Wiley Blackwell Journals List with Impact Factor 2025

Are you looking for a wiley blackwell journals list with impact factor 2025? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we are providing the updated impact factors of wiley blackwell top peer-reviewed and scholarly journals.

Let's start with is Impact factor and why it's important.

Impact factor as a measure of how often a journal's articles are cited by other researchers.

In simpler terms, it's like a popularity contest for academic journals. (What is Impact Factor?)

A higher impact factor generally suggests that a journal publishes high-quality research that is widely recognized and influential in its field.

Now tawk about wiley blackwell Journals Impact Factor

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Wiley Blackwell Journals list by Impact Factor

For the list of top wiley blackwell journals, see the list below.

Sr.no Journal Access Type ISSN Impact Factor
1 International Journal of Consumer Studies Subscription Journal 1470-6423 9.9
2 Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Subscription Journal 1093-9687 9.6
3 Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development Subscription Journal 0037-976X 9.5
4 New Phytologist Subscription Journal 0028-646X 9.4
5 Social Issues and Policy Review Subscription Journal 1751-2395 9.4
6 Obesity Reviews Subscription Journal 1467-7881 8.9
7 Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Subscription Journal 0035-9009 8.9
8 Ecology Letters Subscription Journal 1461-023X 8.8
9 Immunological Reviews Open Access 0105-2896 8.7
10 Cell Proliferation Open Access 0960-7722 8.5
11 Public Administration Review Subscription Journal 0033-3352 8.3
12 International Journal of Management Reviews Subscription Journal 1460-8545 8.1
13 Aging Cell Open Access 1474-9718 8.0
14 Protein Science Subscription Journal 0961-8368 8.0
15 Journal of Finance Subscription Journal 0022-1082 7.870
16 EMBO Reports Subscription Journal 1469-221X 7.7
17 Molecular Ecology Resources Subscription Journal 1755-098X 7.7
18 Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines Subscription Journal 0021-9630 7.6
19 Plant Cell and Environment Subscription Journal 0140-7791 7.3
20 Applied Psychology Subscription Journal 0269-994X 7.2
21 Plant Journal Subscription Journal 0960-7412 7.2
22 Medical Education Subscription Journal 0308-0110 7.1
23 Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems Open Access 1942-2466 6.8
24 Fish and Fisheries Subscription Journal 1467-2960 6.7
25 Liver International Subscription Journal 1478-3223 6.7
26 Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Subscription Journal 0269-2813 6.6
27 British Journal of Educational Technology Subscription Journal 0007-1013 6.6
28 Milbank Quarterly Subscription Journal 0887-378X 6.6
29 British Journal of Haematology Subscription Journal 0007-1048 6.5
30 Child Development Perspectives Subscription Journal 1750-8592 6.4
31 Global Ecology and Biogeography Subscription Journal 1466-822X 6.4
32 Histopathology Subscription Journal 0309-0167 6.4
33 Immunology Subscription Journal 0019-2805 6.4
34 Information Systems Journal Subscription Journal 1350-1917 6.4
35 Conservation Biology Subscription Journal 0888-8892 6.3
36 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Subscription Journal 0002-8614 6.3
37 Econometrica Subscription Journal 0012-9682 6.1
38 People and Nature Open Access 2575-8314 6.1
39 Addiction Subscription Journal 0965-2140 6.0
40 Journal of Marriage and Family Subscription Journal 0022-2445 6.0
41 Ecography Open Access 0906-7590 5.9
42 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Subscription Journal 1470-0328 5.8
43 Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism Subscription Journal 1462-8902 5.8
44 Gender Work and Organization Subscription Journal 0968-6673 5.8
45 New Technology Work and Employment Subscription Journal 0268-1072 5.8
46 Journal of Applied Ecology Subscription Journal 0021-8901 5.7
47 British Journal of Management Subscription Journal 1045-3172 5.6
48 Epilepsia Subscription Journal 0013-9580 5.6
49 Decision Sciences Subscription Journal 0011-7315 5.5
50 Journal of Ecology Subscription Journal 0022-0477 5.5
51 Journal of Physiology Subscription Journal 0022-3751 5.5
52 Personnel Psychology Subscription Journal 0031-5826 5.5
53 FEBS Journal Subscription Journal 1742-464X 5.4
54 Journal of the American Heart Association Open Access 2047-9980 5.4
55 Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Subscription Journal 0001-690X 5.3
56 Advanced Electronic Materials Open Access 2199-160X 5.3
57 European Journal of Political Research Subscription Journal 0304-4130 5.3
58 Evolution Letters Open Access 2056-3744 5.3
59 Journal of Economic Surveys Subscription Journal 0950-0804 5.3
60 Functional Ecology Subscription Journal 0269-8463 5.2
61 European Journal of Neurology Subscription Journal 1351-5101 5.1
62 Plants People Planet Open Access 2572-2611 5.1
63 Antipode Subscription Journal 0066-4812 5.0
64 Journal of Personality Subscription Journal 0022-3506 5.0
65 Production and Operations Management Subscription Journal 1059-1478 5.0
66 International Endodontic Journal Subscription Journal 0143-2885 5
67 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Subscription Journal 0266-4909 5
68 Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology Subscription Journal 0305-1846 5
69 Mammal Review Subscription Journal 0305-1838 4.9
70 Journal of Animal Ecology Subscription Journal 0021-8790 4.8
71 Systematic Entomology Subscription Journal 0307-6970 4.8
72 Criminology and Public Policy Subscription Journal 1538-6473 4.6
73 Diversity and Distributions Open Access 1366-9516 4.6
74 Political Psychology Subscription Journal 0162-895X 4.6
75 Journal of Accounting Research Open Access 0021-8456 4.4
76 Language Learning Subscription Journal 0023-8333 4.4
77 American Journal of Political Science Open Access 0092-5853 4.2
78 Policy Studies Journal Subscription Journal 0190-292X 3.8
79 Developmental Science Subscription Journal 1363-755X 3.7
80 Contemporary Accounting Research Subscription Journal 0823-9150 3.6
81 Journal of Research on Adolescence Subscription Journal 1050-8392 3.6
82 Journal of the European Economic Association Subscription Journal 1542-4774 3.6
83 Public Administration Subscription Journal 0033-3298 3.5
84 Health Services Research Subscription Journal 0017-9124 3.4
85 Journal of Metamorphic Geology Subscription Journal 0263-4929 3.4
86 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Subscription Journal 1468-2427 3.3
87 Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers Subscription Journal 0020-2754 3.3
88 Geography Compass Subscription Journal 1749-8198 3.1
89 Advanced Materials Subscription Journal 0935-9648 27.4
90 Ca A Cancer Journal for Clinicians Open Access 0007-9235 254.7
91 Reviews of Geophysics Subscription Journal 8755-1209 25.2
92 Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics Subscription Journal 0305-9049 2.5
93 RAND Journal of Economics Subscription Journal 0741-6261 2.3
94 Real Estate Economics Subscription Journal 1080-8620 2.2
95 European Journal of Heart Failure Subscription Journal 1388-9842 18.2
96 Plant Biotechnology Journal Open Access 1467-7644 13.8
97 Molecular Systems Biology Open Access 1744-4292 12.744
98 Allergy European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Subscription Journal 0105-4538 12.6
99 Global Change Biology Subscription Journal 1354-1013 12.3
100 Journal of Pineal Research Subscription Journal 0742-3098 12.081