NMC Approved Infectious Diseases Journals List 2025

So, you're a Medicine infectious diseases professional eager to stay updated with the latest research and trends?

Well, look no further! We've got you covered with a list of NMC approved infectious diseases journals that are sure to quench your thirst for knowledge.

These journals are under National Medical Commission (NMC) for their high quality, reliability, and relevance to the infectious diseases field.

Whether you're a researcher or a author, these publications offer valuable insights, expert opinions, and groundbreaking studies that can enhance your practice and contribute to the advancement of infectious diseases sector.

Stay tuned for our comprehensive list of infectious diseases journals recognized by NMC!

We'll break down the top picks in each specialty, so you can find the perfect ones to suit your interests and needs.

Sr. No Journals ISSN Subject Impact Factor
1 Vaccine X 2590-1362 Infectious Diseases 3.8
2 AIDS Patient Care and STDs 1557-7449 Infectious Diseases 4.9
3 Current HIV AIDS Reports 1548-3576 Infectious Diseases 4.6
4 Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2049-9957 Infectious Diseases 5.7
5 Trends in Parasitology 1471-5007 Infectious Diseases 9.6
6 Journal of the International AIDS Society 1758-2652 Infectious Diseases 6
7 Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 1873-0442 Infectious Diseases 12
8 Journal of Medical Virology 1096-9071 Infectious Diseases 12.7
9 Gut Microbes 1949-0984 Infectious Diseases 12.2
10 The Lancet Regional Health Western Pacific 2666-6065 Infectious Diseases 7.1
11 Current Opinion in Microbiology 1879-0364 Infectious Diseases 5.4
12 Journal of Infectious Diseases 1537-6613 Infectious Diseases 6.4
13 Emerging Infectious Diseases 1080-6059 Infectious Diseases 11.8
14 Reviews in Medical Virology 1099-1654 Infectious Diseases 11.1
15 Journal of Travel Medicine 1708-8305 Infectious Diseases 13.0
16 Emerging Microbes and Infections 2222-1751 Infectious Diseases 9.9
17 npj Vaccines 2059-0105 Infectious Diseases 8.5
18 Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 1098-5557 Infectious Diseases 12.9
19 FEMS Microbiology Reviews 1574-6976 Infectious Diseases 11.3
20 Trends in Microbiology 1878-4380 Infectious Diseases 18.6
21 Cellular and Molecular Immunology 2042-0226 Infectious Diseases 19.1
22 Clinical Microbiology and Infection 1469-0691 Infectious Diseases 14.2
23 Journal of Infection 1532-2742 Infectious Diseases 28.2
24 The Lancet HIV 2352-3018 Infectious Diseases 14.1
25 Clinical Infectious Diseases 1537-6591 Infectious Diseases 11.8
26 Drug Resistance Updates 1532-2084 Infectious Diseases 24.3
27 The Lancet Microbe 2666-5247 Infectious Diseases 38.2
28 Nature Reviews Microbiology 1740-1534 Infectious Diseases 79.1
29 Clinical Microbiology Reviews 1098-6618 Infectious Diseases 36.8
30 Indian Journal of Leprosy 0254-9395 Infectious Diseases
31 Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity 2588-9338 Infectious Diseases
32 International Journal of One Health 2455-8931 Infectious Diseases
33 Immunity 1097-4180 Infectious Diseases 32.4
34 Journal of Vector Borne Diseases 0972-9062 Infectious Diseases 0.5
35 Tropical Parasitology 2229-7758 Infectious Diseases
36 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 2249-5673 Infectious Diseases 1.7
37 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology 0973-3922 Infectious Diseases 3.1
38 Journal of Global Infectious Diseases 0974-8245 Infectious Diseases 1.6
39 Infectious Disease Modelling 2468-0427 Infectious Diseases 8.8
40 International Journal of Mycobacteriology 2212-554X Infectious Diseases 1.2