Elsevier Open Access Journals List

Are you looking for a list of Elsevier Journals List? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we provide an updated list of Elsevier journals, including metrics such as Impact Factor, CiteScore, SJR, ranking, journal access type, and APC charges.

If you want to find academic and peer-reviewed journals from Elsevier, you can visit our free journal finder tool dedicated to Elsevier : Elsevier Journals Finder

There, you can access a complete list of indexed, academic, and peer-reviewed journals, along with their Impact Factors.

For the Elsevier Journals List, see the list below.

Elsevier Publication List

Journals Subject Access Type ISSN Payment (APC)
AACE Clinical Case Reports Open Access 2376-0605
Acta Psychologica Open Access 0001-6918
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews Open Access 0169-409X
Advances in Applied Energy Open Access 2666-7924
Advances in Ophthalmology Practice and Research Open Access 2667-3762
Brain Stimulation Open Access 1935-861X
Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepato... Open Access 2352-345X
Cement and Concrete Research Open Access 0008-8846
China Journal of Accounting Research Open Access 1755-3091
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics Open Access 1000-9361
Computers and Education Open Access 0360-1315
Current Opinion in Biotechnology Open Access 0958-1669
Developments in the Built Environment Open Access 2666-1659
eClinicalMedicine Open Access 2589-5370
Engineering Open Access 2095-8099
Environment international Open Access 0160-4120
ESMO Open Open Access 2059-7029
Food Chemistry Open Access 0308-8146
Fundamental Research Open Access 2096-9457
Giant Open Access 2666-5425
Horticultural Plant Journal Open Access 2095-9885
Information Processing in Agriculture Open Access 2214-3173
International Journal of Epilepsy Open Access 2213-6320
International Journal of Information Management Open Access 1873-4707
iScience Open Access 2589-0042
JACC Basic to Translational Science Open Access 2452-302X
JACC CardioOncology Open Access 2666-0873
Journal of Biological Chemistry Open Access 0021-9258
Journal of Cleaner Production Open Access 0959-6526
Journal of Criminal Justice Open Access 0047-2352
Journal of Lipid Research Open Access 0022-2275
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science Open Access 2468-0133
Journal of Orthopaedics Open Access 2589-9082
Journal of Pathology Informatics Open Access 2229-5089
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adole... Open Access 0890-8567
Journal of the Formosan Medical Association Open Access 0929-6646
Materials Today Advances Open Access 2590-0498
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Open Access 1535-9476
Nature Communications Open Access 2041-1723
Neurobiology of Disease Open Access 0969-9961
NeuroImage Open Access 1053-8119
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research Open Access 1350-9462
Regional Sustainability Open Access 2097-0129
Resources Conservation and Recycling Advances Open Access 2667-3789
Smart Energy Open Access 2666-9552
SSM Population Health Open Access 2352-8273
The Lancet Global Health Open Access 2214-109X
The Lancet Haematology Open Access 2352-3026
The Lancet Healthy Longevity Open Access 2666-7568
The Lancet Microbe Open Access 2666-5247
The Lancet Public Health Open Access 2468-2667
The Lancet Regional Health Europe Open Access 2666-7762
The Lancet Regional Health Western Pacific Open Access 2666-6065
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspect... Open Access 2590-1982
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease Open Access 1477-8939
Trends in Ecology and Evolution Open Access 0169-5347
Trends in Neurosciences Open Access 0166-2236
Water Research X Open Access 2589-9147
Water Science and Engineering Open Access 1674-2370