Advances in Operator Theory
Mathematics |
2538-225X |
0.8 |
✅ |
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Mathematics |
2075-1354 |
1.5 |
❌ |
Advances in Applied Mathematics
Mathematics |
1090-2074 |
1.0 |
✅ |
Advances in Computational Mathematics
Mathematics |
1572-9044 |
1.7 |
✅ |
Advances in Computational Design
Mathematics |
2466-0523 |
0.9 |
✅ |
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras
Mathematics |
1661-4909 |
1.1 |
✅ |
Advances in Aerodynamics
Mathematics |
2524-6992 |
2.9 |
❌ |
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sc...
Mathematics |
2213-7467 |
2.0 |
✅ |
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory
Mathematics |
1942-3462 |
0.8 |
❌ |
Mathematics |
1614-2411 |
1.7 |
❌ |
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
Mathematics |
2379-8858 |
8.2 |
✅ |
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Mathematics |
1088-6850 |
1.48 |
✅ |
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing
Mathematics |
1095-7197 |
✅ |
Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations Ana...
Mathematics |
2194-041X |
1.5 |
✅ |
International Journal of Fatigue
Mathematics |
1879-3452 |
6 |
✅ |
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
Mathematics |
1615-3383 |
3.0 |
✅ |
Journal of Topology
Mathematics |
1753-8424 |
1.1 |
✅ |
IEEE Control Systems Letters
Mathematics |
2475-1456 |
3 |
✅ |
Mathematics |
2379-5077 |
6.4 |
✅ |
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Mathematics |
2377-3766 |
5.2 |
✅ |
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu
Mathematics |
1475-3030 |
1.1 |
✅ |
Computers and Operations Research
Mathematics |
1873-765X |
4.6 |
✅ |
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
Mathematics |
1537-2715 |
3.3 |
✅ |
Reliability Engineering and System Safety
Mathematics |
1879-0836 |
8.1 |
✅ |
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B
Mathematics |
1096-0902 |
1.4 |
✅ |
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Mathematics |
1095-7170 |
2.9 |
✅ |
Journal of Functional Analysis
Mathematics |
1096-0783 |
1.7 |
✅ |
Annals of Applied Probability
Mathematics |
2168-8737 |
1.703 |
❌ |
Statistical Science
Mathematics |
2168-8745 |
5.7 |
❌ |
Journal of Differential Equations
Mathematics |
1090-2732 |
2.4 |
✅ |
Bayesian Analysis
Mathematics |
1931-6690 |
3.728 |
❌ |
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
Mathematics |
1095-7154 |
2 |
✅ |
Advances in Mathematics
Mathematics |
1090-2082 |
1.5 |
✅ |
Virtual and Physical Prototyping
Mathematics |
1745-2767 |
10.4 |
✅ |
ACM Transactions on Algorithms
Mathematics |
1549-6333 |
0.9 |
✅ |
Journal of Algebraic Geometry
Mathematics |
1534-7486 |
1.8 |
❌ |
American Journal of Mathematics
Mathematics |
1080-6377 |
1.7 |
❌ |
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Mathematics |
1460-244X |
1.8 |
✅ |
Mathematics |
1873-6785 |
9 |
✅ |
SIAM Journal on Optimization
Mathematics |
1095-7189 |
3.1 |
✅ |
Information Sciences
Mathematics |
1872-6291 |
8.1 |
✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Mathematics |
2325-5870 |
4.2 |
✅ |
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
Mathematics |
1556-6048 |
9 |
❌ |
SIAM Journal on Computing
Mathematics |
1095-7111 |
1.6 |
✅ |
Communications in Partial Differential Equations
Mathematics |
1532-4133 |
1.9 |
✅ |
Journal of Statistical Software
Mathematics |
1548-7660 |
5.8 |
❌ |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Mathematics |
1939-9359 |
6.8 |
✅ |
Analysis and PDE
Mathematics |
1948-206X |
❌ |
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics
Mathematics |
2631-9268 |
4.6 |
✅ |
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Mathematics |
1947-6221 |
❌ |
Compositio Mathematica
Mathematics |
1570-5846 |
1.9 |
❌ |
American Statistician
Mathematics |
1537-2731 |
6.4 |
✅ |
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Computational Mole...
