Arts and Humanities Quartile Ranking List 2025

Journals Title Subject Quartile ISSN
Administrative Science Quarterly Arts and Humanities Q1 0001-8392
Journal of Consumer Research Social Sciences Q1 0093-5301
Human Relations Social Sciences Q1 0018-7267
Applied Psychology Psychology Q1 0269-994X
Computers in Human Behavior Psychology Q1 0747-5632
Journal of Marriage and Family Social Sciences Q1 0022-2445
Behavior Research Methods Psychology Q1 1554-351X
Journal of Peasant Studies Social Sciences Q1 0306-6150
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations Social Sciences Q1 1368-4302
Gender and Society Social Sciences Q1 0891-2432
Journal of Archaeological Research Social Sciences Q1 1059-0161
Journalism Social Sciences Q1 1464-8849
International Migration Review Social Sciences Q1 0197-9183
Multivariate Behavioral Research Psychology Q1 0027-3171
Feminist Economics Social Sciences Q1 1354-5701
Health Education and Behavior Medicine Q1 1090-1981
Emotion Review Psychology Q1 1754-0739
Acta Psychologica Psychology Q2 0001-6918
South Asia Research Social Sciences Q2 0262-7280