Web of Science Indexed Engineering Journals List 2024

Are you looking for a list of Web of Science Indexed Engineering Journals? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed web of science indexed engineering journals.

In this post, we are providing a selection of top web of science-indexed engineering publications with high impact.

All of these journals are approved by web of science and are peer-reviewed scholarly journals.

Some of them are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor. Additionally, many of these journals are indexed in various databases like PubMed, Scopus, Embase, DOAJ, Google Scholar, and Web of Science (WOS).

This list includes the best national and international engineering academic journals. Some of them are top-ranking and highly scientific, with a high H-index and ranking.

For the most recent list of Web of Science Indexed Engineering Journals, see the list below.

Journal title Access Type ISSN Payment (APC)
Nature Biotechnology Subscription Journal 1546-1696
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys Open Access 2213-9567
Nano Materials Science Open Access 2589-9651
Energy and Built Environment Open Access 2666-1233
Water Cycle Open Access 2666-4453
Smart Materials in Medicine Open Access 2590-1834
Journal of Communications and Information Networks Subscription Journal 2509-3312
Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research Open Access 2542-5048
Friction Open Access 2223-7704
China Communications Subscription Journal 1673-5447
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics Open Access 2588-9230
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture Open Access 2589-7217
Underground Space Open Access 2467-9674
Building Simulation Subscription Journal 1996-8744
Frontiers of Optoelectronics Subscription Journal 2095-2767
International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management Subscription Journal 0976-4348
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering Open Access 2666-3074
Water Science and Engineering Open Access 2405-8106
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences Open Access 2455-7749
Sensors International Subscription Journal 2666-3511
Chinese Optics Letters Subscription Journal 1671-7694
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering Open Access 2095-0241
Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology Open Access 2405-805X
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture Open Access 2588-8404
Defence Technology Open Access 2214-9147
International Journal of Automation and Computing Subscription Journal 1476-8186
Journal of Hydrodynamics Subscription Journal 1878-0342
Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors Open Access 2228-7477
Journal of Safety Science and Resilience Open Access 2096-7527
Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences Open Access 0975-1017
Defence Science Journal Open Access 0976-464X
Global Energy Interconnection Open Access 2590-0358
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica Subscription Journal 1860-2134
International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Open Access 1934-6352
Chinese Journal of Lasers Subscription Journal 0258-7025
Advanced Materials Subscription Journal 1521-4095
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Subscription Journal 1558-0008
Journal of Ocean University of China Subscription Journal 1672-5182
Nature Biomedical Engineering Subscription Journal 2157-846X
IEEE Wireless Communications Subscription Journal 1558-0687
Science Robotics Subscription Journal 2470-9476
Chinese Space Science and Technology Subscription Journal 1000-758X
China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology Subscription Journal 1008-6234
Proceedings of the IEEE Subscription Journal 1558-2256
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics Subscription Journal 2168-2275
Nature Materials Subscription Journal 1476-1122
IEEE Communications Magazine Subscription Journal 1558-1896
Nature Nanotechnology Subscription Journal 1748-3395
Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control Subscription Journal 2325-6826
Advanced Photonics Open Access 2577-5421
Nature Electronics Subscription Journal 2520-1131
ACS Nano Subscription Journal 1936-086X
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine Subscription Journal 1556-6080
PRX Quantum Open Access 2691-3399
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Subscription Journal 1558-2523
Materials Horizons Subscription Journal 2051-6355
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Subscription Journal 1941-0050
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Subscription Journal 1558-0792
Automatica Subscription Journal 0005-1098
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems Subscription Journal 2573-5144
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture Subscription Journal 0890-6955
Annual Reviews in Control Subscription Journal 1367-5788
Cement and Concrete Composites Subscription Journal 0958-9465
Water Research Subscription Journal 1879-2448
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Subscription Journal 1558-0679
Journal of Product Innovation Management Subscription Journal 1540-5885
International Materials Reviews Subscription Journal 1743-2804
Transportation Research Part B Methodological Subscription Journal 0191-2615
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Systems Subscription Journal 2168-2232
npj Flexible Electronics Open Access 2397-4621
Nano Letters Subscription Journal 1530-6992
New Phytologist Subscription Journal 1469-8137
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Subscription Journal 1941-0034
Transportation Research, Part E Logistics and Transportation Review Subscription Journal 1366-5545
npj Computational Materials Open Access 2057-3960
International Journal of Production Research Subscription Journal 1366-588X
Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Subscription Journal 1467-8667
ACS Materials Letters Subscription Journal 2639-4979
Applied Energy Subscription Journal 0306-2619
AVS Quantum Science Subscription Journal 2639-0213
Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies Subscription Journal 0968-090X
Progress in Aerospace Sciences Subscription Journal 0376-0421
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Subscription Journal 0736-5845
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Subscription Journal 1941-0107
International Journal of Plasticity Subscription Journal 0749-6419
IEEE CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica Subscription Journal 2329-9274
Biomaterials Subscription Journal 1878-5905
International Journal of Production Research Subscription Journal 1366-588X
China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology Subscription Journal 1008-6234
Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research Open Access 2542-5048
Journal of Communications and Information Networks Subscription Journal 2509-3312
Nano Materials Science Open Access 2589-9651
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering Open Access 2666-3074
npj 2D Materials and Applications Open Access 2397-7132
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Subscription Journal 1557-9948
Production and Operations Management Subscription Journal 1937-5956
Progress in Quantum Electronics Subscription Journal 0079-6727
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters Subscription Journal 2162-2345
IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits Subscription Journal 1558-173X
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis Subscription Journal 1432-0673
International Journal of Robotics Research Subscription Journal 1741-3176
Technovation Subscription Journal 1879-2383
Journal of the ACM Subscription Journal 1557-735X
Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering Subscription Journal 1545-4274
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Subscription Journal 1558-0008
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Subscription Journal 0736-5845
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Subscription Journal 1558-254X
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing Open Access 2631-7990
Composites Part B Engineering Subscription Journal 1359-8368
Soft Robotics Subscription Journal 2169-5180
Transportation Science Subscription Journal 1526-5447
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Subscription Journal 1939-9359
Biosensors and Bioelectronics Subscription Journal 1873-4235
IEEE Transactions on Robotics Subscription Journal 1941-0468
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Subscription Journal 1558-0016
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security Subscription Journal 1556-6013
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics Subscription Journal 2168-6785
Progress in Photovoltaics Subscription Journal 1099-159X
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology Subscription Journal 0886-7798
Cell Reports Physical Science Open Access 2666-3864
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering Subscription Journal 1941-1189
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Subscription Journal 1558-0660
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Subscription Journal 1941-0476
Polymer Reviews Subscription Journal 1558-3716
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification Subscription Journal 2332-7782
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Subscription Journal 1096-1216
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Subscription Journal 1558-0644
Advanced healthcare materials Subscription Journal 2192-2659
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems Subscription Journal 2325-5870
Information Processing and Management Subscription Journal 1873-5371
Quantum Science and Technology Subscription Journal 2058-9565
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management Subscription Journal 1741-038X
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management Subscription Journal 1741-038X
International Journal of Engineering Science Subscription Journal 0020-7225
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Subscription Journal 1558-2221
Current Opinion in Biotechnology Open Access 1879-0429
Information Sciences Subscription Journal 1872-6291
Materials Today Advances Open Access 2590-0498
Transportation Research Part A Policy and Practice Subscription Journal 0965-8564
Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment Subscription Journal 1361-9209
Energy Subscription Journal 1873-6785
Journal of Cleaner Production Open Access 1879-1786
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water Subscription Journal 2049-1948
Global Food Security Subscription Journal 2211-9124
Accident Analysis and Prevention Subscription Journal 1879-2057
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology Open Access 2644-1330
ACS Photonics Subscription Journal 2330-4022
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology Open Access 2644-1330
IEEE ASME Transactions on Mechatronics Subscription Journal 1941-014X
Nano Convergence Open Access 2196-5404
Construction and Building Materials Subscription Journal 0950-0618
Learning Media and Technology Subscription Journal 1743-9892
Telematics and Informatics Subscription Journal 1879-324X
Structural Health Monitoring Subscription Journal 1475-9217
Expert Systems with Applications Subscription Journal 1873-6793
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine Subscription Journal 1941-0115
Virtual and Physical Prototyping Subscription Journal 1745-2767
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Subscription Journal 1522-9653
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition Subscription Journal 549-7852
IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking Subscription Journal 1558-2566
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters Subscription Journal 1548-5757
Journal of Field Robotics Subscription Journal 1556-4967
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Subscription Journal 1558-0865
Biomaterials Research Open Access 2055-7124
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Subscription Journal 1558-3783
npj Regenerative Medicine Open Access 2057-3995
Advanced Materials Technologies Subscription Journal 2365-709X
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Subscription Journal 1937-4208
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Subscription Journal 1557-9670
Composites Science and Technology Subscription Journal 0266-3538
Computers and Industrial Engineering Subscription Journal 0360-8352
Reliability Engineering and System Safety Subscription Journal 1879-0836
Scripta Materialia Subscription Journal 1872-8456
Structural Control and Health Monitoring Subscription Journal 1545-2263
Vehicular Communications Subscription Journal 2214-210X
Smart Energy Open Access 2666-9552
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Subscription Journal 1873-6769
Production Planning and Control Subscription Journal 1366-5871
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing Subscription Journal 1941-0018
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Subscription Journal 1096-9845
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Subscription Journal 0022-5096
Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing Subscription Journal 1878-5840
Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering Open Access 2836-4619
Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering Open Access 2836-4619
2D Materials Open Access 2053-1583
Journal of Technology Transfer Subscription Journal 0892-9912
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives Open Access 2590-1982
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences Subscription Journal 1547-6561
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Subscription Journal 2377-3766
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management Subscription Journal 1932-4537
IEEE Control Systems Letters Subscription Journal 2475-1456
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics Open Access 2644-1314
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics Subscription Journal 2168-2208
Engineering Structures Subscription Journal 1873-7323
Advanced Materials Subscription Journal 1521-4095
Building and Environment Subscription Journal 1873-684X
APL Materials Open Access 2166-532X
CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology Subscription Journal 1726-0604
Applied Thermal Engineering Subscription Journal 1873-5606
Developments in the Built Environment Open Access 2666-1659
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering Subscription Journal 2327-4697
Biofabrication Subscription Journal 1758-5090
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Subscription Journal 1879-3517
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences Subscription Journal 1879-2162
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE Subscription Journal 1943-5479
Mechanism and Machine Theory Subscription Journal 1873-3999
Microsystems and Nanoengineering Open Access 2055-7434
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Subscription Journal 1941-0077
International Journal of Fatigue Subscription Journal 1879-3452
International Journal of Impact Engineering Subscription Journal 0734-743X
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems Subscription Journal 1940-9990
ACS Applied Energy Materials Subscription Journal 2574-0962
ISA Transactions Subscription Journal 1879-2022
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology Subscription Journal 1939-5116
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles Subscription Journal 2379-8858
Advanced Quantum Technologies Subscription Journal 2511-9044
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Subscription Journal 2329-7670
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems Subscription Journal 1556-4703
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems Subscription Journal 1556-4703
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Subscription Journal 2329-7670
Acta Polytechnica Open Access 1805-2363
Acta Polytechnica Open Access 1805-2363
Additive Manufacturing Subscription Journal 2214-8604
Additive Manufacturing Subscription Journal 2214-8604
Advanced Electromagnetics Open Access 2119-0275
Advanced NanoBiomed Research Open Access 2699-9307
Advanced Electromagnetics Open Access 2119-0275
Advanced Powder Technology Subscription Journal 1568-5527
Advanced Powder Technology Subscription Journal 1568-5527
Advanced Powder Technology Subscription Journal 1568-5527
Advances in Aerodynamics Open Access 2524-6992
Advances in Aerodynamics Open Access 2524-6992
Advances in Aerodynamics Open Access 2524-6992
Advances in Applied Ceramics Subscription Journal 1743-6761
Advances in Complex Systems Subscription Journal 1793-6802
Advances in Computational Design Open Access 2466-0523
Advances in Concrete Construction Open Access 2287-531X
Advances in Concrete Construction Open Access 2287-531X
Advances in Concrete Construction Open Access 2287-531X
Advances in Concrete Construction Open Access 2287-531X
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Subscription Journal 2075-1354
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Subscription Journal 2075-1354
Advances in Computational Design Open Access 2466-0523
Advances in Complex Systems Subscription Journal 1793-6802
Advances in Applied Ceramics Subscription Journal 1743-6761
Advances in Applied Ceramics Subscription Journal 1743-6761
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