Taylor and Francis Social Sciences Journals List 2024

Taylor and Francis Social Sciences Journals List 2024 ISSN
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 0735-0015
Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health 2159-676X
Communication Methods and Measures 1931-2458
Political Communication 1058-4609
Structural Equation Modeling 1070-5511
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 0966-9582
Transport Reviews 0144-1647
Digital Journalism 2167-0811
Tourism Geographies 1461-6688
Journal of the American Planning Association 0194-4363
Journal of Interactive Advertising 1525-2019
European Journal of Information Systems 0960-085X
West European Politics 0140-2382
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 0966-9582
Review of International Political Economy 0969-2290
Journal of Peasant Studies 0306-6150
Public Management Review 1471-9037
Journal of Advertising 0091-3367
Annals of the International Communication Association 2380-8985
International Journal of Advertising 0265-0487
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 0260-2938
Current Issues in Tourism 1368-3500
European Societies 1461-6696
Journal of the Learning Sciences 1050-8406
Journal of the Learning Sciences 1050-8406
Journal of European Public Policy 1350-1763
European Journal of Teacher Education 0261-9768
Learning Media and Technology 1743-9884
Distance Education 0158-7919
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 1367-0050
Research on Language and Social Interaction 0835-1813
Environmental Politics 0964-4016
Economic Geography 0013-0095
Information Communication and Society 1369-118X
Democratization 1351-0347
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 0898-5626
Regional Studies 0034-3404
Sustainability Science Practice and Policy 1548-7733
Sustainability Science Practice and Policy 1548-7733
Computer Assisted Language Learning 0958-8221
Cognition and Instruction 0737-0008
Applied Developmental Science 1088-8691
Studies in Higher Education 0307-5079
Economy and Society 0308-5147
Urban Geography 0272-3638
Policy Design and Practice 2574-1292
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 2469-4452
Journal of Aging and Social Policy 0895-9420
New Political Economy 1356-3467
Journalism Studies 1461-670X
Studies in Science Education 0305-7267
Justice Quarterly 0741-8825
Theory and Research in Social Education 0093-3104
Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546
Feminist Economics 1354-5701
Critical Studies in Education 1750-8487
Scientific Studies of Reading 1088-8438
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