Elsevier Computer Science Journals List 2025

The Elsevier Computer Science journals list offers a comprehensive selection of peer-reviewed, open-access journals dedicated to advancing research and knowledge in the Computer Science field.

Journals Subject ISSN IF
Journal of Pathology Informatics Medicine 2229-5089
Information Processing in Agriculture Computer Science 2214-3173 10.60
International Journal of Information Management Social Sciences 1873-4707 21
Computers and Education Social Sciences 0360-1315 12
Annual Reviews in Control Engineering 1367-5788 9.4
Internet and Higher Education Social Sciences 1096-7516 8.6
Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies Social Sciences 0968-090X 8.3
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Mathematics 0736-5845 10.4
Computers in Human Behavior Psychology 0747-5632 9.9
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Mathematics 0736-5845 10.4
Computers and Education Social Sciences 0360-1315 12
Neural Networks Neuroscience 0893-6080 7.8
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Engineering 0888-3270 8.4
Journal of Network and Computer Applications Computer Science 1084-8045 8.7
Information Processing and Management Social Sciences 0306-4573 8.6
Pattern Recognition Computer Science 0031-3203 8
Information Sciences Mathematics 0020-0255 8.1
Information and Organization Social Sciences 1471-7727 6.3
Journal of Memory and Language Social Sciences 0749-596X 4.3
Telematics and Informatics Social Sciences 0736-5853 8.5
Expert Systems with Applications Engineering 0957-4174 8.5
Computers and Geotechnics Earth and Planetary Sciences 0266-352X 5.3
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B Mathematics 0095-8956 1.4
Computers and Industrial Engineering Engineering 0360-8352 7.9
Engineering Materials Science 2095-8099 12.8
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Engineering 0952-1976 8
Computers and Operations Research Mathematics 0305-0548 4.6
Advanced Engineering Informatics Computer Science 1474-0346 8.8
Computers and Security Social Sciences 0167-4048 5.6
Developments in the Built Environment Materials Science 2666-1659 8.2
Mechanism and Machine Theory Engineering 0094-114X 5.2
ISA Transactions Physics and Astronomy 0019-0578 7.3
Ad Hoc Networks Computer Science 1570-8705 4.4
Ad Hoc Networks Computer Science 1570-8705 4.4