Home > Database > Scopus Indexed Journals > Scopus Indexed Earth and Planetary Sciences Journals List 2025
Are you looking for a list of Scopus Indexed Earth and Planetary Sciences Journals? Then you are in the right place.
Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed scopus indexed earth and planetary sciences journals.
In this post, we are providing a selection of top scopus-indexed earth and planetary sciences publications with high impact.
All of these journals are approved by scopus and are peer-reviewed scholarly journals.
Some of them are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor. Additionally, many of these journals are indexed in various databases like PubMed, Scopus, Embase, DOAJ, Google Scholar, and Web of Science (WOS).
In our list, you can find a collection of scopus indexed earth and planetary sciences journals without publication fees (APC).
This list includes the best national and international earth and planetary sciences academic journals. Some of them are top-ranking and highly scientific, with a high H-index and ranking.
For the most recent list of Scopus Indexed Earth and Planetary Sciences Journals, see the list below.
Journal title | Access Type | ISSN | Payment (APC) |
Journal of Earth System Science | Open Access | 0973-774X | ✅ |
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy | Open Access | 0973-7758 | ❌ |
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing | Open Access | 0974-3006 | ✅ |
Indian Geotechnical Journal | Subscription Journal | 2277-3347 | ❌ |
China Petroleum Exploration | Subscription Journal | 1672-7703 | ❌ |
Geography and Sustainability | Open Access | 2666-6839 | ✅ |
Geoscience Frontiers | Open Access | 2588-9192 | ✅ |
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering | Open Access | 2589-0417 | ❌ |
Science China Earth Sciences | Subscription Journal | 1869-1897 | ❌ |
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | Subscription Journal | 1861-9533 | ❌ |
Advances in Climate Change Research | Open Access | 2524-1761 | ✅ |
Underground Space | Open Access | 2467-9674 | ❌ |
Himalayan Geology | Subscription Journal | 0971-8966 | ❌ |
Journal of Geographical Sciences | Subscription Journal | 1009-637X | ❌ |
Petroleum Science | Open Access | 1995-8226 | ❌ |
Journal of Earth Science | Subscription Journal | 1867-111X | ❌ |
Journal of Meteorological Research | Subscription Journal | 2198-0934 | ❌ |
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials | Subscription Journal | 1869-103X | ❌ |
Energy Geoscience | Subscription Journal | 2666-7592 | ❌ |
Mausam | Open Access | 0252-9416 | ❌ |
Chinese Geographical Science | Subscription Journal | 1993-064X | ❌ |
China Geology | Open Access | 2589-9430 | ❌ |
International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks | Open Access | 2577-445X | ❌ |
Petroleum | Open Access | 2405-5816 | ❌ |
Journal of Arid Land | Subscription Journal | 2194-7783 | ❌ |
Petroleum Research | Open Access | 2524-1729 | ❌ |
Acta Petrologica Sinica | Subscription Journal | 2095-8927 | ❌ |
Acta Sedimentologica Sinica | Subscription Journal | 1000-0550 | ❌ |
Yantu Lixue, Rock and Soil Mechanics | Subscription Journal | 1000-7598 | ❌ |
Solid Earth Sciences | Open Access | 2451-912X | ❌ |
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | Subscription Journal | 1993-503X | ❌ |
Journal of Mountain Science | Subscription Journal | 1993-0321 | ❌ |
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science | Open Access | 2468-0133 | ❌ |
Meitan Kexue Jishu Coal Science and Technology | Subscription Journal | 0253-2336 | ❌ |
Frontiers of Earth Science | Subscription Journal | 2095-0209 | ❌ |
Geodesy and Geodynamics | Open Access | 2589-0573 | ❌ |
Earthquake Science | Open Access | 1867-8777 | ✅ |
Hupo Kexue Journal of Lake Sciences | Subscription Journal | 1003-5427 | ❌ |
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | Subscription Journal | 2523-3521 | ❌ |
Acta Oceanologica Sinica | Subscription Journal | 1869-1099 | ❌ |
Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences | Subscription Journal | 1006-9895 | ❌ |
Acta Geologica Sinica | Subscription Journal | 1755-6724 | ❌ |
Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica | Open Access | 1001-1595 | ❌ |
Lithologic Reservoirs | Subscription Journal | 1673-8926 | ❌ |
Meitiandizhi Yu Kantan Coal Geology and Exploration | Subscription Journal | 1001-1986 | ❌ |
Reviews of Geophysics | Subscription Journal | 1944-9208 | ✅ |
Applied Geophysics | Subscription Journal | 1672-7975 | ❌ |
Journal of Hohai University | Subscription Journal | 1000-1980 | ❌ |
Journal of Ocean University of China | Subscription Journal | 1672-5182 | ❌ |
Yuhang Xuebao Journal of Astronautics | Subscription Journal | 1000-7229 | ❌ |
Journal of Geo Information Science | Subscription Journal | 1560-8999 | ❌ |
Arid Zone Research | Subscription Journal | 1001-4675 | ❌ |
Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment | Subscription Journal | 1672-6561 | ❌ |
Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions | Subscription Journal | 1674-3822 | ❌ |
