467-6486 10.5
Organization Studies Business, Management and Accounting 1741-3044 6.5
Strategy Science Decision Sciences 2333-2077 3.9
Organizational Research Methods Decision Sciences 1552-7425 9.5
Academy of Management Perspectives Business, Management and Accounting 1943-4529 7.2
Journal of Business Venturing Business, Management and Accounting 1873-2003 8.7
Organization Science Business, Management and Accounting 1526-5455 4.1
Academy of Management Review Business, Management and Accounting 1930-3807 19.3
Academy of Management Journal Business, Management and Accounting 1948-0989 16.178
Knowledge Management and E Learning Social Sciences 2073-7904 2.4
International Journal of Innovation Studies Decision Sciences 2096-2487 6.48
Journal of Management Science and Engineering Engineering 2589-5532 6.6