Engineering Peer Reviewed Journals List 2025

What is Peer Review Process

Peer review is the process of having a group of experts in a particular field evaluate the work of a researcher before it is published in a journal or other publication. This process is designed to ensure that the work is original, valid, and significant.

What are Peer Reviewed Journals

Peer-reviewed journals are scholarly publications that subject submitted articles to a rigorous evaluation process conducted by experts in the relevant field. This process, known as peer review, ensures that only high-quality, original, and well-researched articles are published, upholding the credibility and integrity of the journal and the broader academic community.

Engineering Peer Reviewed Journals

Journals title ISSN Impact Factor SJR
Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 2542-5048 9.9 2.234
Nano Materials Science 2589-9651 9.9 1.917
International Journal of Plasticity 0749-6419 9.8 2.840
PRX Quantum 2691-3399 9.7 4.415
Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 1545-4274 9.7 2.927
Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 1467-8667 9.6 2.962
ACS Materials Letters 2639-4979 9.6 3.003
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 0376-0421 9.6 2.881
Annual Reviews in Control 1367-5788 9.4 3.343
New Phytologist 1469-8137 9.4 3.047
Acta Biomaterialia 1878-7568 9.4 1.925
Smart Materials in Medicine 2590-1834 9.30 1.612
Nano Convergence 2196-5404 9.3 1.891
Nano Research 1998-0000 9.2 2.486
International Journal of Robotics Research 1741-3176 9.2 2.729
Composites Science and Technology 0266-3538 9.1 1.766
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2208-598X 9.0 1.565
Energy 1873-6785 9 1.989
Biofabrication 1758-5090 9 1.534
Cell Reports Physical Science 2666-3864 8.9 2.598
Global Food Security 2211-9124 8.9 2.173
International Journal of Production Research 1366-588X 8.8 2.976
Sensors International 2666-3511 8.78 0.851
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Systems 2168-2232 8.7 3.688
Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing 1878-5840 8.7 1.661
Information Processing and Management 1873-5371 8.6 2.106
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2590-1982 8.6 1.629
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 1939-5116 8.6 1.588
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 1558-0016 8.5 2.674
Telematics and Informatics 1879-324X 8.5 1.878
Expert Systems with Applications 1873-6793 8.5 1.873
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 1096-1216 8.4 2.475
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 1741-038X 8.4 2.083
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 2666-3074 8.35 1.015
Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies 0968-090X 8.3 2.882
Journal of Field Robotics 1556-4967 8.3 2.019
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 1558-0644 8.2 2.400
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water 2049-1948 8.2 2.245
Developments in the Built Environment 2666-1659 8.2 1.556
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 2379-8858 8.2 1.583
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 1556-6080 8.1 4.469
Information Sciences 1872-6291 8.1 2.285
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 1879-0836 8.1 1.760
Friction 2223-7704 8.09 1.376
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1873-6769 8 1.729
Soft Robotics 2169-5180 7.9 2.859
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 1558-0660 7.9 2.541
Computers and Industrial Engineering 0360-8352 7.9 1.760
Production Planning and Control 1366-5871 7.9 1.719
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 1941-0468 7.8 2.716
Communications Materials 2662-4443 7.8 1.911
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 1557-9948 7.7 3.194
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 1879-0429 7.7 2.055
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2168-2208 7.7 1.672
Microsystems and Nanoengineering 2055-7434 7.7 1.515
Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment 1361-9209 7.6 2.024
International Journal of Intelligent Networks 2666-6030 7.50 0.760
Construction and Building Materials 0950-0618 7.4 1.888
Building and Environment 1873-684X 7.4 1.584
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 1943-5479 7.4 1.645
Water Cycle 2666-4453 7.39 1.613
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 1941-0018 7.3 1.828
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 1879-2162 7.3 1.532
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 1941-0077 7.3 1.638
ISA Transactions 1879-2022 7.3 1.588
npj Regenerative Medicine 2057-3995 7.2 1.967
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 2468-0133 7.1 0.555
Structural Health Monitoring 1475-9217 7.0 1.877
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 2332-7782 7 2.487
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 1522-9653 7 1.863
Nature Biotechnology 1546-1696 68.164 22.781
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 0886-7798 6.9 2.125
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 1558-2523 6.8 4.334
Transportation Research Part B Methodological 0191-2615 6.8 3.205
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 1939-9359 6.8 2.802
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 1556-6013 6.8 2.652
Advanced Intelligent Systems 2640-4567 6.8 322
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 1941-0107 6.7 3.341
Progress in Photovoltaics 1099-159X 6.7 2.132
Quantum Science and Technology 2058-9565 6.7 2.341
Vehicular Communications 2214-210X 6.7 1.846
Journal of Management Science and Engineering 2589-5532 6.6 1.384
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 1558-0679 6.6 3.726
International Journal of Engineering Science 0020-7225 6.6 2.082
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 2327-4697 6.6 1.647
ACS Photonics 2330-4022 6.5 2.089
Underground Space 2467-9674 6.4 1.189
Automatica 0005-1098 6.4 3.657
Transportation Research Part A Policy and Practice 0965-8564 6.4 2.029
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology 2644-1330 6.4 2.116
IEEE ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 1941-014X 6.4 2.069
Advanced Materials Technologies 2365-709X 6.4 1.694
