Springer Social Sciences Journals List 2025

The Springer Social Sciences journals list offers a comprehensive selection of peer-reviewed, open-access journals dedicated to advancing research and knowledge in the Social Sciences field.

Journals Subject ISSN IF
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing Social Sciences 0255-660X 2.1
Resonance Social Sciences 0971-8044 0.5
Educational Psychology Review Social Sciences 1040-726X 10.1
Political Behavior Social Sciences 0190-9320 3.9
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review Social Sciences 1096-4037 6.9
International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Social Sciences 1556-1607 4.3
Journal of Youth and Adolescence Social Sciences 0047-2891 4.9
Review of International Organizations Social Sciences 1559-7431 3.9
Journal of Archaeological Research Social Sciences 1059-0161 3.8
Crime Science Social Sciences 2193-7680 4.7
American Journal of Criminal Justice Social Sciences 1066-2316 5.6