Taylor and Francis Psychology Journals List 2025

The Taylor and Francis Psychology journals list offers a comprehensive selection of peer-reviewed, open-access journals dedicated to advancing research and knowledge in the Psychology field.

Journals Subject ISSN IF
Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health Social Sciences 2159-676X 4.9
Educational Psychologist Psychology 0046-1520 8.8
Health Psychology Review Medicine 1743-7199 9.8
European Review of Social Psychology Psychology 1046-3283 8.5
Qualitative Research in Psychology Psychology 1478-0887 11.0
Work and Stress Psychology 0267-8373 8.1
Journal of the Learning Sciences Social Sciences 1050-8406 3.8
Journal of the Learning Sciences Social Sciences 1050-8406 3.8
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology Psychology 1359-432X 5.8
Research on Language and Social Interaction Social Sciences 0835-1813 2.7
Cognition and Instruction Social Sciences 0737-0008 4.4
Applied Developmental Science Social Sciences 1088-8691 3.8
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Psychology 1537-4416 4.2
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology Psychology 1750-984X 9.6
Journal of Positive Psychology Psychology 1743-9760 12
Scientific Studies of Reading Social Sciences 1088-8438 3.7
Multivariate Behavioral Research Psychology 0027-3171 3.8