Applied Thermal Engineering 1873-5606 6.4 1.559
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 2162-2345 6.3 3.092
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 1941-0115 6.3 2.039
Smart Energy 2666-9552 6.3 1.741
Building Simulation 1996-8744 6.19 1.171
Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow 2661-8877 6.1 0.871
APL Materials 2166-532X 6.1 1.662
Scripta Materialia 1872-8456 6 1.756
International Journal of Fatigue 1879-3452 6 1.504
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics 2644-1314 5.8 1.674
Journal of Safety Science and Resilience 2096-7527 5.70 0.665
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 2588-9230 5.7 1.225
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 1558-2221 5.7 2.317
Accident Analysis and Prevention 1879-2057 5.7 1.897
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 1558-3783 5.6 1.968
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 2588-8404 5.59 0.777
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2168-6785 5.5 2.641
Learning Media and Technology 1743-9892 5.5 1.879
2D Materials 2053-1583 5.5 1.631
Engineering Structures 1873-7323 5.5 1.607
IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits 1558-173X 5.4 3.043
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 1941-0476 5.4 2.503
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 1545-2263 5.4 1.755
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2574-0962 5.4 1.467
ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 2373-9878 5.4 1.086
Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering 2667-1433 5.33 0.698
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 0022-5096 5.3 1.691
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 1932-4537 5.3 1.693
Engineered Regeneration 2666-1381 5.2 3.250
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2377-3766 5.2 1.693
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 1879-3517 5.2 1.533
Mechanism and Machine Theory 1873-3999 5.2 1.517
Defence Technology 2214-9147 5.1 0.750
International Journal of Impact Engineering 0734-743X 5.1 1.502
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 1940-9990 5.1 1.616
Production and Operations Management 1937-5956 5.0 3.120
Aerospace Science and Technology 1270-9638 5.0 1.490
Nature Materials 1476-1122 47.656 13.874
China Communications 1673-5447 4.88 1.328
Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology 2405-805X 4.8 0.800
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 1558-0865 4.8 1.985
Journal of Technology Transfer 0892-9912 4.8 1.704
Frontiers of Optoelectronics 2095-2767 4.65 1.040
Transportation Science 1526-5447 4.6 2.827
ACS Applied Bio Materials 2576-6422 4.6 0.900
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 1096-9845 4.5 1.714
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2095-0241 4.47 0.805
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 1937-4208 4.4 1.920
Advanced Quantum Technologies 2511-9044 4.4 1.609
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2192-8258 4.31 0.744
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 1557-9670 4.3 1.892
Advanced Materials Interfaces 2196-7350 4.3 1.194
Advances in Nano Research 2287-2388 4.3 0.536
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 2325-5870 4.2 2.376
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 1548-5757 4.2 2.020
Additive Manufacturing Letters 2772-3690 4.2 1.094
Advanced Powder Technology 1568-5527 4.2 0.813
Advances in Manufacturing 2195-3597 4.2 1.065
CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology 1726-0604 4.1 1.661
Advanced NanoBiomed Research 2699-9307 4.0
Advances in Engineering Software 1873-5339 4.0 0.826
Water Science and Engineering 2405-8106 4 0.927
Nature Nanotechnology 1748-3395 39.9 13.141
Nature Electronics 2520-1131 38.6 10.927
Journal of Communications and Information Networks 2509-3312 3.99 1.586
Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 2666-9129 3.9 0.826
Science China Technological Sciences 1869-1900 3.8 0.703
Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao 1614-3116 3.8 0.809
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 1869-103X 3.7 0.854
IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking 1558-2566 3.7 2.025
ACS Synthetic Biology 2161-5063 3.7 1.289
Chinese Optics Letters 1671-7694 3.5 0.822
International Journal of Automation and Computing 1476-8186 3.4 0.731
Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering 2095-9230 3.30 0.667
Advanced Biology 2701-0198 3.2 0.993
3D Printing in Medicine 2365-6271 3.2 0.131
Journal of Meteorological Research 2198-0934 3.1 0.893
Acta Astronautica 0094-5765 3.1 1.106
AgriEngineering 2624-7402 3.0 0.506
IEEE Control Systems Letters 2475-1456 3 1.687
Nature Biomedical Engineering 2157-846X 29.3 6.625
Advanced Materials 1521-4095 27.4 9.191
Science Robotics 2470-9476 25.0 6.479
Proceedings of the IEEE 1558-2256 20.6 5.564
Advanced Photonics 2577-5421 20.6 5.361
Acta Metallurgica Sinica 1006-7191 2.9 0.732
Advances in Aerodynamics 2524-6992 2.9 0.773
Journal of Hydrodynamics 1878-0342 2.84 0.722
Advances in Production Engineering And Management 1855-6531 2.8 0.633
Zidonghua Xuebao Acta Automatica Sinica 1874-1029 2.656 0.480
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 1993-503X 2.63 0.581
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A 1862-1775 2.5 0.590
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1432-0673 2.5 3.041
Journal of the ACM 1557-735X 2.5 2.953
Chinese Journal of Lasers 0258-7025 2.487 0.343
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology 2666-223X 2.34 0.668
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 2329-7670 2.3 0.646
Acta Mechanica 1619-6937 2.3 0.558
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems 1557-7309 2.2 0.569
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 1556-4703 2.2 0.613
Actuators 2076-0825 2.2 0.517
Advances in Concrete Construction 2287-531X 2.2 0.452
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems 1550-4840 2.1 0.680
Advances in Building Energy Research 1756-2201 2.1 0.429
Advances in Structural Engineering 1369-4332 2.1 0.695
AIAA Journal 1533-385X 2.1 1.023
Yantu Lixue, Rock and Soil Mechanics 1000-7598 2.05 0.606
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 1860-2134 2.0 0.511