Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journals List 2025

What is Peer Review Process

Peer review is the process of having a group of experts in a particular field evaluate the work of a researcher before it is published in a journal or other publication. This process is designed to ensure that the work is original, valid, and significant.

What are Peer Reviewed Journals

Peer-reviewed journals are scholarly publications that subject submitted articles to a rigorous evaluation process conducted by experts in the relevant field. This process, known as peer review, ensures that only high-quality, original, and well-researched articles are published, upholding the credibility and integrity of the journal and the broader academic community.

Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journals

Journals title ISSN Impact Factor SJR
Transactions of Tianjin University 1995-8196 7.1 0.893
Nature 1476-4687 69.504 20.957
Tsinghua Science and Technology 1878-7606 6.6 1.648
Fundamental Research 2667-3258 6.2 0.943
iScience 2589-0042 5.8 1.624
The Innovation 2666-6758 32.1 5.057
National Science Review 2053-714X 22.3 2.972
Advanced Theory and Simulations 2513-0390 2.9 0.661
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 0019-4964 2.1 0.501
Science Advances 2375-2548 13.6 4.598
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1091-6490 11.1 4.026
Research 2639-5274 11.0 2.293
Sadhana Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences 0973-7677 1.6 0.324
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 1785-8860 1.4 0.368
Current Science 0011-3891 1.169 0.246
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics 0975-1041 0.846 0.171
Advances in Complex Systems 1793-6802 0.7 0.224
Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 0975-1084 0.555 0.163
Resonance 0973-712X 0.5 0.186
Science, Technology and Society 0973-0796 1.9 0.450