Decision Sciences Peer Reviewed Journals List 2025

What is Peer Review Process

Peer review is the process of having a group of experts in a particular field evaluate the work of a researcher before it is published in a journal or other publication. This process is designed to ensure that the work is original, valid, and significant.

What are Peer Reviewed Journals

Peer-reviewed journals are scholarly publications that subject submitted articles to a rigorous evaluation process conducted by experts in the relevant field. This process, known as peer review, ensures that only high-quality, original, and well-researched articles are published, upholding the credibility and integrity of the journal and the broader academic community.

Decision Sciences Peer Reviewed Journals

Journals title ISSN Impact Factor SJR
International Journal of Operations and Production Management 1758-6593 9.9 2.618
Scientific data 2052-4463 9.8 2.410
Organizational Research Methods 1552-7425 9.5 4.626
Big Data and Society 2053-9517 9.2 2.389
International Journal of Production Research 1366-588X 8.8 2.976
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2590-1982 8.6 1.629
Information Processing and Management 1873-5371 8.6 2.106
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 2666-3074 8.35 1.015
Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies 0968-090X 8.3 2.882
European Journal of Information Systems 1476-9344 8.2 2.481
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 1939-1374 8.1 2.111
Journal of Big Data 2196-1115 8.1 2.714
Information Sciences 1872-6291 8.1 2.285
International Journal of Management Reviews 1468-2370 8.1 2.857
Production Planning and Control 1366-5871 7.9 1.719
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 2326-831X 7.9 3.896
Journal of Management Information Systems 1557-928X 7.7 3.064
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 1943-5479 7.4 1.645
Structural Equation Modeling 1532-8007 7.1 3.014
Omega 0305-0483 6.9 2.679
Transportation Research Part B Methodological 0191-2615 6.8 3.205
Journal of Management Science and Engineering 2589-5532 6.6 1.384
International Journal of Innovation Studies 2096-2487 6.48 0.687
American Statistician 1537-2731 6.4 2.373
Transportation Research Part A Policy and Practice 0965-8564 6.4 2.029
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 1526-5498 6.3 7.126
Journal of Statistical Software 1548-7660 5.8 2.722
Journal of Safety Science and Resilience 2096-7527 5.70 0.665
Statistical Science 2168-8745 5.7 1.978
Decision Sciences 1540-5915 5.5 2.122
Management Science 1526-5501 5.4 5.322
Sport Management Review 1441-3523 5.2 1.513
Journal of the American Statistical Association 1537-274X 5.2 3.397
Production and Operations Management 1937-5956 5.0 3.120
Information Systems Research 1526-5536 4.9 3.257
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 1537-2707 4.8 6.150
Annals of Mathematics 1939-8980 4.795 6.760
Data Science and Management 2666-7649 4.61 0.603
Computers and Operations Research 1873-765X 4.6 1.716
The Lancet Digital Health 2589-7500 30.8 6.433
Strategy Science 2333-2077 3.9 4.232
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 1558-6901 3.9 1.736
Biostatistics 1468-4357 3.8 2.248
Accounting Organizations and Society 0361-3682 3.6 2.208
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 1537-2715 3.3 1.720
Biometrika 1464-3510 3.2 3.566
Management Learning 1461-7307 3.1 1.574
International Journal of Information Management 0268-4012 21 4.906
Advances in Production Engineering And Management 1855-6531 2.8 0.633
Operations Research 1526-5463 2.7 3.579
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 1468-0084 2.5 1.743
Annals of Probability 2168-894X 2.3 3.099
Communications in Transportation Research 2772-4247 15.78 3.188
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2327-4662 10.6 3.747
Transportation Research, Part E Logistics and Transportation Review 1366-5545 10.6 3.005
Journal of Business Logistics 2158-1592 10.3 3.135
Annals of Applied Probability 2168-8737 1.703 1.971
4OR 1614-2411 1.7 0.661
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion 2056-5127 1.3 0.356
Sankhya B 0976-8394 0.9 0.293
Advances in Operations Research 1687-9155 0.8 0.300
Acta Cybernetica 0324-721X 0.3 0.161