Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials Journals List by Impact Factor 2025

Are you looking for Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials Journal Impact Ratings/Impact Factor? or Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials Impact Factor 2025 Then you are in the right place.

Here, we are providing the updated impact factors of top peer-reviewed and scholarly electronic, optical and magnetic materials journals.

Before diving into the impact factors, let's first understand what an Impact Factor is.

Impact factor is one of the best methods to analyze the quality of any scholarly peer-reviewed journal.

A higher impact factor indicates that a scientific journal is considered a high-quality publication and is among the best and leading journals in its field.

Impact Factor of Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials Journals 2025

Check the updated Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials Journal Citation Reports (JCR)/Impact Factor list of journals.

Journals List Subject ISSN Impact Factor
Advanced Electronic Materials Materials Science 2199-160X 5.3
Advanced Electromagnetics Physics and Astronomy 2119-0275 0.8
Advanced Quantum Technologies Computer Science 2511-9044 4.4
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Materials Science 1095-7103 9.9
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences Physics and Astronomy 1547-6561 11.1
ACS Photonics Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 2330-4022 6.5
Photonics Research Physics and Astronomy 2327-9125 7.6
Polymer Reviews Materials Science 1558-3716 13.1
Advanced Optical Materials Materials Science 2195-1071 8.0
Progress in Photovoltaics Physics and Astronomy 1099-159X 6.7
Advanced Fiber Materials Materials Science 2524-793X 17.2
NPJ Quantum Materials Physics and Astronomy 2397-4648 6.3
Materials Today Nano Physics and Astronomy 2588-8420 10.3
Progress in Quantum Electronics Physics and Astronomy 0079-6727 11.7
Acta Materialia Materials Science 1359-6454 8.3
Optica Physics and Astronomy 2334-2536 10.4
Light Science and Applications Physics and Astronomy 2047-7538 19.1
PRX Quantum Physics and Astronomy 2691-3399 9.7
InfoMat Materials Science 2567-3165 22.7
Nature Electronics Physics and Astronomy 2520-1131 38.6
Advanced Photonics Engineering 2577-5421 20.6
Nature Photonics Physics and Astronomy 1749-4893 38.2
Acta Optica Sinica Physics and Astronomy 0253-2239 2.119
Chinese Journal of Lasers Physics and Astronomy 0258-7025 2.487
Chinese Optics Letters Physics and Astronomy 1671-7694 3.5
Journal of Materiomics Materials Science 2352-8486 9.4
Journal of Advanced Ceramics Materials Science 2227-8508 17.26
Nature Energy Materials Science 2058-7546 67.439
Nature Reviews Materials Materials Science 2058-8437 76.679