Journals Impact Factor List 2024

Journals List Impact Factor 2024
Nature Reviews Disease Primers 94.8 (2024)
Advances in Nutrition 93 (2024)
Journal of Economic Perspectives 9.944 (2024)
International Journal of Operations and Production Management 9.9 (2024)
Emerging Microbes and Infections 9.9 (2024)
Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 9.9 (2024)
Journal of Applied Psychology 9.9 (2024)
Nano Materials Science 9.9 (2024)
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 9.9 (2024)
Environmental DNA 9.9 (2024)
International Journal of Consumer Studies 9.9 (2024)
Computers in Human Behavior 9.9 (2024)
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 9.8 (2024)
American Journal of Gastroenterology 9.8 (2024)
Health Psychology Review 9.8 (2024)
American Journal of Human Genetics 9.8 (2024)
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 9.8 (2024)
British Journal of Anaesthesia 9.8 (2024)
Radiology Artificial Intelligence 9.8 (2024)
PLoS Biology 9.8 (2024)
Scientific data 9.8 (2024)
Green Chemistry 9.8 (2024)
Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology CJASN 9.8 (2024)
Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture 9.8 (2024)
International Journal of Plasticity 9.8 (2024)
Journal of Neuroinflammation 9.8 (2024)
Research Synthesis Methods 9.8 (2024)
Circulation Heart Failure 9.7 (2024)
JACC Basic to Translational Science 9.7 (2024)
Nanoscale Horizons 9.7 (2024)
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9.7 (2024)
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 9.7 (2024)
Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 9.7 (2024)
International Journal of Epidemiology 9.7 (2024)
Geography and Sustainability 9.7 (2024)
NPG Asia Materials 9.7 (2024)
Health Affairs 9.7 (2024)
Review of Financial Studies 9.7 (2024)
Implementation Science 9.7 (2024)
PRX Quantum 9.7 (2024)
Materials Research Letters 9.6 (2024)
Trends in Parasitology 9.6 (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9.6 (2024)
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 9.6 (2024)
Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 9.6 (2024)
Biomarker Research 9.6 (2024)
Chest 9.6 (2024)
Cardiovascular Diabetology 9.6 (2024)
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 9.6 (2024)
Particle and Fibre Toxicology 9.5 (2024)
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 9.5 (2024)
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 9.5 (2024)
Organizational Research Methods 9.5 (2024)
Briefings in Bioinformatics 9.5 (2024)
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 9.5 (2024)
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 9.5 (2024)
Alcohol Research Current Reviews 9.4 (2024)
Social Issues and Policy Review 9.4 (2024)
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology In Practice 9.4 (2024)
Annual Reviews in Control 9.4 (2024)
Journal of Materiomics 9.4 (2024)
New Phytologist 9.4 (2024)
Acta Materialia 9.4 (2024)
npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 9.4 (2024)
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 9.4 (2024)
Smart Materials in Medicine 9.30 (2024)
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 9.3 (2024)
Materials Today Energy 9.3 (2024)
IEEE Network 9.3 (2024)
Policy and Society 9.3 (2024)
Nano Convergence 9.3 (2024)
Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 9.3 (2024)
Cell Systems 9.3 (2024)
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 9.274 (2024)
Current Biology 9.2 (2024)
Cell Death and Disease 9.2 (2024)
Alzheimers Research and Therapy 9.2 (2024)
Nano Research 9.2 (2024)
GigaScience 9.2 (2024)
International Journal of Robotics Research 9.2 (2024)
Big Data and Society 9.2 (2024)
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change 9.2 (2024)
Journal of Political Economy 9.103 (2024)
Economic Geography 9.1 (2024)
Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 9.1 (2024)
American Sociological Review 9.1 (2024)
Composites Science and Technology 9.1 (2024)
Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology 9.1 (2024)
Journal of Clinical Immunology 9.1 (2024)
Hepatology International 9.046 (2024)
Age and Ageing 9.0 (2024)
Science Communication 9.0 (2024)
Annals of Surgery 9.0 (2024)
npj Precision Oncology 9.0 (2024)
Advanced Optical Materials 9.0 (2024)
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 9.0 (2024)
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 9.0 (2024)
Biofabrication 9 (2024)
Energy Policy 9 (2024)
Energy 9 (2024)
