NMC Approved Social Sciences Journals List 2025

So, you're a Social Sciences social sciences professional eager to stay updated with the latest research and trends?

Well, look no further! We've got you covered with a list of NMC approved social sciences journals that are sure to quench your thirst for knowledge.

These journals are under National Medical Commission (NMC) for their high quality, reliability, and relevance to the social sciences field.

Whether you're a researcher or a author, these publications offer valuable insights, expert opinions, and groundbreaking studies that can enhance your practice and contribute to the advancement of social sciences sector.

Stay tuned for our comprehensive list of social sciences journals recognized by NMC!

We'll break down the top picks in each specialty, so you can find the perfect ones to suit your interests and needs.

Sr. No Journals ISSN Subject Impact Factor
1 Ambitos 2386-4494 Social Sciences 0.6
2 Ambiente e Sociedade 1414-753X Social Sciences
3 Advances in Social Work 2331-4125 Social Sciences
4 Qualitative Research 1468-7941 Social Sciences 4.1
5 Journal of Research on Adolescence 1532-7795 Social Sciences 3.6
6 Sociology of Religion 1069-4404 Social Sciences 3.1
7 Social Science Computer Review 1552-8286 Social Sciences 4.1
8 Journal of Family Theory and Review 1756-2589 Social Sciences
9 Language Testing 0265-5322 Social Sciences 4.4
10 Econometric Theory 1469-4360 Social Sciences 1.3
11 Geography Compass 1749-8198 Social Sciences 3.1
12 Economy and Society 1469-5766 Social Sciences 5.7
13 Journal of Mixed Methods Research 1558-6901 Social Sciences 3.9
14 Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 1468-0084 Social Sciences 2.5
15 Journal of Industrial Ecology 1530-9290 Social Sciences 5.9
16 Regional Studies 1360-0591 Social Sciences 5.1
17 Journal of Youth and Adolescence 1573-6601 Social Sciences 4.9
18 RSF 2377-8261 Social Sciences
19 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 2578-1863 Social Sciences 10.3
20 Child Development 1467-8624 Social Sciences 4.6
21 Sociological Methods and Research 1552-8294 Social Sciences 5.9
22 Sociological Methodology 1467-9531 Social Sciences 4.5
23 Public Opinion Quarterly 1537-5331 Social Sciences 4.7
24 Energy Research and Social Science 2214-6296 Social Sciences 6.7
25 Social Issues and Policy Review 1751-2409 Social Sciences 9.4
26 Journal of Marriage and Family 1741-3737 Social Sciences 6.0
27 Journal of Applied Econometrics 1099-1255 Social Sciences 2.1
28 Business and Society 1552-4205 Social Sciences 7.7
29 Human Relations 1741-282X Social Sciences 6.6
30 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 1537-2707 Social Sciences 4.8
31 Nature Climate Change 1758-6798 Social Sciences 31.4
32 Uninga Review 2178-2571 Social Sciences
33 China Economic Quarterly International 2666-9331 Social Sciences
34 Review of Economics and Statistics 1530-9142 Social Sciences 8.0
35 Sociological Bulletin 2457-0257 Social Sciences
36 Journal of South Asian Development 0973-1733 Social Sciences 1.4
37 Indian Journal of Human Development 2456-480X Social Sciences
38 International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks 2577-445X Social Sciences 3.91
39 Iberoamerican Journal of Science Measurement and Communication 2709-3158 Social Sciences
40 South Asia Research 1741-3141 Social Sciences 0.7