SJR Journals Ranking - 2024

The SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) is a metric used to assess the scientific impact of a scholarly journal. It is developed by SCImago, a Spanish research group, and takes into account both the number of citations received by a journal and the prestige of the journals where the citations come from.

Journals SJR Ranking ISSN
Nature Plants 2055-026X
Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 1527-8204
Analytic Methods in Accident Research 2213-6657
Journal of Accounting Research 0021-8456
Molecular Neurodegeneration 1750-1326
American Economic Journal Microeconomics 1945-7669
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 0169-5347
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 1949-3053
Journal of Clinical Investigation 0021-9738
Nature Communications 2041-1723
JAMA Pediatrics 2168-6203
Annual Review of Marine Science 1941-1405
Journal of International Business Studies 0047-2506
The Innovation 2666-6758
Journal of Business Venturing 0883-9026
Journal of Service Research 1094-6705
Evidence Based Mental Health 1362-0347
American Journal of Political Science 0092-5853
American Journal of Human Genetics 0002-9297
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 1350-9462
Blood 0006-4971
JAMA Internal Medicine 2168-6106
Genome Research 1088-9051
International Journal of Information Management 1873-4707
Matter 2590-2393
Cell Genomics 2666-979X
Genome Medicine 1756-994X
Academy of Management Perspectives 1558-9080
Neuro Oncology 1522-8517
Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control 2325-6818
Political Analysis 1047-1987
International Organization 0020-8183
The Lancet Haematology 2352-3026
Accounts of Materials Research 2643-6728
Advanced Photonics 2577-5421
Trends in Neurosciences 0166-2236
British Journal of Sports Medicine 0306-3674
ACS Nano 1936-0851
Journal of Labor Economics 0734-306X
AI Open 2666-6510
Trends in Immunology 1471-4906
Annual Review of Virology 2327-056X
Organizational Research Methods 1094-4281
Clinical Cancer Research 1078-0432
Science Advances 2375-2548
The Lancet Rheumatology 2665-9913
Carbon Energy 2637-9368
eClinicalMedicine 2589-5370
Clinical Psychology Review 0272-7358
Organization Studies 0170-8406
Review of Asset Pricing Studies 2045-9920
Circulation Research 0009-7330
Journal of Management Studies 0022-2380
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 1556-6072
Reports on Progress in Physics 0034-4885
ACM Computing Surveys 0360-0300
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 1046-6673
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 0162-8828
Accounting Review 0001-4826
Brain 0006-8950
JACC Cardiovascular Imaging 1936-878X
Trends in Chemistry 2589-7209
Ecology Letters 1461-023X
PRX Quantum 2691-3399
Drug Resistance Updates 1368-7646
Biological Reviews 1464-7931
Energy and Environmental Materials 2575-0348
Economic Journal 0013-0133
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 0018-9286
Leadership Quarterly 1048-9843
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1042-2587
Strategic Organization 1476-1270
Radiocarbon 0033-8222
IEEE Network 0890-8044
Trends in Biochemical Sciences 0968-0004
eLife 2050-084X
Psychological Methods 1082-989X
Annual Review of Medicine 0066-4219
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 0066-426X
Strategy Science 2333-2050
American Journal of Psychiatry 0002-953X
PLoS Medicine 1549-1277
Review of Accounting Studies 1380-6653
ACS Catalysis 2155-5435
Cell Discovery 2056-5968
ACS Central Science 2374-7943
California Management Review 0008-1256
Applied Physics Reviews 1931-9401
JAMA Network Open 2574-3805
Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network JNCCN 1540-1405
Optica 2334-2536
Journal of Interactive Marketing 1094-9968
Radiology 0033-8419
Global Change Biology 1354-1013
Remote Sensing of Environment 0034-4257
Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health 2159-676X
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 0010-3640
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 0027-8424
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 0007-2303
Human Reproduction Update 1355-4786
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