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering | Open Access | 2305-7068 | ❌ |
Arid Land Geography | Subscription Journal | 1000-6060 | ❌ |
Journal of Tropical Meteorology | Subscription Journal | 1004-4965 | ❌ |
Annual Review of Marine Science | Subscription Journal | 1941-0611 | ❌ |
Nature Geoscience | Subscription Journal | 1752-0908 | ✅ |
Radiocarbon | Subscription Journal | 1945-5755 | ✅ |
Remote Sensing of Environment | Subscription Journal | 1879-0704 | ✅ |
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems | Open Access | 1942-2466 | ✅ |
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | Open Access | 1538-4365 | ✅ |
Astrophysical Journal Letters | Open Access | 2041-8213 | ✅ |
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | Subscription Journal | 1477-870X | ✅ |
Antipode | Subscription Journal | 1467-8330 | ✅ |
Communications Earth and Environment | Open Access | 2662-4435 | ✅ |
Climate Policy | Subscription Journal | 1752-7457 | ✅ |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change | Subscription Journal | 1757-7799 | ✅ |
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science | Open Access | 2397-3722 | ✅ |
Journal of Petrology | Subscription Journal | 1460-2415 | ✅ |
Limnology And Oceanography Letters | Open Access | 2378-2242 | ✅ |
Limnology And Oceanography Letters | Open Access | 2378-2242 | ✅ |
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | Subscription Journal | 0046-564X | ✅ |
One Earth | Subscription Journal | 2590-3322 | ✅ |
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology | Subscription Journal | 0886-7798 | ✅ |
Earths Future | Open Access | 2328-4277 | ✅ |
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | Subscription Journal | 1520-0477 | ✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | Subscription Journal | 1558-0644 | ✅ |
Geology | Subscription Journal | 1943-2682 | ✅ |
Geotechnique | Open Access | 1751-7656 | ✅ |
Astronomical Journal | Open Access | 1538-3881 | ✅ |
Gondwana Research | Subscription Journal | 1878-0571 | ✅ |
Journal of Metamorphic Geology | Subscription Journal | 1525-1314 | ✅ |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water | Subscription Journal | 2049-1948 | ✅ |
Journal of Climate | Subscription Journal | 1520-0442 | ✅ |
Global Biogeochemical Cycles | Subscription Journal | 1944-9224 | ✅ |
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America | Subscription Journal | 1943-2674 | ✅ |
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Minings Sciences | Subscription Journal | 1365-1609 | ✅ |
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific | Subscription Journal | 1538-3873 | ✅ |
Astrophysical Journal | Open Access | 1538-4357 | ✅ |
Tectonics | Subscription Journal | 1944-9194 | ✅ |
Fish and Fisheries | Subscription Journal | 1467-2979 | ✅ |
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences | Subscription Journal | 1520-0469 | ✅ |
Journal of Geophysical Research Planets | Subscription Journal | 2169-9100 | ✅ |
Computers and Geotechnics | Subscription Journal | 1873-7633 | ✅ |
Monthly Weather Review | Subscription Journal | 1520-0493 | ✅ |
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering | Subscription Journal | 1943-5606 | ✅ |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | Open Access | 1745-3933 | ✅ |
Geophysical Research Letters | Subscription Journal | 1944-8007 | ✅ |
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems | Open Access | 1525-2027 | ✅ |
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics | Subscription Journal | 1096-9845 | ✅ |
Journal of Geophysical Research D Atmospheres | Subscription Journal | 2169-8996 | ✅ |
Quaternary Science Reviews | Subscription Journal | 1873-457X | ✅ |
Annals of the American Association of Geographers | Subscription Journal | 2469-4460 | ❌ |
Geography Compass | Subscription Journal | 1749-8198 | ✅ |
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology | Subscription Journal | 2572-4525 | ✅ |
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes | Subscription Journal | 1099-1530 | ✅ |
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia | Subscription Journal | 1448-6083 | ✅ |
AAPG Bulletin | Subscription Journal | 0149-1423 | ✅ |
Journal of Physical Oceanography | Subscription Journal | 1520-0485 | ✅ |
Limnology and Oceanography | Subscription Journal | 1939-5590 | ✅ |
Acta Geographica Lodziensia | Subscription Journal | 0065-1249 | ❌ |
Acta Geographica Lodziensia | Subscription Journal | 0065-1249 | ❌ |
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica | Open Access | 1732-2421 | ✅ |
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica | Open Access | 1732-2421 | ✅ |
Advances in Astronomy | Open Access | 1687-7977 | ✅ |
Advances in Astronomy | Open Access | 1687-7977 | ✅ |
Advances in Astronomy | Open Access | 1687-7977 | ✅ |
Advances in Astronomy | Open Access | 1687-7977 | ✅ |
Advances in Oceanography and Limnology | Open Access | 1947-573X | ✅ |
Advances in Oceanography and Limnology | Open Access | 1947-573X | ✅ |