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 9 (2024)
Nature Medicine 87.241 (2024)
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 82.7 (2024)
Comprehensive Physiology 8.91 (2024)
Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle 8.9 (2024)
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 8.9 (2024)
Obesity Reviews 8.9 (2024)
Journal of World Business 8.9 (2024)
Mayo Clinic Proceedings 8.9 (2024)
Geoscience Frontiers 8.9 (2024)
Cell Reports Physical Science 8.9 (2024)
Annual Review of Nutrition 8.9 (2024)
Global Food Security 8.9 (2024)
ACS Sensors 8.9 (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 8.9 (2024)
Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 8.9 (2024)
Global Environmental Change 8.9 (2024)
Environmental Pollution 8.9 (2024)
Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics 8.85 (2024)
Critical Care Medicine 8.8 (2024)
Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids 8.8 (2024)
International Journal of Production Research 8.8 (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 8.8 (2024)
Educational Psychologist 8.8 (2024)
Anesthesiology 8.8 (2024)
Advanced Engineering Informatics 8.8 (2024)
Oncogene 8.8 (2024)
Ecology Letters 8.8 (2024)
Neurology Neuroimmunology and NeuroInflammation 8.8 (2024)
Food Chemistry 8.8 (2024)
Journal of Knowledge Management 8.8 (2024)
Infectious Disease Modelling 8.8 (2024)
Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 8.8 (2024)
Chemosphere 8.8 (2024)
Family Business Review 8.8 (2024)
Cell Reports 8.8 (2024)
Sensors International 8.78 (2024)
Tourism Management Perspectives 8.7 (2024)
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 8.7 (2024)
Journal of Business Venturing 8.7 (2024)
Journal of Environmental Management 8.7 (2024)
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences 8.7 (2024)
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 8.7 (2024)
Horticulture Research 8.7 (2024)
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 8.7 (2024)
npj Parkinsons Disease 8.7 (2024)
Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 8.7 (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Systems 8.7 (2024)
Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing 8.7 (2024)
Renewable Energy 8.7 (2024)
Plant Physiology 8.7 (2024)
Journal of Crohns and Colitis 8.7 (2024)
International Business Review 8.7 (2024)
Immunological Reviews 8.7 (2024)
Energy Geoscience 8.62 (2024)
Mucosal Immunology 8.6 (2024)
Cell Chemical Biology 8.6 (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 8.6 (2024)
Internet and Higher Education 8.6 (2024)
Movement Disorders 8.6 (2024)
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 8.6 (2024)
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 8.6 (2024)
Chemistry of Materials 8.6 (2024)
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 8.6 (2024)
Physical Review Letters 8.6 (2024)
Information Processing and Management 8.6 (2024)
Conservation Letters 8.5 (2024)
npj Vaccines 8.5 (2024)
Advances in Physics X 8.5 (2024)
European Review of Social Psychology 8.5 (2024)
Essays in Biochemistry 8.5 (2024)
Sustainability Science Practice and Policy 8.5 (2024)
Oeconomia Copernicana 8.5 (2024)
Expert Systems with Applications 8.5 (2024)
Cell Proliferation 8.5 (2024)
American Political Science Review 8.5 (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 8.5 (2024)
Long Range Planning 8.5 (2024)
Critical Studies in Education 8.5 (2024)
Telematics and Informatics 8.5 (2024)
Blockchain Research and Applications 8.42 (2024)
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 8.4 (2024)
Circulation Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 8.4 (2024)
Physiology 8.4 (2024)
Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 8.4 (2024)
Chemical Science 8.4 (2024)
Metabolic Engineering 8.4 (2024)
Journal of Cheminformatics 8.4 (2024)
European Journal of Cancer 8.4 (2024)
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 8.4 (2024)
World Bank Research Observer 8.4 (2024)
Journal of Destination Marketing and Management 8.4 (2024)
British Journal of Cancer 8.4 (2024)
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 8.35 (2024)
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 8.3 (2024)
Hypertension 8.3 (2024)
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 8.3 (2024)
Strategic Management Journal 8.3 (2024)
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 8.3 (2024)
Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies 8.3 (2024)

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