NMC Approved Plant Science Journals List 2024

NMC Approved Plant Science Journals List 2024 : As per the new regulations (February 2022) of the National Medical Commision (NMC), India, only original papers, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, and case series that are published in journals included in Medline, PubMed Central, Embase, Scopus, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded and Directory of Open access journals (DOAJ) will be considered for promotion of medical faculty.

Plant Science Journals List 2024 ISSN
IMA Fungus 2210-6359
Life Science Alliance 2575-1077
Horticulture Research 2052-7276
Journal of Experimental Botany 1460-2431
Plant Physiology 1532-2548
Plant Cell and Environment 1365-3040
Journal of Ecology 1365-2745
Plant Journal 1365-313X
BMC Biology 1741-7007
Plant Communications 2590-3462
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1744-7909
Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7652
Annual Review of Phytopathology 1545-2107
Plant Cell 1532-298X
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 1879-0356
Trends in Plant Science 1878-4372
Nature Plants 2055-026X
Molecular Plant 1752-9867
Acta Horticulturae Sinica 0513-353X
Acta Agronomica Sinica China 0496-3490
Chinese Journal of Rice Science 1001-7216
Chinese Journal of Eco Agriculture 2096-6237
Gongcheng Kexue Xuebao Chinese Journal of Engineering 1008-505X
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology 1005-264X
Oil Crop Science 2666-626X
Annual Review of Plant Biology 1545-2123
Annual Review of Pathology Mechanisms of Disease 1553-4014
Reproduction and Breeding 2667-0712
Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources 0976-0512
Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2305-0519
Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science 0976-8432
Plant Science Today 2348-1900
Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 0975-928X
Vegetos 0970-4078
Plant Diversity 2468-2659
Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 0976-058X
Horticultural Plant Journal 2468-0141
Crop Journal 2214-5141
Legume Research 0976-0571
Plant Physiology Reports 2662-2548
Tropical Ecology 2661-8982
Mycosphere 2077-7019
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 0974-0430

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