John Wiley and Sons Journals List

Are you looking for a list of John Wiley and Sons Journals List? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we provide an updated list of John Wiley and Sons journals, including metrics such as Impact Factor, CiteScore, SJR, ranking, journal access type, and APC charges.

If you want to find academic and peer-reviewed journals from John Wiley and Sons, you can visit our free journal finder tool dedicated to John Wiley and Sons : John Wiley and Sons Journals Finder

There, you can access a complete list of indexed, academic, and peer-reviewed journals, along with their Impact Factors.

For the John Wiley and Sons Journals List, see the list below.

John Wiley and Sons Publication List

Journals Subject Access Type ISSN Payment (APC)
Sustainable Development Social Sciences Subscription Journal 0968-0802
Small Methods Materials Science Subscription Journal 2366-9608
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Computational Mole... Mathematics Subscription Journal 1759-0876
Annals of Neurology Neuroscience Subscription Journal 0364-5134
Reviews in Medical Virology Medicine Subscription Journal 1052-9276
Clinical and Translational Medicine Medicine Open Access 2001-1326
Journal of Business Logistics Decision Sciences Subscription Journal 0735-3766
Advanced healthcare materials Engineering Subscription Journal 2192-2640
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society Mathematics Subscription Journal 0024-6115
Theoretical Economics Economics, Econometrics and Finance Open Access 1555-7561
Advances in Astronomy Earth and Planetary Sciences Open Access 1687-7969
Journal of Topology Mathematics Subscription Journal 1753-8416
Nous Arts and Humanities Subscription Journal 0029-4624
Current Protocols in Bioinformatics Medicine Subscription Journal 1934-3396
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology Medicine Subscription Journal 1934-3639
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Economics, Econometrics and Finance Subscription Journal 1932-4391