Mathematics |
1759-0884 |
11.4 |
✅ |
Journal of Differential Geometry
Mathematics |
1945-743X |
2.5 |
❌ |
SIAM Review
Mathematics |
1095-7200 |
10.2 |
✅ |
International Journal of Robotics Research
Mathematics |
1741-3176 |
9.2 |
✅ |
Forum of Mathematics Pi
Mathematics |
2050-5086 |
2.3 |
✅ |
Geometry and Topology
Mathematics |
1364-0380 |
❌ |
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
Mathematics |
1432-0673 |
2.5 |
✅ |
Annals of Probability
Mathematics |
2168-894X |
2.3 |
✅ |
Duke Mathematical Journal
Mathematics |
1547-7398 |
2.5 |
❌ |
IEEE CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Mathematics |
2329-9274 |
11.8 |
❌ |
Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Sci...
Mathematics |
1551-3068 |
❌ |
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Mathematics |
0736-5845 |
10.4 |
✅ |
Foundations and Trends in Communications and Infor...
Mathematics |
1567-2328 |
✅ |
Mathematics |
1367-4811 |
5.8 |
✅ |
npj Computational Materials
Mathematics |
2057-3960 |
12.3 |
✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
Mathematics |
1941-0034 |
11.9 |
✅ |
Journal of the American Statistical Association
Mathematics |
1537-274X |
5.2 |
✅ |
Mathematics |
1464-3510 |
3.2 |
✅ |
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application
Mathematics |
2326-831X |
7.9 |
❌ |
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
Mathematics |
1558-0792 |
14.9 |
✅ |
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
Mathematics |
1097-0312 |
3.0 |
✅ |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B ...
Mathematics |
1467-9868 |
✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine ...
Mathematics |
939-3539 |
23.6 |
✅ |
Acta Numerica
Mathematics |
1474-0508 |
16.3 |
✅ |
Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control
Mathematics |
2325-6826 |
✅ |
Annals of Statistics
Mathematics |
2168-8966 |
✅ |
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
Mathematics |
1941-0026 |
14.3 |
✅ |
Journal of the American Mathematical Society
Mathematics |
1088-6834 |
4.79 |
❌ |
Kongzhi yu Juece Control and Decision
Mathematics |
1001-0920 |
❌ |
Qinghua Daxue Xuebao Journal of Tsinghua Universit...
Mathematics |
1000-0054 |
❌ |
Lixue Xuebao Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Ap...
Mathematics |
0459-1879 |
❌ |
Science Robotics
Mathematics |
2470-9476 |
25.0 |
❌ |
Annals of Mathematics
Mathematics |
1939-8980 |
4.795 |
❌ |
Frontiers of Mathematics in China
Mathematics |
1673-3576 |
0.871 |
❌ |
Journal of Computational Mathematics
Mathematics |
0254-9409 |
0.9 |
❌ |
East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics
Mathematics |
2079-7370 |
1.0 |
❌ |
Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society
Mathematics |
2455-6475 |
❌ |
Indian Journal of Mathematics
Mathematics |
0019-5324 |
❌ |
Global and Stochastic Analysis
Mathematics |
2248-9444 |
✅ |
Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society
Mathematics |
2320-3110 |
❌ |
Journal of Finance and Data Science
Mathematics |
2405-9188 |
3.69 |
✅ |
Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences
Mathematics |
1664-3615 |
0.97 |
❌ |
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Mathematics |
0975-7465 |
0.7 |
❌ |
International Journal of Automation and Computing
Mathematics |
1476-8186 |
3.4 |
❌ |
Science China Mathematics
Mathematics |
1869-1862 |
1.33 |
❌ |
Frontiers of Computer Science
Mathematics |
2095-2236 |
4.04 |
❌ |
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering...
Mathematics |
2455-7749 |
1.6 |
✅ |
Quantitative Biology
Mathematics |
2095-4697 |
2.38 |
❌ |
Sankhya B
Mathematics |
0976-8394 |
0.9 |
✅ |
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Math...
Mathematics |
0973-7685 |
0.4 |
❌ |
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Mathematics |
0974-6870 |
1.2 |
❌ |
International Journal of Applied and Computational...
Mathematics |
2199-5796 |
❌ |
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinato...
Mathematics |
2543-3474 |
✅ |
Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Resea...
Mathematics |
2220-5810 |
❌ |