Biomaterials Journals List by Impact Factor 2025

Are you looking for Biomaterials Journal Impact Ratings/Impact Factor? or Biomaterials Impact Factor 2025 Then you are in the right place.

Here, we are providing the updated impact factors of top peer-reviewed and scholarly biomaterials journals.

Before diving into the impact factors, let's first understand what an Impact Factor is.

Impact factor is one of the best methods to analyze the quality of any scholarly peer-reviewed journal.

A higher impact factor indicates that a scientific journal is considered a high-quality publication and is among the best and leading journals in its field.

Impact Factor of Biomaterials Journals 2025

Check the updated Biomaterials Journal Citation Reports (JCR)/Impact Factor list of journals.

Journals List Subject ISSN Impact Factor
Advanced NanoBiomed Research Medicine 2699-9307 4.0
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Materials Science 1095-7103 9.9
Biofabrication Medicine 1758-5090 9
Biomaterials Research Medicine 2055-7124 11.3
Advanced healthcare materials Engineering 2192-2659 10.0
Biomaterials Materials Science 1878-5905 14
Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science Materials Science 0976-8432 0.8
Smart Materials in Medicine Materials Science 2590-1834 9.30
Nature Reviews Materials Materials Science 2058-8437 76.679