List of Free Mathematics Journals Without APC : 2025

Are you looking for without APC mathematics journals? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed without APC mathematics journals.

APC Free mathematics Journals are academic journals that do not charge authors an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish their research.

There are many mathematics journals that charge zero APC (Article Processing Charges) from authors, and these journals are indexed in major databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science (WOS), and DOAJ.

APC Free Mathematics Journals List

For the most recent list of APC waived mathematics journals, see the list below.

Journals List Subject ISSN IF CiteScore
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Mathematics 2075-1354 1.5 2.6
Advances in Aerodynamics Mathematics 2524-6992 2.9 4.5
Annals of Applied Probability Mathematics 2168-8737 1.703 3.0
Statistical Science Mathematics 2168-8745 5.7 5.0
Bayesian Analysis Mathematics 1931-6690 3.728 5.6
Journal of Algebraic Geometry Mathematics 1534-7486 1.8 2.6
American Journal of Mathematics Mathematics 1080-6377 1.7 2.9
Journal of Statistical Software Mathematics 1548-7660 5.8 10.4
Analysis and PDE Mathematics 1948-206X 3.1
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Mathematics 1947-6221 3.8
Compositio Mathematica Mathematics 1570-5846 1.9 2.4
Journal of Differential Geometry Mathematics 1945-743X 2.5 3.4
Geometry and Topology Mathematics 1364-0380 2.9
Duke Mathematical Journal Mathematics 1547-7398 2.5 3.7
Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science Mathematics 1551-3068 5.0
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application Mathematics 2326-831X 7.9 14.0
Journal of the American Mathematical Society Mathematics 1088-6834 4.79 6.5
Qinghua Daxue Xuebao Journal of Tsinghua University Mathematics 1000-0054 1.6
Lixue Xuebao Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Mathematics 0459-1879 2.3
Science Robotics Mathematics 2470-9476 25.0 33.5
Annals of Mathematics Mathematics 1939-8980 4.795 9.1
Frontiers of Mathematics in China Mathematics 1673-3576 0.871 1.6
Journal of Computational Mathematics Mathematics 0254-9409 0.9 2.2
East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics Mathematics 2079-7370 1.0 2.7
Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society Mathematics 2455-6475 0.5
Indian Journal of Mathematics Mathematics 0019-5324 0.8
Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society Mathematics 2320-3110 0.5
Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences Mathematics 1664-3615 0.97 2.5
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Mathematics 0975-7465 0.7 0.9
Quantitative Biology Mathematics 2095-4697 2.38 5.7
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Mathematical Sciences Mathematics 0973-7685 0.4 0.9
Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research Mathematics 2220-5810 2.9